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Les styles d'apprentissage

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Everything You Thought You Knew About Learning Is Wrong. Learning through osmosis didn't make the strategies list image courtesy of Flickr user Taking notes during class?

Everything You Thought You Knew About Learning Is Wrong

Topic-focused study? A consistent learning environment? All are exactly opposite the best strategies for learning. Really, I recently had the good fortune to interview Robert Bjork, director of the UCLA Learning and Forgetting Lab, distinguished professor of psychology, and massively renowned expert on packing things in your brain in a way that keeps them from leaking out. Here's what he said. Learning Styles Don't Exist. Change Magazine - September-October 2010. By Cedar Riener and Daniel Willingham There is no credible evidence that learning styles exist.

Change Magazine - September-October 2010

While we will elaborate on this assertion, it is important to counteract the real harm that may be done by equivocating on the matter. In what follows, we will begin by defining “learning styles”; then we will address the claims made by those who believe that they exist, in the process acknowledging what we consider the valid claims of learning-styles theorists. But in separating the wheat from the pseudoscientific chaff in learning-styles theory, we will make clear that the wheat is contained in other educational approaches as well. A belief in learning styles is not necessary to incorporating useful knowledge about learning into one's teaching. What is a Learning Style?

The claim at the center of learning-styles theory is this: Different students have different modes of learning, and their learning could be improved by matching one's teaching with that preferred learning mode. Resources. Les styles d'apprentissage, une vaste rigolade ? Depuis 2010, les articles académiques et grand public se multiplient aux Etats-Unis pour dénoncer ce que certains appellent "l'imposture" ou "l'erreur" des styles d'apprentissage.

Les styles d'apprentissage, une vaste rigolade ?

Non que ce concept ne recouvre certaines réalités évidentes : les apprenants n'apprennent pas tous de la même façon, pas la peine d'être diplômé en psychologie ou en neurosciences pour le savoir; mais ce qui est fortement remis en cause aujourd'hui, c'est l'utilisation faite de cette théorie dans la conception et l'animation de formations, en présence ou en ligne. Les éducateurs sont donc les premiers touchés par la remise en cause de l'importance des styles d'apprentissage. Aucune vérification de la théorie par la recherche Quels sont donc les termes de cette remise en cause ? Dans un article intitulé "Challenging the Notion of Learning Styles", Maryellen Weimer les résume ainsi :