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PHOTOSHOP. Flame Painter. Flame Painter is a unique paint program, it belongs to my 'I am an Artist' experimental project. I think with tools which inspires you, everyone can be an artist. You can try it here, change different brush settings and paint your own flame paintings. When you change the background from black to white, the palette changes from additive to subtractive and the feeling of the painting is very different. It's not easy to explain all brush parameters, so I leave this for your experimentation. Check out new Rebelle - the real watercolor and acrylic paint program, Amberlight - abstract art tool based on particles, or Fluidance motion effect program. You can try more experiments here.

NEW: This is a new Flash version of Flame Painter Free, we removed the old Java version, because it is not anymore supported correctly by most of the browsers. Tools: FADE - fade in/out [ on | off ] GRADIENT - color gradient [ on | off ] COLOR - brush color SATURATION - brush saturation OPACITY - brush opacity. DarwInstruments: Better Sound Through Evolution. Nudge. Select 1 of 8 different Sound Patterns from the small Matrixes icons on the right. Use your mouse to draw notes on each 16 Step Matrix. Adjust the volume of the iNudge. Click MORE for advanced adjustment abilities. For each Pattern, adjust Volume, Mute, Clear, or set Audio Pan from Left to Right.

Click on the Tempo numbers and click up or down to change the overall Tempo. Make the nudge longer for more iteresting patterns with the PLUS button. Use Clear, Copy, Cut and Paste to edit your pattern faster. <div class="block"><div class="full"><div class="content info"><h3>Important information! Fabrique de robots ! Let's get flurrious. [ INCREDIBOX ] presents [ THE INCREDIBLE POLO ]


Sketch Swap. Imagination - Play with beautiful wobbly lines.