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L'UE adopte définitivement le règlement sur la réutilisation des eaux usées traitées. Guillaume JOLY Le 18 mai 2020 4 minutes pour apprendre quelque chose d'utile Jeudi dernier, le Ministère de la Transition Écologique et Solidaire rendait public une liste de 53 départements qui doivent d’ores et déjà se préparer à faire face à la sécheresse estivale.

L'UE adopte définitivement le règlement sur la réutilisation des eaux usées traitées

Si la saison n’est pas encore commencé, et si les précipitations hivernales ont été plutôt bonnes cette année, Météo France prévoit un temps très sec pour les prochains mois. Probablement à l’image de l’été 2019, où 88 départements français ont fait face au manque d’eau. C’est principalement sur l’Est de la France, le Centre ainsi que la région Rhône-Alpes que les prévisions semblent pessimistes. Lever les obstacles à une utilisation plus répandue de ce modèle. Eautarcie, La gestion durable de l'eau dans la monde. L'EAUTARCIE en résumé Pour connaître le fil conducteur du système d'EAUTARCIE, cliquer ici.

Eautarcie, La gestion durable de l'eau dans la monde

Qui utilise le système EAUTARCIE? Les familles qui sont à la pointe de la sensibilité environnementale, les bâtisseurs d'un monde plus viable. En utilisant EAUTARCIE, avec leurs eaux usées elles cessent de polluer l'environnement. Pour la mise en place et l'usage de ce système, la modification de la vision sur l'eau et la santé s'impose. Où peut-on placer ce système? Dans les habitations rurales et périurbaines, munies d'un petit jardin : en appartement urbain, seule la technique de production d'eau alimentaire de très haute qualité est possible.

Il n'y a que les lois en vigueur qui limitent les possibilités de placement du système dont les solutions simples et peu onéreuses ne demandent pas une compétence particulière. 20 Ways To Conserve Water In The Home. March 22 is World Water Day!

20 Ways To Conserve Water In The Home

Read and share the following tips, and do your part to help reduce our overall water consumption! With more and more areas struggling with droughts, conserving water is more important than ever. Even if you’re not living in a drought-stricken region, cutting back on water use also means a lower utility bill and helps conserve a precious resource.

Whether you’re ready to cut back on your showers or replace your lawn with water-wise plants, there are lots of big and small ways that you can conserve water around the home. Don’t worry if you can’t do everything on this list. 1. 2. 3. Greenamerica. 10 Hot Ideas For A Drought-Resistant Garden. Cutting back on water doesn’t mean the end of your garden.

10 Hot Ideas For A Drought-Resistant Garden

You can take many steps to reduce the water needs of your yard without sacrificing beauty or practicality. Try some of these suggestions to make your garden more resilient in the face of drought and summer heat. 1. Prepare your soil appropriately. Organic matter helps your soil retain water as well as supplying nutrition for your plants. An exception to this rule is when you’re planting plants that are native to desert areas. 2. Pathways and driveways made from materials like pebbles, bark chips or irregular stones will allow rainfall to pass through and absorb into your ground. 3. You don’t have to limit yourself when deciding what to plant in your garden. Using plants native to your area is another great option. The Okanagan Xeriscape Association has an excellent plant database of many different drought-resistant annual and perennial flowers, as well as shrubs and trees.

Love This? Thanks for subscribing! 20 Ways To Conserve Water In The Home. March 22 is World Water Day!

20 Ways To Conserve Water In The Home

Read and share the following tips, and do your part to help reduce our overall water consumption! With more and more areas struggling with droughts, conserving water is more important than ever. Even if you’re not living in a drought-stricken region, cutting back on water use also means a lower utility bill and helps conserve a precious resource. Whether you’re ready to cut back on your showers or replace your lawn with water-wise plants, there are lots of big and small ways that you can conserve water around the home.

Don’t worry if you can’t do everything on this list. 1. 10 Reasons to Avoid Bottled Water. Where do you get water for your family?

10 Reasons to Avoid Bottled Water

Find out why the tap isn’t so bad. 1. Bottled water is NO safer than tap water—in fact, it is LESS regulated. Bottled water can be sourced from virtually anywhere. And much of the time it’s simply tap water that has been packaged in plastic and sold. 2. 4. 5. This amazing washing machine uses virtually no water. Nearly a quarter of the water your household uses goes into your washing machine, and the average family of four will use 12,000 gallons of water a year on laundry.

This amazing washing machine uses virtually no water

What if there were a way to de-stankify your clothes without draining the ocean? Now there is, thanks to British company Xeros, which has made what it says is the first true leap forward for washing machines in 60 years. Using only a cup of water — about 90 percent less than normal washers — Xeros’ washing machine tumbles clothes with a million little plastic beads that absorb dirt when humidity is present. The recyclable polymer beads are good for about 500 washes. (After that, please be careful not to dump them in the Great Lakes.) “If all UK households converted to the technology, it would save around seven million tonnes of water per week,” writes the Daily Mail — approximately 1.8 billion gallons, or almost three Olympic-sized swimming pools.

New York City’s water: Brought to you by Mother Nature. Video - Connaissez-vous votre consommation réelle en eau ? - Maxisciences. L'eau est un bien très précieux, mais rare sur la planète.

Video - Connaissez-vous votre consommation réelle en eau ? - Maxisciences

Connaissez-vous votre consommation réelle en eau? Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article? Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter. Water Filter Saves Lives, Trees in Cambodia. Use 70% Less Water With Automatic Recycling Shower. Did you know that conventional showers send about 19,000 gallons of water down the drain every year?

Use 70% Less Water With Automatic Recycling Shower

There are lots of ways to reduce personal water consumption. You could take shorter showers, install a low-flow shower head, or use a shower bucket to save falling water for other uses in your home and garden. But these changes require resources, tools, and more importantly, time and effort. What if your shower could just save water automatically? An Australian company is winning awards left and right for a shower design that does just that. CINTEP’s water recycling shower will look and feel just like a normal shower, but will use 70 percent less water than conventional designs. VentureBeat explains: The recycling shower captures used water in a reservoir, which is likely to be built into the base of the shower.

Les Biefs du Pilat - Gestion globale de l'eau.