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Understanding innovation APR 18 Horace Dediu explains what innovation is and how it differs from novelty, invention, and creation. Novelty: Something new Creation: Something new and valuable Invention: Something new, having potential value through utility Innovation: Something new and uniquely useful Big Bang gravitational waves possibly in doubt APR 18 Ruh-roh. Remember the news last month about the detection of gravitational waves would have allowed scientists to see all the way back to the Big Bang?

Brain Pickings 04 MARCH, 2013By: Maria Popova “When we really see each other, we want to help each other.” “It would be a terrible calamity,” Henry Miller wrote in his meditation on the beautiful osmosis between giving and receiving, “for the world if we eliminated the beggar. The beggar is just as important in the scheme of things as the giver. The astounding quantities of discarded plastic that end up in oceans each year tend to concentrate in ring-like swirls of currents called gyres, yet most of it can be hard to spot—not because it’s not there in great quantities, but because it often takes the form of fingernail-sized microplastics. “It looks like pristine ocean until you tow your net through the water,” researcher Erik Zettler at Sea Education Association (SEA) said about the North Atlantic Gyre. “That’s when you find the plastic.”

OMG Facts The 80s were a time of testing our mental capacity, pushing the way we think and solve problems to the creative limits. Alright, so that may be a little dramatic in the age of hair bands and Pac-Man, but there was the infamous Rubik's Cube that boggled the mind—at least until those geniuses mastered it. It has been proven that any Rubik's Cube can be solved in twenty moves or less, no matter how many times you twist and turn it. Learning and Memory From song lyrics to former addresses, our brains hold a seemingly endless supply of information. How are we able to learn, store, and recall information with such ease? Brain cells undergo chemical and structural changes during learning. Cellsea Image Manipulation Sunday, June 25th, 2006 <>p>Update (June 28, 2006): Beau Hartshorne of Snipshot (formerly Pixoh) says “massive chunks” of Cellsea code are identical to Snipshot. “This is not an accidental inspiration.

S. M. Stirling Stirling's novels are generally conflict-driven and often describe military situations and militaristic cultures. In addition to his books' military, adventure and exploration focus, he often describes societies with cultural values significantly different from modern western views. One of his recurring topics is the influence of the culture on an individual's outlook and values, with a particular emphasis on the idea that most people and societies consider themselves (mostly) moral. Stirling also has a fascination with technological development, and frequently turns to explorations of this within the context of many of his novels. The Draka for instance, choose and face a different imperative in their conquest of Africa, and turn earlier to breech-loading firearms and steam power than the rest of the Western World. Stirling also tends to write strong female characters who have prominent roles within the story.[1]

300 mind expanding dokus I watch a lot of documentaries. I think they are incredible tools for learning and increasing our awareness of important issues. The power of an interesting documentary is that it can open our minds to new possibilities and deepen our understanding of the world. On this list of mind expanding documentaries you will find different viewpoints, controversial opinions and even contradictory ideas. Critical thinking is recommended. I’m not a big fan of conspiracy documentaries but I do like films that challenge consensus reality and provoke us to question the everyday ideas, opinions and practices we usually take for granted.

by Michael Surtees » Blog Archive » My Link Drop Process A couple people have asked me about how I do my Link Drops —wondering if they’re some how automated. I’m sure there must be a faster way to do it, but everything I do is by hand and hard coded into a post. Even the screengrab are done by hand. There’s about ten things that I have to do to get the post ready to be published on a Friday morning. Snake Oil Supplements See the data: See the static versionSee the old flash version Check the evidence for so-called Superfoods visualized. Note: You might see multiple bubbles for certain supplements. These is because some supps affect a range of conditions, but the evidence quality varies from condition to condition. For example, there’s strong evidence that garlic can lower blood pressure.

Documentation - Installation Instructions Glossary Directory: Same as a folder. Path: A physical location on a server that describes where files and directories are. On Windows paths begin with the drive letter ( c:/inetpub/wwwroot/ ), on *nix paths start at root ( / ) like ( /var/www/ ) public_html : Common name for the directory on a webserver that contains all files that are accessible via a URL (other common names: htdocs, www) URL: Uniform Resource Locator, the address of a specific piece of information on the web ( ) Installation Requirements

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