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2021 01 05 13 39 page no. 1. Virage – Le magazine en ligneMuffinski le réveil d’Azur (muffins aux bleuets) - Virage - Le magazine en ligne. Temps de préparation :25 minutes Temps de cuisson :35 minutes Moelleux, rempli de bleuets et parfumé d’un zeste de citron ensoleillé… le muffin Réveil d’Azur est une version santé remplie de soleil d’été.

Virage – Le magazine en ligneMuffinski le réveil d’Azur (muffins aux bleuets) - Virage - Le magazine en ligne

Healthy Honey Applesauce Blender Muffins. These healthy Honey Applesauce Blender Muffins are gluten-free, dairy-free, oil-free, refined sugar-free and ready in just 5 minutes using your blender!

Healthy Honey Applesauce Blender Muffins

Before I left for Italy, I went up to my parent's house in Vermont to take in a bit of fall foliage and breathe that fresh Vermont air. Getting out of the city is always a treat this time of year (of course it didn't hurt that my mom and I were on our way to Italy!) , and Vermont is the perfect getaway. It's only about 4 hours from the city by car, Trevi absolutely loves it, and we get to back up a storm with all the fresh Vermont apples and pumpkin. Gluten-Free Fig Cake {One Bowl & Healthy} This amazing fig cake recipe is gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free BUT it doesn't sacrifice any flavor or texture.

Gluten-Free Fig Cake {One Bowl & Healthy}

Light, fluffy, tender, and delicious! I first discovered figs a few years ago when I went through a phase of eating the dried ones as a snack. I had always associated figs with fig newton bars which I didn't like as a kid, so I steered clear. But I loooved the dried ones. They were sweet, jammy, and had the best flavor. And now every year I look forward to fig season! Quinoa Flour Archives. Bran and Date Muffins. Muffins à la citrouille et aux dattes. Virage – Le magazine en ligneMousse glacée aux framboises - Virage - Le magazine en ligne. Temps de préparation :10 minutes Un petit dessert léger et facile à préparer, qui plaira aux petits comme aux grands !

Virage – Le magazine en ligneMousse glacée aux framboises - Virage - Le magazine en ligne

180 ml (3/4 tasse) de framboises fraîches15 ml (1 c. à soupe) de sucre d’érable fin, tamisé (facultatif)2 blancs d’œufs, tempérés80 ml (1/3 tasse) de sucre d’érable fin, tamiséFeuilles de mélisse ou de menthe (facultatif) Préparation Photo et stylisme : Louise Gagnon. Virage – Le magazine en ligneNice cream choco-banane et tahini - Virage - Le magazine en ligne.

Temps de préparation :15 minutes Ce dessert glacé est fait à partir de bananes congelées, qui confèrent une texture onctueuse proche de la vraie crème glacée.

Virage – Le magazine en ligneNice cream choco-banane et tahini - Virage - Le magazine en ligne

Crème chocolat à l’avocat. Pouding aux pommes à l. Turmeric Breakfast Muffins — Green Kitchen Stories. We have had an unusually intense relationship with these muffins for the past couple of months.

Turmeric Breakfast Muffins — Green Kitchen Stories

Different varieties of them have been baked almost every weekend morning in our home. I blamed it on that the recipe needed to be perfected, but ahem, this particular version is actually very similar to my first version (they have however been altered a lot in between). The basic idea was pretty clear to me from the beginning; I wanted a muffin that we could enjoy for breakfast without feeling that we actually were eating dessert in the morning (which I am pretty certain most people that eat muffins for breakfast feel). Of course, muffin by definition is a dessert, but I at least only wanted to fill them with ingredients that normally made an appearance on our breakfast table. So, no artificial sweeteners, only bananas and a few dates. The result is a kind of mash-up between a banana pancake, oatmeal, granola and our turmeric lassi. A large handful blueberries, frozen or fresh.

Easy Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe. Easy Paleo Orange Cake Recipe for the Holidays. Paleo Fruitcake Recipe. During the holidays I’m always looking for yummy treats to eat that won’t leave me with a high-carb hangover.

Paleo Fruitcake Recipe

This paleo dessert recipe for a moist, gluten free fruitcake fits the bill. Sweetened with one tablespoon of coconut sugar, along with dates, raisins and dried cherries, my Paleo version of this classic treat is great with a cup of tea, Dandelion Root Coffee, or makes a beautifully simple gift to give to friends and neighbors during the holidays. According to Wikipedia, fruitcake is: A cake made with chopped candied fruit and/or dried fruit, nuts, and spices, and (optionally) soaked in spirits.

A cake that simply has fruit in it as an ingredient can also be colloquially called a fruitcake. Along with visions of wacky people, the word “fruitcake” can also conjure thoughts of dry, icky cake. Les meilleurs muffins santé au gruau, aux bananes et aux bleuets. Préparation Étape 1 Préchauffer le four à 350 °F.

Les meilleurs muffins santé au gruau, aux bananes et aux bleuets

Dans un moule à muffins, déposer des moules en papier. Étape 2 Dans un bol, mélanger les ingrédients secs. RAW CARROT CAKE SLICE WITH TANGY CITRUS FROSTING. Pin it!


Pin it! I had this whole thing typed up about all these life-y bits and frustrations. Double Chocolate Pumpkin Muffins. This post may contain affiliate links.

Double Chocolate Pumpkin Muffins

See my privacy policy for details. Pumpkin is good any time of the year, not just fall when everyone goes crazy over it! THE PERFECT CHOCOLATE ORANGE CAKE FROM “SIMPLY VIBRANT” Pin it! Pin it! I needed this vegan chocolate cake recipe in my life. Mostly because: cake, but also because its inherent virtuousness (still talking abut cake) really uplifted and inspired me.

I used to focus a lot of energy on making vegan desserts that were also somewhat nutritionally virtuous. Vegan Chocolate Frosting Recipe. Paleo Birthday Cake Recipe. Paleo Vanilla Birthday Cake. We are such a great community and we have a wide array of food allergies. Many of you may have substitution questions about this Paleo Vanilla Birthday Cake recipe. Unfortunately, I don’t have a crystal ball so I don’t know the answer to your substitution questions. The only way to know if a substitution will work is to try it! Don’t be afraid, feel free to adapt the recipe to your own needs. Paleo Chocolate Frosting Recipe. 2-Ingredient Chocolate Fudge Frosting — Oh She Glows.