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Lavader syndrome

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What is vaginismus? - Vaginismus is vaginal tightness causing discomfort, burning, pain, penetration problems, or complete inability to have intercourse.

What is vaginismus? -

Vaginismus [vaj-uh-niz-muh s]¹ Vaginismus is a condition where there is involuntary tightness of the vagina during attempted intercourse. The tightness is actually caused by involuntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina. The woman does not directly control or 'will' the tightness to occur; it is an involuntary pelvic response. Vulvodynia and chronic pelvic pain in women. Information courtesy of by Diane K.

vulvodynia and chronic pelvic pain in women

Newman, DNP, FAAN, BCB-PMD Pelvic pain is a growing area of concern for health care providers as well as women with disorders that involve the pelvic area (bladder, pelvic floor muscle, rectum and uterus.) Chronic pelvic pain and vulvodynia, two frustrating pelvic disorders seen in young adult women, are not well understood. Sacrum diagram. Florida Bladder Doctors [904-652-0373] There are many possible reasons for one to experience ongoing pain in the bladder and genital area. The causes of pain and the perception of pain severity vary tremendously from person to person. Because there are so many structures that pass thru the pelvis it is often difficult to determine the underlying source or multiple sources of the pain.

Because both urologic and gynecologic sources may be involved it is very important to see the “whole picture” and not approach this only thru the eyes of a gynecologist or urologist, therefore our doctors are the best and most capable of developing a treatment plan for your chronic pelvic pain. Painful intercourse (dyspareunia) National Vulvodynia Association. Levator Syndrome: Anorectal Disorders: Merck Manual Professional. Levator ani syndrome - a case study & literature review.