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Free Invoice Template. KLEINMAKELEARNGOOD: the educational wing of IdeaStorm. Printable Planners. Amazon Mechanical Turk - Welcome. DINKlife Builds a New and Highly Engaged Audience Base (Case Study) Natalie DINKlife was born out of a need to unite the DINK community (dual income couples with no kids) by providing lifestyle content, events, activities and opportunities tailored for this growing demographic.

DINKlife Builds a New and Highly Engaged Audience Base (Case Study)

As a newly launched startup, DINKlife partnered with Outbrain to build a highly engaged audience base by driving high quality traffic to their site. Given their modest marketing budget and an interest in actively managing their campaign, DINKlife used Amplify Self-Serve to amplify their content across Outbrain’s network of premium publishers. With a low daily budget, flexible cost per click (CPC) and ability to add content regularly, DINKlife took advantage of the self-serve platform to manage their traffic and content recommendation links. Starting with the network-recommended $0.15 CPC, DINKlife was able to maximize value by gradually reducing their CPC, enabling them to achieve a higher volume of clicks with the same daily budget. February 8, 2012. Business Horizons - Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Abstract The concept of Social Media is top of the agenda for many business executives today.

Business Horizons - Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media

Decision makers, as well as consultants, try to identify ways in which firms can make profitable use of applications such as Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Second Life, and Twitter. Yet despite this interest, there seems to be very limited understanding of what the term “Social Media” exactly means; this article intends to provide some clarification. We begin by describing the concept of Social Media, and discuss how it differs from related concepts such as Web 2.0 and User Generated Content. Based on this definition, we then provide a classification of Social Media which groups applications currently subsumed under the generalized term into more specific categories by characteristic: collaborative projects, blogs, content communities, social networking sites, virtual game worlds, and virtual social worlds.

Keywords. Mediation. A sample Mediation Mind Map, available in .pdf format here.


You’ve been there before. You’ve done your homework to prepare for the mediation, ready to engage over the issues in the case. A trial bag filled with critical notes, important documents, and detailed spreadsheets sits within arm’s reach. But the other side speaks first, and offers something insightful like: “My client’s Widgetmaster doesn’t work; since you made it, you owe us money.” Now it’s your turn. Sometimes it takes a little more effort to untell a story than to tell it. What Is a Mind Map Anyway? After years of 3-ring binders, graphics and white boards, I have learned that a mind map is often the best way to organize and communicate the complex, critical information you — and your mediator — will need to convey before the case can settle.

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