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CP_ESSEC_Ville___Numerique__Final.pdf. Minds.Com - The New Kid on Social Networking Block to Challenge Facebook, Others; Site Backed by Hacking Group Anonymous. Social network websites, which are a dime a dozen, have a new competitor: The new website is being backed by the famous hacking group Anonymous. offers something that current social network websites do not offer: messages are encrypted and therefore it won't be possible for advertisers or governments to read them, reports The Independent. The website says it won't be making money by selling user data. The encryption will ensure that only the sender and the receiver can access messages.

The website offers all features offered by existing social network websites such as Facebook like sending updates to followers and allow them to comment, like and reshare. The help of Anonymous will make the website more secure than competitors can think of. The website will also reward users based on activities like new post, voting, commenting or uploading contents; more active users will be promoted by the site. Related. Sans titre. Messaging apps are in a constant state of change. The attraction to these apps range from being more convenient than sending emails to being a less public facing way to share photos/videos with close friends and family or to leverage the data plan/wifi connections where texting plans are limited.

For parents with preteens and teenagers, trying to keep up may feel like a very steep hill to climb. The goal of this infographic is to provide some visibility into the popular apps typically used by kids and adults, what they are typically used for, what to watch for and their reach (# of users). Some of the Sources:

Réseaux sociaux professionnels

Réseaux sociaux - vie de l'établissement. Réseaux sociaux - usages pédagogiques. - Toute l'actualité des plateformes sociales (blogs, wikis, réseaux sociaux, microblog…) et du Social Business (marketing + CRM + commerce) Twitter.