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Pain paleo

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Paleo Pizza Sticks. I’m going to start off this post thanking Juli over at PaleOMG for doing a super nice review of the e-book.

Paleo Pizza Sticks

You have until March 3rd to head over and leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the ebook. So if you haven’t gotten your hands on a copy yet and are feeling lucky head over and leave a comment. Now for some randomness since you all love those moments on the blog….you know you do! I haven’t had them in awhile too. I promise the limited amount of posting isn’t because I don’t love you but its all the stuff I’m working on the background. Randomness… I love the Oscars. CrossFit is kicking my butt, in a good way, lately. Thinking about signing up for the CrossFit open….again thinking! I occasional tune into the Bachelor. I have to admit I haven’t wanted to cook lately. End of Randomness…. Now onto the recipe! Paleo Pizza Sticks 1 1/2 cups almond flour 2 teaspoons pizza seasoning, divided* 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon sea salt, divided 1 teaspoon honey (optional)

Pain sans gluten à IG bas (paléo) Aujourd’hui je continue sur ma lancée de recettes à index glycémique (IG) bas en vous proposant un pain, délicieusement moëlleux avec une texture très proche d’un cake.

Pain sans gluten à IG bas (paléo)

C’est encore une recette que j’ai trouvé chez d’Elena. Son blog est une mine d’or pour la cuisine sans gluten à IG bas et si vous suivez un régime paléo alors c’est un blog incontournable. Ce pain est d’une simplicité enfantine à réaliser et le résultat est parfait. Il est idéal pour un petit déjeuner complet, avec ça je suis sur que les enfants n’auront pas une petite baisse de régime en milieu de matinée. L’avantage de ce pain c’est qu’il n’a pas de levure, donc pas de pétrissage intensif, pas de temps de levée.

Ingrédients: 150g (2t) de farine d’amande2 càs de farine de noix de coco25g (1/4t) de graines de lin dorées moulues5 oeufs1 càs d’huile de noix de coco1 càs de miel d’acacia1 càs de vinaigre de cidre1/2 càc de bicarbonate de sodium1 pincée de sel Marche à suivre: Bon appétit! Like this: J'aime chargement… Paleo Bread with Jamon de Pata Negra. We bought a Spanish ham, or Jamon Serrano de Pata Negra, while in Spain and I’ve been having a bocadillo with olive oil, garlic, tomato and the ham every morning since we returned from Vietnam.

Paleo Bread with Jamon de Pata Negra

If you’ve had this ham before, you know how heavenly it is! I just can’t get enough of it, especially since I usually only get to enjoy it when I am in Spain. It’s hard to get outside of Spain and not pay a fortune for it. We were lucky and this particular one we got was on sale, so even better! However, in all this indulgence with the ham, I’m also indulging in something I don’t regularly eat, which is bread. My husband gave me a bread machine a few years ago (I think the gift was more intended for him than for me since he loves sandwiches and I abhor them ;-)), and we make our own bread occasionally.

This paleo bread is more of a sandwich bread. Ingredients: Place eggs in blender and pulse until frothy. Bake at 180C (about 350F) for 25 minutes.