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-7ater’s Cubees. I stumbled upon Cubees a while back while looking for paper toys on the internet.

-7ater’s Cubees

The great Cubeecraft had a ton of good geeky characters I could print cut out and NOT have to use glue. Having a house full of cats glue can be a messy substance to play with. After doing many of what my wife calls "paper dollies" I found there were a few characters I did not see, so I figured I would make them myself. Cubeecraft offered a template to get you started, so this could be fun, I like playing with graphics. ♥♥ 3EyedBear. Albums Google+ de Dale Harper. Anime paper toys. Boxpunx. Welcome to the Harlancore papertoy site . Here you will find for download the various designs I have created as well as blank templates for you to use and abuse as you see fit.. Feel free to add, subtract, embelish, shrink, enlarge or whatever any element in any way you think is clever.

Have fun! Presenting Boxpunx Series NINE: IMPS (Imaginary Monster Papercraft) , an all-new shape, completely glueless and tongueless! ♥ Canon Paper Craft. Corbis Readymech Cameras. ♥♥ Cubeecraft. Daily Simply > Papertoys. Ajouté le 31 juil 2011 Salut les simplynautes !

Daily Simply > Papertoys

Pour bien terminer le mois, deux derniers papertoyz à construire ! Il s’agit des petits sportifs palmés qui vivent près du Mont Rosco. Une fois que vous les avez construits, noubliez pas de photographier votre petite collection ! Envoyez-moi le tout par e-mail à l’adresse Pour construire ce papertoy, il vous suffit de cliquer sur le lien ci-dessus, puis d’imprimer la page. Digitprop. This is the official announcement for the papercraft alphabet I just finished uploading.


That was quite some work, especially with two hyperactive kids climbing all over me while I am typing. By the way, if you speak German: Hätte auch auf Deutsch funktioniert. Anyway, the alphabet is now complete – a collection of 26 papercraft templates for all letters 0f the alphabet, each representing an animal, thing, or people starting with that letter: You will find the complete list of templates here. You can use them for education, as toys, or to spell out whatever message you want to get across. Here is a ZIP file containing all templates as PDFs. Have fun with these – and if you do, I wouldn’t mind if you help to spread the word… Edit: I have just uploaded numbers to go with the alphabet. Foldable.Me. Grumm. Meet Grumm, a moody piece of paper… When I started writing about urban papercraft, I got inspired by Brickboy and Spiky Baby (and recently added to this list: e440): I wanted to create my own figure.


And so I did! Grumm evolved in time, which is documented in a couple of post. To give some highlights of the process: the beginning, prototype pictures, near completion and my first Grumm design Grumm the screamer red. (read everything) In my definition of urban papercraft, there should be a design made by me and a blank version for other to customize… back to the top. Headnoddaz. > Papertoys. Kuma0rila. Marshall Alexander. Minimimmo. My Paper Heroes. ♥♥♥ Minecraft Papercraft Mania. NaniBird Home. Nice Bunny. Nintendo Papercraft. Paper Critters. Paper Foldables. ♥ Paper Inside. ♥♥ Paper Replika. ♥♥ Paper toys art.

♥ Paper-toy.over-blog. Paper's Juke. Papermau. ♥ PaperCraft Museum. Paperkawaii. ♥ Papertoys Blablaland. Pepetz. Readymech. ROMMY. SHIN TANAKA. Tête à modeler. Think.bigchief. Sfumato l’hype per i vinyl toy, ogni tanto becco ancora in giro qualche nuova produzione che attira la mia attenzione come questo Kumamon Toy di Kagawa Masahiko da 138 millimetri.


Se ci capite qualcosa questo è uno dei link da cui si puà acquistare. read more Il 4 maggio FOX trasmetterà la speciale puntata completamente animata con pezzi di Lego così 16 nuove minifigs verranno messe in vendita nelle prossime settimane. Ogni personaggio costerà 4 dollari ma scommetto che andranno in un secondo in sold out. read more Il sud coreano Momot è un king in fatto di paper toy. Medicom ha annunciato la release di due nuove colorazione dell’ambita Vinyl Collectible Dolls dedicata a Andy Warhol. La quinta serie del teschio in porcellana di Limoges di NooN e K.Olin Tribu verrà decorato con varie farfalle applicate a mano dall’artista. Read more Non se ne vedevano da parecchio tempo paper toy su ThinkBigchief.

Read more Questa è una di quelle cose per cui da piccolo saltavi pranzo, merenda e cena. Toxic paper factory. ToyPaper. Once upon a time there was an afternoon project that turned into a weekend project that turned into a website that turned into Toypaper.


All that adds up to a HUGE amount of time spent cutting and gluing paper - far too much time if I am honest so it's time to put the cap back on the glue for a while. If you are reading this expecting to find papertoys then don't worry, I have put them all at the bottom this page just for you. I have met some lovely people from around the world, painted a 12ft concrete monster in Manchester and received lots of interesting emails, some of which I have had no other choice but to ask Google to translate for me. My toys have been included in books (with real ISBN numbers), the first of which was Urban Paper, the second was called We are Paper Toys and the latest goes by the name Papertoy Monsters.

So for the near future there won't be any new updates and the mailing list has been safely deleted. Zerolabor papertoy. 豆庭園. カミモデル. キリンビバレッジ. 季節にあわせたペーパークラフトや、手軽につくれるペーパークラフトなど盛りだくさん。


みんなで楽しくつくって飾って楽しもう♪夏休みの自由工作にもピッタリ! 七夕~星に願いを~ おりひめ・ひこぼしなどの七夕かざりをつくってかざろう! 夏の風物詩 夏にぴったりのクラフト「夏の風物詩」をつくろう! ラテちゃんのペーパークラフト 意外とカンタン♪親子でチャレンジしてみよう! 定番のペーパークラフト 手軽につくれるペーパークラフト 手軽につくれるペーパークラフトには、ロゴマークがついています。 ※スマートフォン・タブレットからは、プリント機器に接続の上、プリントして下さい。 ペーパークラフトが完成したら、写真を撮ってみんなでシェアしよう! Pinterest > Papertoys. Google > paper toy.