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Feb 2o15

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L'autre appel de Manille. Sea level “jumps” 5 inches. Probably nothing to worry about. Climate change is a disaster in slow-motion: The global temperature creeps up by fractions-of-a-degree each year, the seas rise inches every decade.

Sea level “jumps” 5 inches. Probably nothing to worry about

Except, apparently, when they do much more. Exhibit A: In just two years, 2009 and 2010, sea levels along the Atlantic coast north of New York City jumped up by more than 5 inches, according to a paper published this week in the journal Nature Communications. Meet the invasives: Asian tiger mosquitos have feelings, too. This week is “National Invasive Species Awareness Week,” a time when we’re all supposed to be learning about the dangers of new species entering and fundamentally altering existing ecosystems.

Meet the invasives: Asian tiger mosquitos have feelings, too

This is likely to happen more often as climate change turns up the thermostat, laying out the welcome mat for certain cold-averse species. A lot of people find invasive species worrisome. Qu’est-ce qui provoque une grande marée ? Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Stéphane Foucart Au Ier siècle avant J.

Qu’est-ce qui provoque une grande marée ?

ENVIRONMENTAL ENERGETICS. Lights go out, internet is cut for days, and agriculture is suffering as crisis spreads from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro and beyond as Brazil’s worst drought in history prompts protests and blackouts.


As this living example of climate change takes place in the southern hemisphere, we now take a look at the ten most important water stories of 2014. 1. The California Drought Becomes an Emergency California’s multi-year drought grew dire enough in 2014 to prompt Governor Jerry Brown to declare a drought emergency in January. What Earth would look like if the ice melted - Business Insider. Now we can watch the oceans acidify in real time. Britain’s most powerful politicians agree fighting climate change is a jolly good idea. There’s good climate news from the United Kingdom.

Britain’s most powerful politicians agree fighting climate change is a jolly good idea

On Saturday, the leaders of the country’s three major parties — Conservative, Liberal Democrat, and Labor — all signed a joint pledge to aggressively fight climate change and phase out the use of coal. This isn’t because politics is any less divisive or partisan in the U.K. than in the U.S. Rather, it reflects key differences between our political cultures. On this issue at least, their conservative leaders, unlike ours, seem to accept the Enlightenment values of scientific inquiry, rationality, and reason. As The Guardian reports: The agreement of the three party leaders is highly unusual and comes amid a general election campaign that is becoming increasingly bitter.The prime minister, deputy prime minister and leader of the opposition have all clashed over green issues, but the joint declaration states: “Climate change is one of the most serious threats facing the world today.

Fossil Free France – La Journée Mondiale du Désinvestissement a été un énorme succès ! Au cours de plus de 450 événements organisés dans plus de 60 pays, partout dans le monde, nous nous sommes rassemblé.e.s pour affirmer qu’il n’est pas acceptable de détruire le climat – et qu’il est moins acceptable encore de s’enrichir en le détruisant.

Fossil Free France – La Journée Mondiale du Désinvestissement a été un énorme succès !

Des îles du Pacifique à l’Afrique du Sud, des États Unis à l’Allemagne, nous nous sommes réuni.e.s pour demander à nos gouvernements, à nos universités et à nos institutions financières et religieuses d’arrêter d’investir dans des sociétés malhonnêtes qui détruisent notre planète. 8 ways Obama sucks on climate. The new conventional wisdom among the political class is that President Obama is doing everything he can without the cooperation of Congress to fight climate change.

8 ways Obama sucks on climate

His administration set higher fuel-economy standards for cars and trucks. It has proposed the first-ever regulations on carbon emissions from power plants, and on methane leakage from oil and gas wells and pipelines. He got China on board with a plan to limit emissions, potentially paving the way for an international climate agreement later this year in Paris. Obama feeds this perception with his public statements, such as emphasizing the importance of climate change in his State of the Union address and musing to about how the media fails to cover climate change with the urgency of other national security threats. Protests, oil prices add fuel to the divestment fire. If you think that California is dry now, wait until the 2050s. This story was originally published by Slate and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.

If you think that California is dry now, wait until the 2050s

When it comes to drought in the West, we ain’t seen nothin’ yet. That’s the conclusion from a new study that links an increasing risk of decades-long drought episodes in the western United States to human-induced climate change. The study predicts drought severity outside the bounds of what’s thought to have occurred over the past 1,000 years, based on local tree-ring records. These countries are making polluters pay.

This story was reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.

These countries are making polluters pay

Solving climate change is essentially an economic problem: How do you force companies and consumers to pay for the damage caused by the fossil fuels they consume? Let me explain: Without a price on carbon emissions, big polluters don’t pay for the greenhouse gases that they release into the atmosphere. The real cost of that pollution is borne by the planet in the form of global warming. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Changement climatique : des solutions existent pour 9 Français sur 10. Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Pierre Le Hir.

Changement climatique : des solutions existent pour 9 Français sur 10

Negotiating_text_12022015@2200.pdf. Quand l’argent de vos cotisations retraite accélère le réchauffement climatique. L’argent que gère le Fonds de réserve des retraites est censé garantir aux générations futures le bénéfice d’une protection sociale. Problème : une partie des excédents de cotisations retraites est investi dans des secteurs très polluants et des entreprises controversées. Basta ! Ensemble, mettons les combustibles fossiles à la retraite. No, climate scientists are not manipulating their data. Climat : « Notre pouvoir d'agir est plus important qu'on ne l'imagine.

Alors que le monde file vers une augmentation de la température de 4 à 5°C d’ici la fin du siècle, des négociations sur le changement climatique ont repris depuis le 8 février à Genève. Ces discussions, sous l’égide de l’Onu, sont destinées à préparer la conférence internationale de Paris fin 2015. Mais les blocages diplomatiques persistent. Brazil climate change plan backfires, doubling steel emissions. Boston-area transit, schools to shut Tuesday after record snowfall. Naomi Klein on how to build a more kick-ass climate movement. May Boeve, executive director of, recently interviewed Naomi Klein, activist and author of the book This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate (and 350 board member), as part of a web workshop ahead of Global Divestment Day.

You can watch the whole conversation. OPINION: People Power, the Solution to Climate Inaction. Active Citizens, Advancing Deserts, Asia-Pacific, Biodiversity, Civil Society, Climate Change, Development & Aid, Economy & Trade, Energy, Environment, Featured, Global, Global Geopolitics, Global Governance, Green Economy, Headlines, Trade & Investment, Water & Sanitation. Right Relevance: Search or Login for deep topical relevance. Is pH a Red Herring for Ocean Acidification? Credit: chesbayprogram/flickr By Virginia Gewin, Ensia In 2007, the owners of Whiskey Creek oyster hatchery on the Oregon coast lost almost all of their larvae — and had no idea why.

The only clue was that the larval die-offs often occurred during intense upwelling events, when deep, acidic waters replace surface waters blown offshore. The next year, the hatchery owners turned to Burke Hales, a biogeochemist at Oregon State University in Corvallis, who dove into the ocean’s complex carbon chemistry. Ocean acidification was clearly a growing concern. Severe floods in southern Africa damaged crops, affected 930 000 including some 300 000 displaced.

After a few months late start to southern Africa monsoon season, Mozambique, Malawi, and Madagascar have all received above-average rainfall since early January. Some areas received weekly accumulations well over 100 millimeters causing water levels to increase along the Shire, Licungo, Zambezi, and Mazoe Rivers, and along tributaries. Severe floods that followed in central and northern Mozambique and southern and northern Malawi affected approximately 930 000 people, including some 300 000 displaced from their homes, Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) writes. Flood-affected populations. Atmospheric river lashes drought-stricken California with rain and floods. As forecasted earlier this week, atmospheric river known locally as the Pineapple Express is sweeping down the West Coast US. The storm is dropping heavy rainfall, knocking down trees and power lines, delaying hundreds of flights and causing flash floods and traffic chaos. Widespread heavy rain is expected to continue across much of the West Coast this weekend and into the next week.

Obama’s budget calls for billions to fight climate change. This story was reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. In yet another sign President Barack Obama is making climate change a big theme of his final two years in office, the White House Monday released its proposed $3.99 trillion budget, and it contains a slew of programs designed to fight global warming. United Nations: Attempted murder of humanity and all life charges for Fossil fuel companies. How will ocean acidification impact marine life? Many marine organisms—such as coral, clams, mussels, sea urchins, barnacles, and certain microscopic plankton—rely on equilibrated chemical conditions and pH levels in the ocean to build their calcium-based shells and other structures. A new analysis published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology provides a holistic analysis of how species will be affected worldwide under different climate scenarios.

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