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Data Breach in law firms

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Are lawyers an easy target for hackers? Everest, le pirate qui croque de l’avocat nuit et jour ! VIOLATION DU SECRET DES CORRESPONDANCES ET ATTEINTE A LA VIE VIE PRIVEE. I- Le principe textuel A) Le droit pénal 1°- Article 226-15 du code pénal modifié par la loi N°2013-1168 du 18 décembre 2013 dispose: Le fait, commis de mauvaise foi, d'ouvrir, de supprimer, de retarder ou de détourner des correspondances arrivées ou non à destination et adressées à des tiers, ou d'en prendre frauduleusement connaissance, est puni d'un an d'emprisonnement et de 45 000 euros d'amende. Est puni des mêmes peines le fait, commis de mauvaise foi, d'intercepter, de détourner, d'utiliser ou de divulguer des correspondances émises, transmises ou reçues par la voie électronique ou de procéder à l'installation d'appareils de nature à permettre la réalisation de telles interceptions. 2°-Article du 432-9 du code pénal 3°- La Loi n°91-646 du 10 juillet 1991 relative au secret des correspondances émises par la voie des communications électroniques.

Le principe annoncé dans l'article 1 : B) Le droit européen L'article 8 de la CEHD envisage la protection à la vie privée et familiale. " 1. Article R625-10 - Code pénal. Lorsque cette information est exigée par la loi, est puni de l'amende prévue pour les contraventions de la 5e classe le fait, pour le responsable d'un traitement automatisé de données à caractère personnel : 1° De ne pas informer la personne auprès de laquelle sont recueillies des données à caractère personnel la concernant : a) De l'identité du responsable du traitement et, le cas échéant, de celle de son représentant ; b) De la finalité poursuivie par le traitement auquel les données sont destinées ; c) Du caractère obligatoire ou facultatif des réponses ; d) Des conséquences éventuelles, à son égard, d'un défaut de réponse ; e) Des destinataires ou catégories de destinataires des données ; f) De ses droits d'opposition, d'interrogation, d'accès et de rectification ; g) Le cas échéant, des transferts de données à caractère personnel envisagés à destination d'un Etat n'appartenant pas à l'Union européenne ; b) A la finalité poursuivie par le traitement auquel les données sont destinées ;

WP29 releases draft breach notification guidelines. Editor's Note: The Article 29 Working Party adopted its final guidelines on personal data breach notification on February 6, 2018, available here. The EU General Data Protection Regulation imposes stricter obligations on data controllers and processors to ensure the security of personal data. One of the new mechanisms introduced to reach this objective is data breach notification, a concept familiar to U.S.

-based privacy professionals, but still relatively new to the EU. Specifically, the GDPR requires data controllers to notify the competent supervisory authority about personal data breaches unless “the personal data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.” Moreover, breaches also need to be communicated to individuals if there is a “high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.” Notifying the Supervisory Authority Data processors should also notify data controllers of breaches “without undue delay.” Delayed Notifications Conclusion. Experts: GCs Are Aghast Over Hacks at Top Law Firms. 10 Law Firm Cyber-Attacks of 2017. Law firms are increasingly the targets of cyber attacks. Don’t be mislead into thinking that hacking is a problem for just the large law firms; small firms and solo attorneys are also at constant risk of hacking invasions and according to a recent report, a shocking 40% of law firms have been hacked and they didn't even know it.

Since all attorneys and their firms are privy to some of their clients’ most sensitive data, and this data must be stored somewhere, the appeal to hackers is quite clear. From the Panama Papers to DLA Piper, 2017 was the year of law firm related cyber crime and it appears that the trend won't slow down in 2018. Jordan McQuown, CIO leading law firm cyber security firm LogicForce provided insights into what we can expect to see in the year ahead.

“These attacks have proven to have a low cost to execute and return a quick high dollar payout. As the trend toward cloud-based data storage continues, the threat of devastating cyber attacks is increasing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Beware of scammers pretending to be the Law Society | The Law Society. The email claims to be sent from ‘MS-Support-Team <>’ and has the subject line ‘7 Pending Report.eml’. Within the email, recipients are asked to click on a link and enter their Microsoft Office 365 credentials. We take IT security very seriously. Our team has carried out an investigation, which concluded that the emails were not sent from the Law Society systems and no Law Society data had been compromised. We ask you to be vigilant in order to prevent fraud. Please delete any emails with the subject ‘7 Pending Report.eml’ and block ‘gim.marvis1010.repl[.]co’ and let us know through our website contact form If you have clicked on the link and entered your password for Microsoft Office 365, change your login credentials as soon as possible Verify the authenticity of any emails that appear to be from the Law Society – we will never ask for your username or password We have more comprehensive guidance on our cybersecurity hub.

Data for 700M LinkedIn Users Posted for Sale. Un jeune hacker jugé pour s’être attaqué à un site du ministère de la justice. Un important cabinet d’avocat et un assureur français piégés par des pirates. Avocats et comptables dans la ligne de mire des pirates. » Piratage d’avocats et de magistrats, une fuite de données sous la robe ? Une enquête a été ouverte pour « atteintes contre des systèmes de traitement automatisé des données contenant des données à caractère personnel mis en œuvre par l’Etat » en France. Au Canada, le Ministère de la Justice a du faire face à des cyberattaques employant des courriels très ciblés. Les services judiciaires des cousins du Grand Nord sont en alerte. En Argentine, le Ministère de l’immigration a subit une attaque qui a donné l’occasion aux pirates de diffuser des documents internes, certains ciblés Interpol.

Dans ces attaques, les pirates exploitent trois éléments : des bases de données préalablement piratées ; un code malveillant (allant du cheval de Troie en passant par le ransomware) et le phishing. Ici, un hameçonnage très ciblé : le spear phishing. Des données de Donald Trump, avant sa présidence, ont été vendues par des pirates. Le spear phishing Connu aussi sous le nom de Business Email Compromise (BEC), le spear phishing est un hameçonnage préparé avec « finesse ». Cabinets d’avocats : Cible idéale des cyber-attaques | WiLo.

Par Anne-Laure Joubaire Temps de lecture : 2"30 L’Agence Nationale de Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information (ANSSI) est intervenue sur 104 cas de rançongiciels* sur la période courant du 1er janvier au 1er septembre, alors qu’elle n’avait traité que 54 cas de ce type sur toute l’année 2019. Le relâchement des règles de sécurité suite à un passage subit en télétravail semble avoir fait le bonheur des cybercriminels. Les cabinets d’avocats au carrefour de données sensibles Les avocats et les comptables font partie des professions les plus touchées par les pirates. . « Les avocats sont à une grande majorité des petites structures, explique Garance Limouzy, consultante en gestion de crise chez We Law Care. Ces attaques peuvent avoir des conséquences dévastatrices pour les professionnels du droit : arrêt de l’activité, dédommagement des clients, risques judiciaires et surtout perte de crédibilité.

Ne pas abandonner la gestion de cette crise aux équipes IT Pour aller plus loin : Le conseil national des barreaux lance le "Cloud privé des avocats" Le Cloud privé des avocats, est une solution à haut niveau de sécurité disponible dès à présent. Dédié exclusivement aux avocats inscrits à un barreau français et en exercice, le Cloud privé garantit la confidentialité des correspondances et le secret professionnel. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour profiter de tous ses avantages ! Le Cloud privé des avocats vous propose : une adresse de messagerie permettant l’envoi de messages sécurisés vers vos confrères et vos clients ; un carnet d’adresses ; un agenda ; un gestionnaire de tâches ; un espace de stockage en ligne ; une suite de logiciels de bureautique (en option) ; un archivage chiffré ; l’envoi de vos courriels chiffrés vers vos clients. La connexion peut se faire avec la clé e-Barreau ou bien sans, à l’aide d’un identifiant et d’un mot de passe associés à un code (dit code OTP) reçu par SMS sur votre téléphone mobile, au numéro renseigné lors de votre inscription.

Epic Manchego – atypical maldoc delivery brings flurry of infostealers – NVISO Labs. In July 2020, NVISO detected a set of malicious Excel documents, also known as “maldocs”, that deliver malware through VBA-activated spreadsheets. While the malicious VBA code and the dropped payloads were something we had seen before, it was the specific way in which the Excel documents themselves were created that caught our attention.

The creators of the malicious Excel documents used a technique that allows them to create macro-laden Excel workbooks, without actually using Microsoft Office. As a side effect of this particular way of working, the detection rate for these documents is typically lower than for standard maldocs. This blog post provides an overview of how these malicious documents came to be. In addition, it briefly describes the observed payloads and finally closes with recommendations as well as indicators of compromise to help defend your organization from such attacks. Key Findings (TL;DR) Analysis Malicious document analysis Figure 1 – Unique maldocs observed per day.

Hackers breach computer networks of some big U.S. law firms: WSJ. Huge rise in UK house purchase email scams as foreign hackers steal over £10m in 2015. The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) is warning house buyers and sellers in the UK to be particularly careful after foreign crime gangs managed to steal over £10m ($14.6m) in 2015 through email scams. The scammers make their money by hacking into the email accounts of solicitors, estate agents, buyers and sellers.

They read the email chains sent between these parties, and then wait until the deal is about to complete, or the day of sale completion. On that day, the hackers then send fake emails to victims stating that the bank account details have been changed at the last minute and asking the relevant parties to deposit money into a different bank account.

As the email comes from the email account that was hacked, there is no way to tell that it didn't come from the original sender, and once the money hits the fake account, it is quickly transferred electronically into other bank accounts around the world that are impossible to trace. Tips on avoiding being scammed or hacked. Newlyweds lost £45k for a dream home to a devastating new scam... Newlyweds Sarah and Ritchie Tough knew the moment they stepped inside the three-bedroom house in a quiet street of an historic market town that this was where they wanted to settle down and raise a family. But today, the dream of these first-time buyers is in tatters. The £45,000 deposit they spent almost a decade building up was snatched in a cruel new scam that targets homebuyers.

Sarah, 28, says: ‘It makes me sick to my stomach that someone could even think of doing something like this. It was our money for our future, we had been saving for ages — and now it is gone.’ Upset: Couple Sarah and Ritchie Tough are the latest victims of a cruel online con that has hit homebuyers nationwide as fraudsters come up with new methods to try to dupe victims out of cash The couple, who had hoped to buy a home in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, are the latest victims of a cruel online con that has hit homebuyers nationwide as fraudsters come up with new methods to try to dupe victims out of cash. Solicitor lost £734,000 in phone scam. 'Fraudsters hacked emails to my solicitor and stole £340,000 from my property sale'

Posing as Mr Lupton, the fraudsters swiftly emailed Perry Hay & Co again – from the same email account – and told it to disregard the previous details and send the money to a different account instead. • The fraud traps set by your bank The sale completed as planned and the solicitor sent the funds, worth just over £333,000 after fees and charges, to the criminals’ account.

A few days later, Mr Lupton called the solicitors to chase the payment and the crime was discovered. Both parties contacted Barclays and the police. Barclays was the account provider for all three involved: the solicitors, the fraudsters and the Luptons. The account was frozen and £271,000 was returned to the Luptons, still leaving them £62,000 out of pocket.

The crime followed a pattern that other law firms say is on the rise. Rob Hailstone, of Bold Legal Group, a national network of 350 law firms, said email scams and other financial fraud aimed at legal firms had increased significantly in the past six to 12 months. Legal career 'hit by vishing scam' A solicitor has told the BBC that being tricked into transferring £750,000 of client money to criminals has left her life in ruins. Sole practitioner Karen Mackie has been suspended from working, declared bankrupt, and faces the prospect of losing her home. She is the latest victim of "vishing" in which criminals pose as bank security teams. Criminals are targeting legal practices overseeing large sums of money. The crime sees con-artists call innocent people and, posing as bank employees, persuade them first that the victims' money is at risk.

They tell them that to secure their funds they should transfer them to a "safe" account. Legal firms are targeted by the gangs as they have large amounts of money from clients in order to complete transactions such as property purchases. The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has told BBC's Money Box programme that every week, three to four solicitor practices receive these calls. On the line Mrs Mackie's case started at the end of April. Law Firm Data Breaches Besiege Client Confidentiality. Law Firm Cyber Security and Privacy Risks - TeachPrivacy. By Daniel J. Solove Law firms are facing grave privacy and security risks. Although a number of firms are taking steps to address these risks, the industry as a whole needs to grasp the severity of the risk.

For firms, privacy and security risks can be significantly higher than for other organizations. This is not time for firms to keep calm and carry on. Data Security Threats In 2009, the FBI issued an advisory that hackers were targeting law firms. As attorney Simone McCormick notes, recent incidents in the past few years have included ones where “hackers stole all client files of a New York law firm, attacked Canadian law firms for industrial espionage and launched a sophisticated phishing attack against a California firm.” Law firms are great targets. Privacy Threats Law firms also face mounting privacy threats, as the data they maintain about employees and clients is increasingly regulated.

After the HITECH Act of 2009, HIPAA now enables direct enforcement by the U.S. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hackers Breach Law Firms, Including Cravath and Weil Gotshal. Dozens of Big Firms Targeted by Hacker Seeking M&A Info. Phone Hacking Solicitors | Email Hacking Solicitors | Taylor Hampton. Phone hacking solicitors of Taylor Hampton are the major players in the News of the World phone-hacking litigation and have successfully acted for the largest number of victims. Taylor Hampton are also acting for a number of the first phone hacking claimants to bring proceedings against Mirror Group Newspapers. The firm achieved worldwide media exposure when it represented the family of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

The family received, what was reported as, the largest amount of damages ever obtained in a privacy claim and a personal apology from Rupert Murdoch. The ensuing public outcry culminated in the closure of the News of the World, the withdrawal of News Corporation’s bid to take over BSkyB and the establishment of the Leveson Inquiry. Clients of Taylor Hampton include individuals from the worlds of business, politics, sport, media, film and television, together with members of the public and victims of crime. Recent Developments in Cybersecurity: The SEC is Preparing Cases against Firms for Lack of Cybersecurity Preparedness and Phishing Attacks to Obtain Employee W2s | Goodwin Procter LLP. The American Lawyer. Hackers Breach Law Firms, Including Cravath and Weil Gotshal. Cravath Admits Breach as Law Firm Hacks Go Public. [FBI ALERT] Dramatic Increase in e-mail CEO Fraud To 2.3 Billion. | Stu Sjouwerman.

The ‘Panama Papers’ constitute the most significant law firm data breach yet – are the ‘London Papers’ next? | Tim Hyman. Amp.ft. The Global Lawyer | Law firm data security in spotlight after Mossack Fonseca leak. Corporate Lawyers at Risk as Cyberattacks Target IP, 'Legal Data' 'The cyber threat to UK legal sector' 2018 report.

Schneiderman Issues Alert On Phishing Scam Targeting New York Attorneys | Threats of Litigation After Data Breaches at Major Law Firms. China Behind Cyber Hacking Attack on Major U.S. Law Firms: Exclusive. Ico bring your own device byod guidance. Common Types of Encryption: What Lawyers Need to Know. 5 Cybersecurity Habits Law Firms Should Kick in 2019 | Legaltech News. FBI issues warning to law firms | Robinson+Cole Data Privacy + Security Insider. Global Biglaw Firm ‘Paralyzed’ By New Ransomware Attack. Revealed: Gangs netting millions from house purchase email scam.