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Select 1 of 8 different Sound Patterns from the small Matrixes icons on the right. Use your mouse to draw notes on each 16 Step Matrix. Adjust the volume of the iNudge. Click MORE for advanced adjustment abilities. For each Pattern, adjust Volume, Mute, Clear, or set Audio Pan from Left to Right. Click on the Tempo numbers and click up or down to change the overall Tempo. <div class="block"><div class="full"><div class="content info"><h3>Important information!

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Otomata - Online Generative Musical Sequencer 16 Jul 2011 Click on the grid below to add cells, click on cells to change their direction, and press play to listen to your music. Update: Click here to get Otomata for your iPhone / iPod / iPad! Play The Armonica To play the armonica below, click on a glass bowl. Like the real armonica, the tone will linger as you click on the next bowl, putting tones together to make a melody. Now try playing armonica music using a more familiar keyboard. Below are some simple melodies to try. Caja de Ritmos Facil Includes over 400 unique drum samples, spanning electro to real drum kits. Create beats, compose drum tracks and then save the results to WAV sound files for use in other projects or software. Enjoy!

Circuli – A Generative Ambient Sound Instrument If you like Circuli, you might also like Otomata, click here! Circuli is a generative musical instrument conceptualized and developed by Batuhan Bozkurt. Circles grow at a constant rate. No two circle can overlap. Bigger circle pushes and shrinks smaller circle when in contact.

beatlab - make music together let's get started making music... 1draw on the grid with your mouse to make a beatshow me2 save your track and share it with friends. show me3 out of ideas? roll the dice and start remixing. show me4 explore the beatlab community show me For more tips, tutorials vidoes, and FAQs, check out our community wiki. You can use the following keyboard shortcuts while composing a track.

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