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Handel: dm-Chef Götz Werner – ein Querdenker tritt ab. Man könnte meinen, hier reden sich zwei Theoretiker das ideale menschenfreundliche Unternehmen zusammen.

Handel: dm-Chef Götz Werner – ein Querdenker tritt ab

Von "Selbstbestimmung" und "Selbstverantwortung" sprechen sie, von "Selbstverwirklichung" sprechen die beiden Herren im schmucklosen Hinterzimmer des dm-Drogeriemarktes in Karlsruhe-Grünwinkel, direkt an der Firmenzentrale gelegen. Davon, dass ihre Mitarbeiter am Arbeitsplatz die Erfüllung finden sollen und ihn nicht als notwendigen "Einkommensplatz" sehen. Bei den Auszubildenden – den "Lernlingen" – gehört Theaterspielen zwecks besserer Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit zum Pflichtprogramm. Mitarbeiter gelten hier nicht als Kostenfaktoren, sondern als "Mitarbeitereinkommen". Man wolle keine "Organisation, die Druck macht, sondern eine, die Sog erzeugt". Die Realität sieht auf den ersten Blick deutlich schlichter aus. How To Write Networking Emails That People Can't Ignore. 36 Sales Email Templates These templates have helped sales reps get in touch with decision makers and close $100,000 deals.

How To Write Networking Emails That People Can't Ignore

We'll send a full PDF right to your email. A lot of things have changed in our professional lives. How we get jobs, the tools we use, the roles that are popular. Natural Leadership: Embracing the Logic of Life. Leadership is central to this reshaping of our organizations.

Natural Leadership: Embracing the Logic of Life

It is leadership that enables us to traverse our own thresholds while helping others traverse theirs. The origin of the word ‘leadership’ is the old European word leith which means ‘to go forth and cross the threshold’, ‘to let go of old ways and embrace the new’. In other words, leadership is about shaping our future while letting go of yesterday’s logic. The logic of yesterday haunts many of today’s organizations.

Strategy Formulation

Building organizational capabilities: McKinsey Global Survey results. Building organizational capabilities, such as leadership development or lean operations, is a top priority for most companies.

Building organizational capabilities: McKinsey Global Survey results

However, many of them have not yet figured out how to do so effectively. The odds improve at companies where senior leaders are more involved. Nearly 60 percent of respondents to a recent McKinsey survey say that building organizational capabilities such as lean operations or project or talent management is a top-three priority for their companies. Yet only a third of companies actually focus their training programs on building the capability that adds the most value to their companies’ business performance. Why is a Vision Statement so Important for Growth? Definition Vision is a statement that expresses organization’s ultimate objectives.

Why is a Vision Statement so Important for Growth?

Understanding the tool It is very important for any organization to have clear and attainable long-term vision; the statement that guides every chief executive, manager or employee in achieving the same organizational objective. A vision statement asks ‘What does our business want to become?’ The statement also indicates what resources, competencies and skills will be needed to achieve the future objective. Vision is closely related with a term ‘strategic intent’ – a desired leadership position that is currently unachievable due to the lack of resources and capabilities. Difference between vision and mission statements Vision and mission statements are often developed and used together for the same purpose. There are clear differences between the two statements that should not be neglected. Benefits Not all the visions are equally good.

Writing the statement Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Don’t Fuck Up the Culture. Hey team, Our next team meeting is dedicated to Core Values, which are essential to building our culture.

Don’t Fuck Up the Culture

It occurred to me that before this meeting, I should write you a short letter on why culture is so important to Joe, Nate, and me. After we closed our Series C with Peter Thiel in 2012, we invited him to our office. Why We All Need Design Thinking — ReadThink (by HubSpot) Rather than being a creative activity, problem-solving sessions for many businesses are nothing more than an exercise in analytics.

Why We All Need Design Thinking — ReadThink (by HubSpot)

And far too often, these sessions happen in boardrooms, where the false consensus effect is free to take hold. In these situations, company leaders often inadvertently reject creativity and ingenuity in favor of logical models. The unintended consequence of this is that ideas that could benefit customers and generate long-term value often fall by the wayside.

Until now, that is … Design Thinking Grows Up Design thinking has taken numerous leaps forward, playing a key strategic role in decision-making for companies like Apple, Whirlpool, and GE — enhancing the user experience and delivering value to all stakeholders. Design thinking takes the approach of building ideas from the ground up, to ideate and test solutions for the best possible outcome. How to Write a Vision Statement for Your Business. Credit: A carefully crafted vision statement is at the heart of every successful business.

How to Write a Vision Statement for Your Business

This statement clearly and concisely communicates your business's overall goals, and can serve as a tool for strategic decision-making across the company. A vision statement can be as simple as a single sentence or can span a short paragraph. Regardless of the individual details and nuances, all effective vision statements define the core ideals that give a business shape and direction. These statements also provide a powerful way to motivate and guide employees, said Addam Marcotte, vice president of operations and organization development with executive coaching and organizational change firm FMG Leading. Root Inc Info Graphic e engagement. Whitepaper: Foster engagement. To Coach or Not to Coach? A little while back during a coaching book club, a few Spotify coaches started a discussion about a common pitfall they found: why do we default to the coaching stance so much?

To Coach or Not to Coach?

The coaching stance is a tool used to help a partner to think and problem solve a situation through non-judgmental dialogue with the coach. It typically looks like a conversation with lots of open ended questions asked by the coach that provoke thought and contemplation in the partner. “Both/And” Leadership. Jack Welch once claimed that great leaders are “relentless and boring.”

“Both/And” Leadership

Management thinkers largely agree: Good leaders, so the narrative goes, are consistent in their decision making, stick to their commitments, and remain on-message. The trouble is, much as we may value consistency in our leaders, we don’t live in a world that rewards it—at least not in the long term.