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Column: Student in de V.S. Connor Sullivan (@ktmb17) | Twitter. Column: Student in de V.S. – Groninger Studentenkrant. In Nederland waren we allemaal erg verbaasd dat Trump uit de bus is gekomen als president-elect van V.S.. We vragen ons allemaal af wat voor veranderingen dit voor ons teweeg gaat brengen, en de meerderheid houdt zijn hart vast.

Maar hoe kijken Amerikaanse studenten hier eigenlijk tegenaan? Wat betekent het voor je als je homo bent en je nieuwe president voor conversion en electroshock therapy is? En wat als je vrienden op deze man gestemd hebben? Ik vroeg mijn vriend Connor, die Political Science en Economy studeert aan de UCLA , hier een column over te schrijven. Connor Sullivan As I was traveling Europe this summer, my friend and I were constantly apologizing for the fact that Trump had even been nominated as a presidential candidate for this election and we assured people that there was no way he would be the President of the United States of America. Donald Trump, as of now, is the president-elect for the next four years.

5th day of anti-Trump protests rage on across the US. "Bienvenue à TrumpLand !" Le dessin de @cocoboer pour Charlie Hebdo. When it comes to protest signs, "Not usually a sign guy" might have changed the game. Donald Trump’s Caldron of Conflicts. In the short time Donald Trump has been president-elect, he’s already shown that he will freely mix his business affairs with his activities as president. Federal ethics rules are not a deterrent, since they cannot be enforced against him. The situation practically invites foreign governments and businesses to try to influence American policy by currying favor with him through his business empire. The president’s family will be managing golf courses, hotels and other businesses that stretch across the world. Unlike other recent presidents who liquidated their assets and put the proceeds in a blind trust, Mr.

Trump told The Times on Tuesday that he wouldn’t do so because “the law is totally on my side, meaning, the president can’t have a conflict of interest.” He’s wrong. During the campaign, Mr. Photo Recent days have produced several examples of how Mr. . ■ Mr. . ■ Mr. Even without a federal rule requiring Mr. Enforcing the Constitution and federal laws against Mr. Angst, protest en boosheid op Amerikaanse campussen na winst Trump. Het bleef lang onrustig bij verschillende universiteiten in de VS nadat bekend werd dat Trump de nieuwe president wordt. Dat melden Utrechtse studenten die in Amerika studeren. Hoe enkele fanatieke UU'ers in Utrecht de verkiezingsavond beleefden, zie je in dit videoverslag. De academische wereld, zowel in Nederland als de Verenigde Staten, liet op het Amerikablog van DUB blijken weinig op te hebben met Donald Trump.

Niemand dacht dat hij zou winnen. Fundamentele kloof tussen laag en hoger opgeleiden Klimaatwetenschapper Cedric Reyngaert geeft erin aan dat Trump, mocht hij de verkiezingen winnen, hij de moeizaam bereikte klimaatakkoorden eenvoudig naast zich neer kan leggen. In datzelfde artikel zegt bestuurskundige Mark Bovens dat Trump op een nieuwe politieke scheidslijn opereert: die van het nationalisme waarmee hij met name de witte, laag opgeleide mensen bereikt die zich buitengesloten voelen. Niet dat de studenten overlopen van enthousiasme voor Clinton. Licht is al tijdje bij je uit Joost. Wilders wil nergens bij NPO en ook niet bij RTL, en de meeste PVV kamerleden mógen niet van hun baas..

Massachusetts college students join national walkout for 'sanctuary campuses' Massachusetts college students join national walkout for 'sanctuary campuses' In protest of President-elect Donald Trump’s immigration proposals, college students in Massachusetts joined a national walkout calling on their schools to protect undocumented immigrants on campus from potential federal deportation efforts. Organized under the hashtag #SanctuaryCampus, students at Harvard, Tufts, MIT, UMass Amherst, Amherst College, Mount Holyoke College, and other local universities initiated petitions and rallies Wednesday seeking assurances that their fellow classmates, who are undocumented immigrants, would not be deported.

Trump has since softened his pledge to deport all of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. However, the still-aggressive deportation proposal would still face major practical roadblocks. Hundreds of Amherst College students converged at noon outside an administration building on campus. The rally included signs, speeches from students, chants, and a letter of demands to the liberal arts school’s president. Close. A protest at Ohio State was interrupted after an anti-Trump protester was tackled while making a speech. NATIONWIDE PROTESTS: List grows as #NotMyPresident demonstrations spread across the United States. Alleged hate crimes spike after presidential election. ‘Not My President Rally’ at Iowa State University: Not All Students Agree. Kaleb Van Fosson (@KalebVanfosson) | Twitter. Fisk University - Nashville.

Nashville students protest Donald Trump presidency. VIDEOS: STUDENTS PROTEST TRUMP PRESIDENCYNashville students protest Donald Trump presidency | 0:59 Protesters march downtown Wednesday afternoon to protest the 2016 presidential election results. Andrew Nelles / The Tennessean 1 of 2 VIDEOS: STUDENTS PROTEST TRUMP PRESIDENCYFisk students protest election | 1:49 Fisk University students protest against President-elect Donald Trump after election Ariana Sawyer / The Tennessean 2 of 2 0:59 Nashville students protest Donald Trump presidency 1:49 Fisk students protest election About 100 demonstrators shut down traffic throughout downtown Nashville Wednesday afternoon to protest President-elect Donald Trump's victory.

"Donald Trump has got to go," they chanted. Students from Fisk University held a walkout and march the day after Election Day. Nick MacKenzie, a 17-year-old Nashville resident, also put together a protest called "Not My President" using Facebook at 3:30 a.m. after Trump was declared president-elect. 1 of 37 Autoplay Show Thumbnails 37 Photos. Justin Jones (@justinjonestv) | Twitter. Students stage walk-out, block streets to protest election. Dozens of students walked out of classes at Fisk University on Wednesday to march through the streets of Nashville to protest the presidential election. The students left shortly after 2 p.m. They said they are tired of people being discriminated against for their religion, race and economic status. Around 3 p.m., there were reports that Charlotte Pike in front of the Capitol has been blocked by about 100 protestors.

The Metro Transit Authority was detouring buses from the area. The group sat down at the intersection of Charlotte Pike and 6th Avenue and shouted, “This is what community looks like.” The protesters then sat down on Charlotte Avenue at the I-40 on-ramp around 4 p.m. Student activist Justin Jones, who organized the march, said this is not a protest of Donald Trump, but they are protesting the things the president-elect has said and what he stands for. They want Trump to denounce those statements. The students returned to the Fisk University campus around 5 p.m. ‘Not My President Rally’ at Iowa State University: Not All Students Agree. <div>Please enable Javascript to watch this video</div> AMES, Iowa- Students at Iowa State University gathered on campus Friday for a rally to protest the election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States.

The students expressed anger and fear during the noon hour rally. Many held signs like, “No Hate at Iowa State,” and “Protect Trans Students. " “We want to bring people together and start a movement or organization collation against bigotry and intolerance that is overtaking our country right now,” said Kaleb Van Fosson, one of the student organizers of the rally. "Let's turn the City Council, get progressives elected and advocate for a progressive Democratic take-back of our legislature in 2018.” "The racism and sexism and everything they're talking about is probably a minority of Trump supporters of who feel that way,” said McKane Wells, a Trump supporter, and ISU Student. Hundreds of thousands will take 2 the streets tonight & this weekend. I will be there. YOU be there too! Hundreds of cities! TO THE STREETS!

Michael Mooreさんのツイート: "Hundreds of thousands will take 2 the streets tonight & this weekend. I will be there. YOU be there too! Hundreds of cities! TO THE STREETS!" ALERT: Trump is considering a transition team of anti-LGBTQ candidates including @kenblackwell of hate group @FRCdc. Round-up of Recriminations | Corey Pein. The sea swells. Cracks open in the earth. Blood drips from the walls. A swirling black hole appears in the sky. President-elect of the United States Donald J.

Theories abound. Recriminations will multiply in the days to come. As I watched the results sink in, that evening, to an incredulous and weirdly sedate panel on Fox News, as panic spread across my Twitter timeline, I put aside my fast-growing personal shit list in order to compile a list of recriminatory theories shared by others. Donald Trump The man does possess a strange charisma. The Kremlin This Clintonite conspiracy theory was the campaign’s go-to message in the final months of the election.

The FBI Similarly, some Democratic boosters immediately pinned the blame for their candidate’s bad result on FBI director James Comey, who oversaw the investigation of the scandal surrounding Clinton’s private email sever, and who resurrected said scandal with a letter to Congress ten days before the election. Non-White Voters Geeks Satan. @USATODAYcollege university of Oklahoma was representing too! Trump's new environmental chief thinks climate change is fake. Miami Beach's sea level… I am aware this is going to be an unpopular view, but I think Zuckerberg is broadly right. Kinda amazing to hear "get over it" arguments from people who spent 8 years saying Obama was secretly not really the president.

Old wine in new bottles drawn from same old swamp drain. Trump fills up team w/ deep state repub retreads&insiders. Recall Bush the Younger flying into a hostile Berlin? Isn't democracy wonderful, he said, and waved at the sea of protesters. Folks are rallying on I-25. #Denver #NotMyPresident #TrumpProtest #PunchHisDick. Facebook is now in the awkward position of having to explain why they think they drive purchase decisions but not voting decisions. Mark Zuckerberg Says Fake News On Facebook Didn’t Change The Election. Our organizer @agoggans hit by rouge capital police officer. NYT Editorial: Trump should immediately repudiate outpouring of racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic & anti-gay attacks. Another prophecy of Trumpism, by Richard Rorty 1998. [via @coleenlisa] ❤ Trumps Hate. Emergency March Against Trump Photo: @JosephBrusky #NotMyPresident. A 15-year-old is yelling at the police line in #Oakland: "Would you do this to your own kids?"

Drain the Swamp Update: Fat cat Washington lobbyists/corporate insiders have been given big roles in Trump transition planning/policy. If we had a national popular vote, we wouldn't be in this mess. Check out and see where your state stands. But I'll be damned if I have to be the nice one here. They. Voted. To. Kill. Me. Black Students Face Expulsion for Sit-In.