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iPi Soft. Image Metrics : Facial Animation Software: Performance Driven Animation Technology. Cat Mask Synchronized With Facial Muscle Movements Via Non-contact Interface. A non-contact interface that can measure facial muscle movement has been developed by a research group at Toyko University.

Cat Mask Synchronized With Facial Muscle Movements Via Non-contact Interface

To demonstrate this technology they developed a prototype cat mask and synchronized the eye and mouth movements with that of the wearer. "We think that facial input, using the face as a controller, and outputting instructions to a character's face are all unique features. " "Current animal costumes aren't interactive at all. So if a simple system like ours is provided in appropriate ways for each purpose, the actor in the costume and the animal itself could have synchronized expressions, making the performance more impressive. " Because this interface enables facial input without physical contact, it could also enable motorcycles to be operated using a full-face helmet.

"Currently, only the eyes and mouth move. Download Faceware 3.0 : Image Metric. LIFESTUDIO:LIPSYNC. OC3 Entertainment. FaceFX is OC3 Entertainment’s cutting edge solution for creating realistic facial animation from audio files.

OC3 Entertainment

FaceFX is the culmination of years of experience working with lip-synchronization, 3D graphics, and facial animation. The product makes it easy to batch process thousands of audio files for your game, add expressions to a single animation without ruining the lip-synchronization, tweak an animation to perfection, or integrate the entire solution into your art pipeline. FaceFX Unlimited for Game Developers FaceFX technology has been used in the development of over 150 triple-A game titles.

Full source code to FaceFX Studio Unlimited gives developers the flexibility they need to integrate the solution with their development pipeline, with full batch processing capabilities. Learn More > Optical Motion Capture and Tracking. The Game Creators - Make Your Own Game - Computer - Design and Making Software. RAD Game Tools. OC3 Entertainment. Morpheme 3. Euphoria. Euphoria represents a step change towards creating truly believable characters, worlds and games.


Instead of playing back canned animation, Euphoria uses the CPU to generate motion on the fly by simulating a character’s motor nervous system, body and muscles. With Euphoria, games are truly live. Anything can happen. Euphoria is optimised to run on PlayStation®4, Xbox One® and PC, and is powering some of the biggest blockbuster games of all time including Grand Theft Auto 4, Red Dead Redemption, and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. NaturalMotion is creating the next-generation of mobile games and animation technology that will redefine the industry. If you want to push the boundaries of believable characters and work on the cutting-edge of gaming, we want to hear from you.

Interested? If you are interested in working for NaturalMotion, but don't see a vacancy listed which matches your skills and experience we would still like to receive a speculative application from you. Mixamo: Production-quality 3d character animation in seconds. Mystic Game Development. Boston Dynamics: Dedicated to the Science and Art of How Things Move. ** Click on our logo to visit the DI-Guy Website ** DI-Guy is software and content for adding lifelike human characters to real-time visual simulations.

Boston Dynamics: Dedicated to the Science and Art of How Things Move.

DI-Guy characters look realistic, respond to simple high-level commands, and travel about the environment as directed. DI-Guy characters make seamless transitions from one activity to the next, moving naturally like real people. DI-Guy is available as an integrated suite of COTS software products: DI-Guy SDK is a software library that lets you quickly integrate humans into your real-time visual application.DI-Guy Scenario is an interactive 3D visual application for authoring human performances.DI-Guy AI adds artificial intelligence to the characters, enabling them to autonomously navigate and react to their changing environment. DI-Guy has always been designed to work in distributed simulations.

For more information email us at or visit our website Autodesk HumanIK. Products. The Avatar Platform Platform Overview The Big Stage Avatar Platform transforms photos of regular people into a wide range of avatar styles, fully animated and ready to enter any digital environment.


The Platform combines several advanced technologies, including photogrammetry, computer vision, facial reconstruction and machine learning, which together enable interactive entertainment developers to create and publish highly personalized games and applications. The enhanced level of personalization driven by Big Stage technology stems from the deeper emotional connection between users and their avatars when those avatars are constructed from actual photographs and therefore bear striking resemblances to their users which will drive up usage and micropayment transactions. Ease of Integration Our Platform’s client/server cluster can be deployed to any standards-compliant servlet container. The API We will be adding new languages on a regular basis. Deployment Coming Soon. Annosoft Lipsync Tools.