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Deep Water by Vpr99 on - Your ultimate V-Ray material resource. BLOG - architectural rendering and illustration blog. Bifurcating Ecologies / Kenneth To – Wendy W Fok. Bifurcating Ecologies, designed by Kenneth To (under Design Advisor, Wendy W Fok, and Project Team, Dave Cheung, Marco Chan), is a developmental master planning proposal which traces through humanizing the accessibility of the Hong Kong Wanchai District Waterfront through proposing new branching open landscapes and bifurcation of programs, which introduces new innovative topological energy creation that regenerates and reconnects the community.

More images and project description after the break. Acting as an intermediary “connector” and “infiltrator” within four main strands of intertwined organization, between levels of: ecology, pedestrian, vehicular, and infrastructure, Bifurcating Ecologies challenges the visceral and abundantly urbanized Hong Kong waterfront that feeds itself through both land and water. Bifurcating Ecologies is composed of modular straps in an urban scale. It starts as a surface bisecting into multiple layers.

Interpretation and Visitors Center / VAUMM Architects. VAUMM architects shared with us their proposal for the Interpretation and Visitors Center of the Technology Development Plant for Co2 Geological Storage. The Energy City Foundation plans to build an Interpretation Center to publicize the project of Geological Storage of CO2, a new project which is one of the main mechanisms in the fight against global climate change. It is intended that after visiting the Center, people have learned how Co2 affects the planet, the solutions that arise, the reasons for storing CO2 and overall operation of the Co2 Storage Plant at Hontomín, Burgos and also has experienced the feeling of having been inside the earth and having watched direct injection of CO2.

More images and architects’ description after the break. The ideas competition, as support to Technology Development Plant for CO2 Geological Storage, begins from the choice of position for the Center in the adjoining hillside from which you will have visibility over the plant. Bookstore Book Store White clip art. Signs & Symbols | Signs, Symbols, Pictograms & Infographics: Discussion & Downloads. Recursos Free Photoshop Brushes at Brusheezy! BEST FREE RENDER TEXTURES | download thousands of textures for free! Exclusive library of seamless diffuse, bump and displacement maps! Vehículos. Set con los vehículos comerciales básicos, en formato vectorial y con una gran calidad de representación. Ideal para realizar aplicaciones corporativas como vinilos, y presentarlos al cliente. Disponibles en formato vectorial EPS.

Incluye camión, coche de empresa y furgoneta. Immediate Entourage | Free Cropped Photos for Architectural Renderings. TUTORIALS. A lot of people have been asking me how I create my renderings. Since I am finished with grad school, I decided to develop some tutorials that explain techniques I used throughout architecture school. Many of the techniques only require Sketchup and Photoshop. Others later on will be a little more advanced and involve rendering programs that can be downloaded for free. . Digital Cut Out » fast, free graphics.