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Santé / Malnutrition

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Diet and Growth by Agnes Binagwaho. Exit from comment view mode. Click to hide this space Comments View/Create comment on this paragraph KIGALI – There is no greater hindrance to a country’s long-term economic development than childhood undernourishment. When a growing body does not get enough essential vitamins and nutrients, the harmful effects last long into adulthood. Comments View/Create comment on this paragraph In low-income countries, diets consist primarily of starches, such as rice, and legumes, like peas, that contain very little protein. So even a child with a full belly does not necessarily get the right balance of nutritious food and vitamins required for healthy physical development.

Comments View/Create comment on this paragraph This takes an enormous toll. Undernourished children are more susceptible to illness. Comments View/Create comment on this paragraph Stunted children often struggle to reach their potential in school and ultimately the workplace, diminishing economic productivity and development. Malnutrition. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Cet article concerne la faim dans le monde. Pour l'état de manque, voir Sous-alimentation. La malnutrition désigne un état pathologique causé par la déficience ou l'excès d’un ou plusieurs nutriments. L'apport alimentaire anormal peut provenir d'une nourriture en quantité inadaptée au besoin (apport calorique insuffisant ou, au contraire, excessif) ou de mauvaise qualité (carences nutritionnelles ou excès de graisses…) ; d'autres facteurs, notamment psychologiques et pathologiques, interviennent également.

Dans les pays en développement, le plus grand problème nutritionnel est la « sous-alimentation », due à un apport calorique insuffisant. Mais partout dans le monde, diverses formes de malnutrition existent, débouchant notamment sur l'obésité et sur de graves carences. Définition[modifier | modifier le code] La malnutrition doit être définie comme une pathologie, et non comme un état. Effets[modifier | modifier le code] About Malnutrition | GAIN - Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. Malnutrition is a global issue that affects billions. The term malnutrition refers to both undernutrition and overnutrition. Undernutrition indicates a lack of the necessary energy, protein or micronutrients while overnutrition and obesity mean too much energy, fats or specific micronutrients. Traditionally, undernutrition is prevalent in developing countries and obesity is an epidemic in developed countries. Recently, obesity has been increasing in developing countries, leading to a double burden of disease, especially in urban settings.

GAIN’s interventions have so far focused on undernutrition. Quick facts and figures: There are 925 million undernourished people in the world today: one in seven people do not get enough food to be healthy and lead an active life.1 Malnutrition accounts for 11 percent of the global burden of disease. Read the key facts 1. Panel Discussion: The Future of Nutrition. UltraRice Technology. Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. Media. Zinc Saves Lives (ZincSavesLives) sur Twitter. David Beckmann: The Cost of Malnutrition.