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Tackling a Racial Gap in Breast Cancer Survival. How the Decline of Unions Has Increased Racial Inequality » Scholars Strategy Network. By Meredith Kleykamp and Jake Rosenfeld, Sep 11, 2013, at 01:42 pm By 1980, the wages earned by African-American women and white women came close to being equal, but since then the gap has nearly tripled.

How the Decline of Unions Has Increased Racial Inequality » Scholars Strategy Network

Meanwhile, average wages for African-American men stagnated, and wage inequalities between black and white men remained stubbornly high. In this same period, membership in U.S. labor unions has plummeted – from one in every three private sector workers enrolled in a union in the mid-1950s to just one in twenty today. So it is natural to ask whether such sharp union decline helps to explain racial economic gaps today. Our research uses 40 years of nationally representative data and a technique sometimes called “counterfactual analysis” to discover what wage trends among blacks and whites, men and women, would have looked like if union membership in the private sector of the U.S. economy had not declined so sharply. The Story of African Americans in American Unions. Obamistan Excerpt.pdf. Déclaration du Combahee River Collective. 2 Nous avons choisi de traduire l’expression de Black feminist (par féministes Noires) plutôt que de (...) 3 Cette déclaration date d’avril 1977.

Déclaration du Combahee River Collective

(Note du texte originel). 4 Nous avons traduit littéralement l’expression originale : all women of color. The Combahee River Collective Statement. We are a collective of Black feminists who have been meeting together since 1974. [1] During that time we have been involved in the process of defining and clarifying our politics, while at the same time doing political work within our own group and in coalition with other progressive organizations and movements.

The Combahee River Collective Statement

The most general statement of our politics at the present time would be that we are actively committed to struggling against racial, sexual, heterosexual, and class oppression, and see as our particular task the development of integrated analysis and practice based upon the fact that the major systems of oppression are interlocking.

The synthesis of these oppressions creates the conditions of our lives. As Black women we see Black feminism as the logical political movement to combat the manifold and simultaneous oppressions that all women of color face. New Evidence That Racism Isn't 'Natural' - Robert Wright. The reaction to African-American faces was found to be weaker in people with racially diverse peers.

New Evidence That Racism Isn't 'Natural' - Robert Wright

There's never been good reason to believe that human beings are naturally racist. Garry-Winogrand-New-York-1968-1969-painting-artwork-print.jpg (Image JPEG, 1536x1035 pixels) - Redimensionnée (86. The Reason Why the Colored American Is Not in the World's Columbian Exposition. The Reason Why the Colored American Is Not in the World's Columbian Exposition.

The Reason Why the Colored American Is Not in the World's Columbian Exposition.

NYC 2013

Black-White Divide Persists in Breast Cancer. Stuart Bradford Breast cancer survival is, over all, three years shorter for black women compared with white women, mostly because their cancer is often more advanced when they first seek medical care, new research shows.

Black-White Divide Persists in Breast Cancer

While cancer researchers have known for two decades that black women with breast cancer tend to fare worse than white women, questions remain about the reasons behind the black-white divide. The new report, from researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, begins to untangle some of the issues by using an analytic method to filter the influence of demographics, treatment differences and variations in tumor characteristics, among other things. Using data from Medicare patients tracked in the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results database, the researchers analyzed 107,273 breast cancer cases, which included 7,375 black women. The findings were striking. The difference is not explained by more aggressive cancers among black women.

Stand Your Ground

How Social Networks Drive Black Unemployment. It’s easy to believe the worst is over in the economic downturn.

How Social Networks Drive Black Unemployment

But for African-Americans, the pain continues — over 13 percent of black workers are unemployed, nearly twice the national average. And that’s not a new development: regardless of the economy, job prospects for African-Americans have long been significantly worse than for the country as a whole. The most obvious explanation for this entrenched disparity is racial discrimination. But in my research I have found a somewhat different culprit: favoritism. Getting an inside edge by using help from family and friends is a powerful, hidden force driving inequality in the United States.

Blacks Professionals’ Progress Stalls. Course - Race & Ethnicity. The-strip-slide-TC87-jumbo.png (Image PNG, 1024x532 pixels) Sam Jackson talks House Niggas and Slavery.

Début de la fin du Blanc

Affirmative Action - A Complicated Issue for Asian-Americans. Patricia Hill Collins. Peut-on parler de musique noire  ? Actes choisis du colloque d'avril 2010 à Bordeaux autour de la fameuse lettre de Philip Tagg publiée dans le numéro 6-1&2, ce numéro de Volume ! Souhaite interroger notre manière d'appréhender un domaine des musiques populaires que nous identifions facilement (blues, jazz, reggae, rap, etc.) sans pour autant être capables de le définir précisément. Qu'est-ce qui rassemble des musiques aussi différentes ? La couleur de peau ? Une aire géographique ?

Certaines qualités propres à la musique elle-même ? For President Obama, a Complex Calculus of Race and Politics. Pete Souza/The White House Mr.

For President Obama, a Complex Calculus of Race and Politics

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Roll over names of designated regions on the map above for descriptions of the role of each in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

The North American mainland played a relatively minor role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Its ports sent out less than five percent of all known voyages, and its slave markets absorbed less than four percent of all slaves carried off from Africa. An intra-American trade in slaves – originating in the Caribbean - supplied additional slaves, however. This region was exceptional in the Americas in that a positive rate of natural population growth began relatively early, thus reducing the dependence of the region on coerced migrants. The Caribbean was one of the two major broad regional markets for slaves from Africa. Why Don’t Black Leaders Demand More of the President? Maps of places you’ve never been, maps of paper routes, maps of desktops: artists and writers conjure directions for heretofore uncharted Xanadus.

Why Don’t Black Leaders Demand More of the President?

Maps are their own narratives of space. Who draws them, and who names them, holds immense power to determine not just Where You Are, but How Things Are. Subjective or empirical experience in conflict with the map’s own assertions can leave you nowhere, or somewhere unknown, as anyone who has tried to navigate, say, Venice by map will know. Don't Freak Out About the White Babies. The Persistence of the Color Line — By Randall Kennedy — Book Review. Under Obama, Is America 'Post-Racial'? - Room for Debate. Damon Winter/The New York Times At an Obama presidential campaign rally in Columbus, Ohio, in 2008. The Obama administration is often criticized by black political leaders for failing to promote race-specific policies to address the socio-economic needs and inequalities that affect African-Americans and other minority groups.

Recently, members of the Congressional Black Caucus urged the president to adopt more race-conscious policies to reduce black and Latino unemployment rates, which are at 16 percent and 11 percent, respectively. So far, Mr. The Negro Soldier : Frank Capra. <div style="padding:5px; font-size:80%; width:300px; background-color:white; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; border:1px dashed gray;"> Internet Archive's<!

--'--> in-browser video player requires JavaScript to be enabled. It appears your browser does not have it turned on. Please see your browser settings for this feature. </div> Publications - Magali Bessone. Ouvrages personnels -À l’origine de la République américaine: un double projet, Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton, Paris, Michel Houdiard Éd., 2007. Ouvrage publié avec une bourse du Centre National du Livre.

Olympe noire

Powerful Days. From Grassroots to the Supreme Court. Federal Court Rules On Texas Voter ID. Texas voter ID law is blocked. The panel at the U.S. District Court in Washington ruled that Texas had failed to show that the statute would not harm the voting rights of minorities in the state. In addition, the judges found that evidence indicated that the cost of obtaining a photo ID to vote would fall most heavily on African American and Hispanic voters. Evidence submitted by Texas to prove that its law did not discriminate was “unpersuasive, invalid, or both,” David S.

Tatel, a judge on the U.S.