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CLAMEURS est le média audio, géolocalisé et participatif. A Private Realtime Platform for Location Sharing. Public Alerts The Hawthorne Bridge will be closed Saturday from 9am to Noon. Energy Saver You forgot to turn the lights off at work again! Good thing we did it for you! Big Red Box Sixth visit to Big red box, get 10% off your purchase with the code 'youareawesome! '. HomeFinder A 3, bed 2 bath house matching your criteria is nearby. Offers Need a break? Retail and Loyalty Engage loyal customers with personalized content and deals the moment they enter your store.

Sixth visit to Big Red Box, get 10% off your purchase with the code 'YOUAREAWESOME! '. Real Estate Send messages to prospective home buyers when their search criteria matches a home nearby. Home Findr A 3, bed 2 bath house matching your criteria is nearby. Energy Management Use your location to automatically manage power consumption in your home or office. You forgot to turn the lights off at work again! Tourism Personalized Offers Need a break? How easy is it to migrate?

Telling stories through Foursquare: Derby 2061. Richard Birkin of production company Mudlark is experimenting with using Foursquare as a storytelling platform, turning it into a wormhole to the future. The project is called Derby 2061, and imagines a future where a company has used the vast amounts of personal data being made public online to allow people to experience the memories of other people. The result is a memory economy, where people's emotions, thoughts and feelings can be bought and sold.

Birkin has set up more than 50 Foursquare locations around Derby city centre and Darley Abbey, exploring what the city might look like in half a century's time. They're organised into a list, which you can find here. "There's a story in it to find. In fact there are a few," says Birkin in a blog post on Mudlark's site. For example, when you arrive, you can check into Derby Monorail Interchange & Vacuum SubLine Hub on Foursquare and read tips about the memory ports in the carriages. About // broadcastr. Use Tripline for history and social studies projects.

Pachube - data infrastructure for the Internet of Things. RDTN.ORG. Карта Радиации/ Radiation map. GeoCommons. My Favorite App at SXSW. There are many apps on your smart phone. How many do you really use? Me: Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, Huffington Post, Lastfm, and Google maps. My 100 other ones collect dust because they don’t solve a problem or are a bad imitation. At SXSW I discovered an unique app called iTouru: remember listening to an audio tour at a museum, now imagine if the entire world had an audio tour. These stories could provide new perspectives for a city. Below is my interview with Andrew Dever, Founder & CEO of iTour. You can follow him @andrewdever. What is iTouru? iTourU is a new iPhone App that lets anyone create, discover and share what we call ‘Pocket Tours’, which have ’stops’ that are tagged to a map and include audio, text and photos about that location.

These Pocket Tours can be about absolutely anything, making iTourU a platform for creativity and real world adventure. How did you come up with the idea? So that’s what we did: built a platform for creativity and real world adventure. Good question. The witness, le transmedia dont vous êtes le héros « ubimedia garden. Ideascanners: Invisible Cities is a transmedia... - Explore Media.

La ville est un roman. 7scenes. The Welikia Project, formerly known as Mannahata,... - An Artful Tumblrful of Odd. Blog.walking-the-edit. Walking the Edit - Home. A totally new medium for storytelling. 6,000 Stories You Can Take With You (And Counting) With the Broadcastr app, there is a new story to discover around every corner. Available for free download on the iPhone, the location-aware app allows users to automatically stream stories about their surroundings. Or, if you feel moved by the muse, you can record your own stories and pin them to the map for other users to enjoy. Download your Broadcastr app here! Broadcastr, a project of Electric Literature, is a social media platform for audio-storytelling shared on an interactive map.

We believe that Broadcastr could change the way we think about place, memory, and personal expression. Broadcastr will be awesome if the people using it are awesome, so we hope you'll check it out. No iPhone? A daughter talks about her mother’s long love affair with F. For a blast from the past, you could listen to the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Find it in iTunes: Happy listening, 5 Ways a Filmmaker Could Use Broadcastr to Promote Their Film » Beyond the Box Office.

As some of you may have seen from my tweet during DIY DAYS I was impressed by Broadcastr and its capabilities. Scott Macauley, editor of Filmmaker Magazine (who was nice enough to allow me to pick his brain for a bit after the talk) had a fireside chat with Scott Lindenbaum of Broadcastr and Electric Lit. Broadcastr is a mashup (remember when those were novel?)

Of audio recordings and a Google Map and you can access it on the Internet, or an iPhone/iPad/Android application. From the site: “Users can take a GPS-enabled walk as stories about their surroundings stream into their headphones, like a museum tour of the entire world. It just launched recently and already they have some impressive partners. Lindenbaum talked about it as a great way for local businesses to drive traffic or to just be more interesting by having people record stories about the place. 1. I’ll go ahead and get this example Lindenbaum gave out of the way. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 things I like about it: 1. 2. Space + Time + Story = Intersect (and Why I Like it!) | Everything To Everything. Geoloqi - A secure, real-time mobile and web platform for location sharing.