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60 Small Ways to Improve Your Life in the Next 100 Days. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life.

60 Small Ways to Improve Your Life in the Next 100 Days

At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently, for a period of 100 days. Below you’ll find 60 small ways to improve all areas of your life in the next 100 days. Home 1. Day 1: Declutter MagazinesDay 2: Declutter DVD’sDay 3: Declutter booksDay 4: Declutter kitchen appliances. Hoodoo - Conjure - Rootwork: By catherine yronwode This lengthy article has been subdivided into several sections: HOODOO, CONJURE, ROOTWORK: Definition of Terms: How I Define HoodooWHAT HOODOO IS: An African-American Folk-Magic TraditionWHAT HOODOO IS NOT: Voodoo, Santeria, Palo, Brujeria, etc.ADMIXTURES: European, Spiritist, and Kabbalist Influences on HoodooADMIXTURES: Asian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist Influences on HoodooRESPECT: What It Is HOODOO, CONJURE, and ROOTWORK: Definition of Terms Hoodoo, Conjure, Rootwork, and similar terms refer to the practice of African American folk magic.

Hoodoo - Conjure - Rootwork:

Hoodoo is an American term, originating in the 19th century or earlier. Hoodoo consists of a large body of African folkloric practices and beliefs with a considerable admixture of American Indian botanical knowledge and European folklore. Hoodoo is used as a noun to name both the system of magic ("He used hoodoo on her") and its practitioners ("Doctor Buzzard was a great hoodoo in his day"). Native American Code of Ethics. 88 Important Truths I’ve Learned About Life. Everyone gets drilled with certain lessons in life.

88 Important Truths I’ve Learned About Life

Sometimes it takes repeated demonstrations of a given law of life to really get it into your skull, and other times one powerful experience drives the point home once forever. Here are 88 things I’ve discovered about life, the world, and its inhabitants by this point in my short time on earth. 1. You can’t change other people, and it’s rude to try. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How to Level Up in the Game of Life. Ding!

How to Level Up in the Game of Life

This may be the sweetest sound you can possibly hear when playing a role-playing game (henceforth referred to as an RPG). “DING!” Or something similar depending on the video game you’re playing, means that your character completed a certain number of quests, killed a specific number of monsters, and ran enough errands to level up. Congratulations, or “grats!” Are usually in order for this occasion. You Become What You Pretend To Be. Alpha female traits. 13 Things to Avoid When Changing Habits. “Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.” - Mark Twain Post written by Leo Babauta.

13 Things to Avoid When Changing Habits

Follow me on Twitter. I’ve learned a lot about changing habits in the last 2 1/2 years, from quitting smoking to taking up running and GTD and vegetarianism and waking early and all that. List of Values. The following list of values will help you develop a clearer sense of what's most important to you in life, as explained in the article Living Your Values.

List of Values

Simply print out this page, mark the values which most resonate with you, and then sort your list in order of priority. As you scan the values list below, you may find that while most values have little or no significance to you (and some may even seem negative to you), there are those values that just jump out and call to you, and you feel, "Yes, this value is part of me. " This values list is merely a guide. It is lengthy and contains many synonyms but is certainly not exhaustive, so feel free to add unlisted values to your own list as well.

Steve RecommendsHere are my recommendations for products and services I've reviewed that can improve your results. Site Build It! Why Creative People Need to Be Eccentric. Creative people have a reputation for eccentricity.

Why Creative People Need to Be Eccentric

It’s not hard to see why when we consider the habits of some well-known creatives. Like Truman Capote: I am a completely horizontal author. I can’t think unless I’m lying down, either in bed or stretched on a couch and with a cigarette and coffee handy. How to Make People Feel Good: 11 steps. Edit Article Edited by Nicole Willson, Flickety, Maluniu, PeacenFun!

How to Make People Feel Good: 11 steps

And 17 others All people have one thing in common. We all want to be liked. We are an extremely ego driven race, however we have a strong need to have the approval from others. Ad Steps 1Use a person's name. 11Make a conscious effort to soak up negative energy near you and re-radiate in a positive way. Tips Remember, you always have the power to make someone feel good.Always greet people warmly.Every situation and every person is different - Adjust accordingly. Warnings Try to do what feels natural and be as sincere as possible.This is not a guide to "kissing up".