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Let’s Talk About Sex. Political Debates and Polls Forum. - home of fine hypertext products. The Freakonomics Story. Matterloaded. Kung Fu Monkey. The Scientific Activist. Incredible Speech By Wall Street Protester "End The Fed" 2011. Debate. JSTOR. MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE FOR DEBATE AND PUBLIC SPEAKING. Big Think. Asian Debating Website. Twelve Things Debaters Should Know About Law. This is a list of twelve things (actually, twelve sets of things) that well-informed debaters should know about law and the legal system.

Twelve Things Debaters Should Know About Law

If you know the items in the list, you won't be a legal expert, but you'll know enough to survive legal debate rounds. Since I am not a lawyer, I do not claim that my explanations are definitive or comprehensive. In the interest of brevity, I have simplified some of the explanations, leaving the minor exceptions and qualifications for footnotes. Also, constitutional law is such a large and important area that I've decided to deal with it in a separate page, as yet unwritten. 1. 1. This is the most basic distinction of the Anglo-American legal system. Civil and criminal cases differ in several important respects, including: Names of the sides.

Civil and criminal trials can sometimes occur for the very same act. In addition to civil and criminal, there is also a third type of case: administrative adjudication. Ten Things Debaters Should Know About Economics. This is a list of ten things that debaters should know about economics.

Ten Things Debaters Should Know About Economics

The purpose of this page is not to provide a full education in economics, but to provide ammunition for debate rounds. I have written the items in broad terms, so that the breadth of their applicability is apparent. As many of the examples indicate, economic ideas can be used in a variety of contexts (legal, political, moral, etc.) where you might not expect to find them. Even when a debate is not about economics per se, the concepts here may add an extra dimension to your argumentation. - Portal. Cross Examination Topic « Learn to Debate. Public Opinion Polls - debate, discuss and post your own - - Most Recent. Obama Admin Warns of “Fines and Incarceration” if U.S.

Citizens Set Sail with Gaza Aid Flotilla A group of U.S. citizens is rejecting the Obama administration’s attempt to thwart their aid mission to the Gaza Strip, which threatens to leave them stranded in Greece. They are set to sail from a Greek port on a U.S. -flagged ship called “The Audacity of Hope,” part of an international humanitarian flotilla carrying aid for Gaza’s 1.5 million Palestinian residents. Flotilla members are taking part despite Israeli threats to intercept their ships. AMY GOODMAN: A group of U.S. citizens is defiantly rejecting the Obama administration’s attempt to thwart their aid mission to the Gaza Strip, which threatens to leave them stranded in Greece. The flotilla members are taking part despite Israeli threats to intercept their ships.

SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON: Well, we do not believe that the flotilla is a necessary or useful effort to try to assist the people of Gaza. The Skeptic's Dictionary. Fallacy List. 1.

Fallacy List

FAULTY CAUSE: (post hoc ergo propter hoc) mistakes correlation or association for causation, by assuming that because one thing follows another it was caused by the other. example: A black cat crossed Babbs' path yesterday and, sure enough, she was involved in an automobile accident later that same afternoon. example: The introduction of sex education courses at the high school level has resulted in increased promiscuity among teens. A recent study revealed that the number of reported cases of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) was significantly higher for high schools that offered courses in sex education than for high schools that did not. 2.

SWEEPING GENERALIZATION: (dicto simpliciter) assumes that what is true of the whole will also be true of the part, or that what is true in most instances will be true in all instances. example: Muffin must be rich or have rich parents, because she belongs to ZXQ, and ZXQ is the richest sorority on campus.