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52 Weeks Project. Silver-Kissed Christmas Ornament. There are currently no images from other crafters. close Terms & Conditions You must enter into this Agreement if you want to submit digital images or other content to Prime Publishing through Sharing Customer Images (the "Service").

Silver-Kissed Christmas Ornament

As used in this Agreement, "we" or "Prime Publishing" means Prime Publishing, LLC. and "you" means the individual or entity submitting materials to Prime Publishing. Any individual or entity that wants to use the Service must accept the terms of this Agreement without change. 1) Eligibility. 2) Definitions. 3) License Grant for Materials. 4) Removal of Materials. 5) License for Name, Trademarks and Likenesses. 6) Specifications and Guidelines. 7) Representations, Warranties and Indemnities. 8) Restrictions. 9) No Obligation. 10) Changes to Agreement. 11) Prime Publishing Intellectual Property. 12) Communications. 13) Waiver.

Craft Projects. How About Orange. Here's a quick and easy Halloween project: votive candle holders with packing tape transferred images.

How About Orange

You'll need clear packing tape and access to a laser printer to make these. First, select the image you'd like to apply to your candle holder. (Check here for scary vintage clip art, like this spider, bat, crow, skull, aardvark, or search the database for other illustrations.) With a laser printer, print your images out 2" high (or to fit within the size of the clear packing tape you have.) An inkjet printer won't work for this project, so don't even think about it! Laminate the front of your image with packing tape. Soak the image in a bowl of warm water for ten minutes. The tape will still be slightly sticky, so you can directly apply it to a candle holder, or for a more permanent solution, adhere it with Mod Podge, acrylic gel medium, or other glue.

DIY. Yesterday, I shared my latest mini album, and how it is made from a single sheet of 12"x12" scrapbooking paper (cardstock).


So for today - a step-by-step of how to make your own :) I'm thinking these would be great gifts. Simple to make (all you really need is a sheet of 12"x12" paper, scissors, a ruler, and adhesive), but very thoughtful and personal :) Fill them with pictures, notes, journaling, or Scripture. Recovered Kids' Crafts by Material. How to make a cd holder in minutes. Ideas - Such Pretty Things. I have such a treat for you all interview with Christina Strutt, of Cabbage and Roses fame!

Such Pretty Things

Her newest book, Living Life Beautifully, has just been released by CICO Books and I was thrilled to have the chance to ask her a few questions... Q. Hello, Christina! Wednesday’s Wowzers: 3 Dozen Flower Tutorials. Wednesday's Wowzers is a little late today, but I have a surprise for you: As I was blog surfing this week, I noticed a common theme: Flowers!

Wednesday’s Wowzers: 3 Dozen Flower Tutorials

I was seriously amazed at all of the many flower variations out there. Is there anything we can't turn into a flower?! I found 36 flower tutorials that I think you might like. Some are new, some are old, and I found a whole new bunch of creative blogs out there. So sit back and relax, and enjoy the happy feeling of spring flowers! **Be sure to get all the way through until the end to see some of the most unique flowers! 1. 9. 35. Marbled Paper. You can use this paper to decorate notebooks, cover canisters or for making Gift cards and matching gift wrap.

Marbled Paper

A Book & A Craft: "Funnybones" and a Life-Size Paper Skeleton - The Crafty Crow. Today's guest blogger is Kate from Mini-eco and she is sharing a life-size paper skeleton to go with one of her favorite books, Funnybones!

A Book & A Craft: "Funnybones" and a Life-Size Paper Skeleton - The Crafty Crow

My favorite kids books are Funny Bones by Janet Ahlberg and the Meg and Mog series by Helen Nicoll and Jan Pienkowski. I remember these books so fondly from my own childhood. I think it's the bright and simple illustrations that really make them so memorable. They are all pretty funny too. Homemade Musical Instruments for Kids! - The Crafty Crow. Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom: Feature Friday- Faux Metal Wall Art. Looking for the Faux Metal Wall Art?

Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom: Feature Friday- Faux Metal Wall Art

Since this project was originally published on The Sitcom in December 2010, it has been my most popular project by far. Tape Sculpture. Arts and Crafts Guide. Easy Mold Making. Fun Kids Crafts, Science Projects, and More. Valentine's Day Crafts. Follow this blog with bloglovin Fall Crafts Name Place Card Coin Purse.

Valentine's Day Crafts

Use Field Tiles To Make A Zebra Mosaic Table. Paint Moss Graffiti - Step-by-Step Guides for Offbeat DIY Projects. Neck tie School Bag. Got lots of neck ties lying around?

Neck tie School Bag

Use them to make this unique bag! What you need Okay, you'll need a bunch of ties. Mine are all paisleys. A lot of lining fabric - mine is black velveteen. Instructions. Dry erase board in Crafts for decorating and home decor. On several occasions, the dual-use projects are the ones we encourage when doing crafts. As such this framework covered with fabric that will decorate our wall and simultaneously serve as a board to remember us our ideas or tasks. We will need: Picture frame with glass (Ribba frame from IKEA is a good option) Fabric scraps Heavy duty tape Dry erase markers Open the frame and remove everything on it.

Put the scraps very tightly over the wood or cardboard and fix them with the tape. Unraveling a letter in Craft ideas for original gifts and presents. Here’s a fun idea for sending a message to someone you love… stamp it: writing a letter that needs to be unraveled to be read. This could work for any occasion... weddings, birthdays, just because... What do we need? Materials: fabric or ribbon (length will vary depending on length of message), wooden spool (from craft store or recycled), rubber letter stamps, stamp pad, craft glue. Sock cupcakes in Craft ideas for original gifts and presents. Button book in Crafts for home stationery and paper for birthdays, anniversaries or dinners. Ideas - Copper Ring Tutorial. The ring I made before went well so I wanted to play around with that some more. Here I have a gauge 22 and 18 wire. The smaller the number the thicker the wire. Yes, it's a handle of some sort.