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FoxTrot by Bill Amend. Undeclared Major - A Webcomic About College. DOGHOUSE. Rise of the Funsnake. Now you're cooking with comics. Random nonsense 5 days a week. Zits by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman. (. Doctor Cat. Comics. This is a comic about the backfire effect.


The first big expansion pack of Exploding Kittens is now shipping. It contains 20 game-changing cards, along with a human-sized cone of shame. I made a new thing. Next Page » Girls with Slingshots: Two girls, a bar, and a talking cactus, f. PHD Comics. Coming Soon - Stay tuned for a BIG announcement about an awesome project Jorge is working on!

PHD Comics

PHD Store - Our store was down for a while, but now it is back! Free excerpt from The PHD Movie 2! - Watch this free clip from the movie that Nature called "Astute, funny"! Watch the new movie! - The PHD Movie 2 screenings are in full swing!