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Arts and tos, makes and things you might want to learn... or rather things dink wants to :)

29 ways to stay creative. D.I.Y Clothes + fashion.


How to Unravel a Sweater to Recycle Yarn. This is the sweater we will be unraveling. Turn your sweater inside-out, grab a pair of sharp scissors and let's get started! There are good seams and bad seams. This is an example of a good seam. It looks like two tiny braids side-by-side. You can cut between those two braids of a good seam and unravel a super-long strand of yarn that you can wind into a huge skein. Newbie unravelers will want to cut the thread one bit at a time, which is fine. I've cut the seam from the bottom of the sweater to the end of the sleeve. At the top of the sleeve are little loops! FLASH FORWARD: See the pile of yarn ramen in this photo? When you unravel a sweater that is made of many colors, you will usually find a knot where the two colors meet.

Here is the collar and shoulder seams of the sweater, still waiting to be unraveled. This is what a bad seam looks like. On a whim I pull the little thread. But what do we do about the bad seam on each shoulder? Tips for specific yarns.


Knitting. Felting. Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY. About. Craftster- A Community for Crafts and DIY Projects. Craftgawker | look to inspire. Craft projects. 3D Paper Snowflake. Tested by: wikiHow Video Team wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 255 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

This article has been viewed 8,072,035 times. Co-authors: 255 Updated: May 6, 2021 Views: 8,072,035 Article SummaryX To make a 3D paper snowflake, you’ll need 6 square pieces of paper that are all the same size, scissors, and clear tape. Did this summary help you? Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 8,072,035 times. Tested by: wikiHow Video Team wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Co-authors: 255 Updated: May 6, 2021 Views: 8,072,035 Article SummaryX To make a 3D paper snowflake, you’ll need 6 square pieces of paper that are all the same size, scissors, and clear tape. Did this summary help you?


Cutting glass. Crafty Suppliers.