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How to Improve Your Facebook Marketing Using Facebook Insights. Do you manage a Facebook page?

How to Improve Your Facebook Marketing Using Facebook Insights

Are you overwhelmed by the amount of statistics you have access to in Facebook Insights? Would you like to know the statistics you need to track to help you boost your growth and visibility? How to Compare Your Facebook Page With the Competition. Are you wondering how your Facebook Page compares to competitors?

How to Compare Your Facebook Page With the Competition

What can you do to improve your performance? Insights into how your competitors are using Facebook can help you better understand your audience on Facebook and how they use Facebook. In this article, I’ll review 5 different tools that can be used to help you compare your Facebook Page against competitors and identify tactics to help you improve your Facebook marketing. #1: Compare Your Statistics With AgoraPulse Barometer AgoraPulse provides a free tool called the AgoraPulse Barometer, which performs an analysis of your Facebook Page and compares it against other companies’ Pages (that also used this tool) that have a similar number of fans.

How to Audit Your Facebook Page Features. How long has it been since you’ve reviewed your Facebook Page?

How to Audit Your Facebook Page Features

Are you taking advantage of the latest Facebook features? It’s critical that Facebook Page managers take time to regularly audit their Page and ensure that they are not missing out on new features. 9 Pro Tips for Entrepreneurs on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is more than a handy way to sort through connections and make introductions — it's also a powerful platform to supercharge your content marketing efforts (even if you're not a LinkedIn Influencer just yet).

9 Pro Tips for Entrepreneurs on LinkedIn

To find out exactly how other founders are using the network to get more eyeballs on their content, we asked a panel of successful entrepreneurs to share their best tips and tricks. Here's what they had to say: 1. Join Discussions in LinkedIn Groups Every time I write an article that is relevant to a specific audience, I start a conversation around the article in a LinkedIn group I'm associated with.

Copyright Basics. What Is Facebook EdgeRank and Why Does It Matter? [INFOGRAPHIC] The average Facebook user spends more than a quarter of his or her time on the site scrolling through the News Feed.

What Is Facebook EdgeRank and Why Does It Matter? [INFOGRAPHIC]

For users, that means a lot of baby pictures and stale memes. For brands, it represents an opportunity. See, Facebook brand pages don't attract consumers — far from it. Virtually every fan of a brand, such as Coke, will never return to its page after an initial Like (if they even visited at all). YouTube. Just Who Uses Social Media? A Demographic Breakdown. You think you know social?

Just Who Uses Social Media? A Demographic Breakdown

How about who uses it? Well, you might not know it as well as you would have guessed. A new study from the Pew Research Center and Docstoc shed some light on just who uses social and on what platforms. It's Official: Teens Bored With Facebook.


Hiring: Online Marketing Manager. How Much Do You Know About LinkedIn? [Slide Show] 2012 State of Online Video [Infographic] The amount of content videos and video ads viewed in 2012 reached record-breaking numbers, according to a recent SundaySky report. Take a look at these jaw-dropping stats: 456.6 million content videos were watched. 105.4 billion video ads were viewed. 182 million users were watching videos.

Factors in video's soaring popularity in 2012 may have included the London Olympic games (159 million videos were streamed) and the 2012 US presidential campaigns (which spent a combined $78 million on video ads). Videos, however, aren't just for newsworthy events such as the Olympics and presidential campaigns. Videos that are personally relevant also matter to viewers: Viewers spent 2.5 times more time watching personally relevant short-form videos than other videos, and emails that contain personally relevant videos boast a 40%-60% open rate.

To help illustrate the state of online video in 2012, SundaySky created the following infographic. Add LinkedIn Recommendations widget to your site and gather Insights. We have over 50,000 products and services represented on LinkedIn Company Pages today and that number is growing at a pretty rapid clip.

Add LinkedIn Recommendations widget to your site and gather Insights

Facebook Explains The Four Ways It Sorts The News Feed And Insists Average Page Reach Didn’t Decrease. Today Facebook addressed the controversy surrounding the news feed and a reduction in reach for some Pages.

Facebook Explains The Four Ways It Sorts The News Feed And Insists Average Page Reach Didn’t Decrease

It outlined the four main factors that determine if a post shows up in the news feed, and insisted Page reach didn’t decrease overall. However a news feed algorithm change did start reducing reach for Pages that get complaints and that successfully cut total complaints by a double digit percentage. United Breaks Guitars. Social Media Guidelines for Meltwater Group Employees. A Second Chance for Google Plus. Will It Blend? - iPad. A Modern Marketing Strategy – Social Media Marketing & ZMOT from Google. Did You Know. STATEMENT. S 7th Birthday. Technology's Role In the Arab Spring Protests. The comprehensive resource for Google+ trends and statistics. ‘People Talking About This’ defined. Facebook introduced “People Talking About This” in October, but the new metric is still unclear to many page owners.

‘People Talking About This’ defined

Part of the confusion comes from the name, which sounds like it calculates the mentions of a topic across the social network, when in reality, the metric only counts direct interactions with a page. Further misunderstanding results from the difference in how this number is reported versus how page Likes are reported. Page owners who know what type of activity increases People Talking About This can improve their Facebook marketing efforts by reaching fans and their friends. What is ‘People Talking About This?’ People Talking About This is the number of unique users who have created a “story” about a page in a seven-day period. United Breaks Guitars Song 3 - "United We Stand" on the Right Side of Right. Social Media's Biggest Screw-Ups [INFOGRAPHIC] The list of celebrities and major brands burned by social media blunders is long and ever-growing.

Social Media's Biggest Screw-Ups [INFOGRAPHIC]

Who could forget former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner, whose tweeted crotch-shot set a new standard for political pratfalls in the social media age? The ultimate guide to the Facebook Edgerank algorithm. EdgeRank is one of the most important algorithms in marketing. Despite this, very few people have heard of it and fewer still can claim that they fully understand it. EdgeRank is the name of the algorithm which Facebook uses to determine what appears in their users’ news feeds.

Facebook, Twitter Help Publishers Find Their Audience. Social Media is Sweet: A HootSuite Story. 5 Tips for Using the New LinkedIn Company Pages. Have you kept up with the changes at LinkedIn? Did you know you can do more for your company on LinkedIn? Keep reading to learn more. What’s new with LinkedIn for businesses? Do you want to with customers, clients, vendors, peers, potential job candidates and even your own employees?

If you’re a business of any size, you need to have a well-developed “business” presence on LinkedIn. LinkedIn recently announced an update to company pages that can help companies and small businesses to become more engaged on the network. Up until now, your company page existed in isolation. Are these the only kinds of updates that companies can post to their pages? Although it appears on the surface that the new company updates are designed to help big brands and corporations become more connected with potential candidates and employees, I believe small businesses and professional services that about their company status updates and with their company pages can also .

Below are . . LinkedIn Companies Questions - Adam Kleinberg - Traction. I've gotten a number of questions in response to my article on Mashable about How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile. Most seem to be about how to access the various admin tools, so I thought I'd post some screen shots here to answer them. If you haven't seen the original article, you can check it out right here. Facebook Releases Guide To Facebook Offers. Facebook Warns Brands that Scale in Social Won't Come For Free. Dartmouth-Hitchcock Social Media Tips for Employees. NAB: Break up - Cannes Lions 2011.

QR Code Generator. Make a QR Code. Create a QR Code. QR Code. Generate QR Code. QR Code Tracking. - Delivr. LinkedIn Follow Button: Companies, Look Who’s Following You Now. iPad 3: Who Will Buy One, and Why? [INFOGRAPHIC] How well will the iPad 3 sell when it's introduced next month? Who's going to upgrade, and who will sit on the sidelines, enjoying their current version of the iPad, or no iPad at all? We have answers to those questions and more in this exclusive infographic created by the experts at AYTM Research (Ask Your Target Market), with help from Mashable.

The official introduction of the iPad 3 is bearing down upon us, with most rumors placing the Apple press event on March 7 (and a little rumor we heard placing it on March 6). It'll probably have a higher-resolution 2048×1536 "retina" display, a 1GHz quad-core Apple A6 processor, 4G connectivity, and it might have a few other surprises, too. Until we can lay eyes on the real thing, let's take a look at this infographic, which deals with who's going to upgrade, and what people expect to do with the iPad 3. To get this data, researchers at AYTM conducted two surveys, with questions we assisted in developing. A Google+ Primer For Retail Brands. Introducing “Social Maturity”: How Social Media Transforms Companies. The 5 Stages of Corporate Social Media Maturity. Inbound Marketing Budget Calculator.
