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DIY PVC Flute - NAFlutomat This page provides a tool for designing Native American flutes. The basic strategy is to provide inputs such as the key of the flute, the bore diameter, wall thickness, finger hole size, and many other parmeters you will be using, and this tool suggests design parameters such as the length of the sound chamber and the location of the finger holes. Note that this tool attempts to predict the best bore length, finger hole locations, and other output parameters using a set of rather complex equations. While these equations provide can provide a “reasonable” first approximation for these parameters, they should be considered a starting point. It is typically possible to construct a well-tuned flute by using the results of this tool and then careful tuning of the flute (see the Basic-Six, Basic-Five, and Bob Grealish tuning methods). In short: You may find this tool a useful starting point.

Paper Model Building Tips Basic Tools and Materials Scissors & Cutting Tools A good pair of sharp scissors is one of the most important tools you will need. Card models - free models These card models may be downloaded for your personal enjoyment. Note to web site owners! If you want to offer these models on your site, please read this first. The kits vary in complexity, and many are not suitable for beginning card modelers. I've assigned a skill level to each kit to help you judge whether the kit is within your ability. ペーパークラフト ペーパークラフトをえらぼう 季節にあわせたペーパークラフトや、手軽につくれるペーパークラフトなど盛りだくさん。みんなで楽しくつくって飾って楽しもう♪夏休みの自由工作にもピッタリ! 七夕~星に願いを~ おりひめ・ひこぼしなどの七夕かざりをつくってかざろう! 夏の風物詩 夏にぴったりのクラフト「夏の風物詩」をつくろう! Personnage - Paper Toys Art Samedi 22 mars, 2014 Big Joe, le spécialiste de la cuisine Italienne livre à domicile dans son superbe camion tout équipé. Miam !

DIY PVC Flute - Native American Flute Maquette en carton Pour cela il faut réaliser, sur les feuilles de papier ou carton, le « développement plan » de l'objet à construire : c'est en quelque sorte le patron 2D de l'objet 3D qui est assimilé à un assemblage de surfaces développables. Le patron sera ensuite découpé et l'objet sera obtenu par pliage et assemblage (en général collage). Ce type de modèle est fréquemment appelé découpage ou construction en carton.

Erick's Paper Model Downloads Models, models, model... These are the paper models that I and others have made. They are mostly from Homeworld, but there are a couple from Homeworld 2. I am working on some more on the side, and I'll post them once I get them done. I am also looking for more models to post, and if you made a model and want it posted, drop me an e-mail and I'll be happy to put it on here. I would just ask for it to be compressed (zip or rar). Dolly Oblong i have thought long and hard on whether or not to write this blog post. some sense of injustice made me do so. like anyone who has ever posted anything online (illustrations, texts and whatnot) of course i stumbled upon people copying (parts) of my work before. this is nothing new, sadly. what is new (for me at least) is the copying of an entire art project. its outline, concept and (why not) even some of its participants.

Paper Foldables™ Papercraft Toys by Bryan. Mitsubishi FTO - Papercraft FTO Sunday, July 15, 2012. Home Dawn's FTO Steve's FTOs FTO Information Photo Gallery

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