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Dish Soap Silly Putty. Do you ever start a craft and end up messing everything up?

Dish Soap Silly Putty

Well, our day pretty much started like that. But, I was determined to get something right. After a few trials of mixing ingredients that don’t like each other, we made some dish soap silly putty! Well, it didn’t start out as dish soap silly putty…. it actually started out as more of a mess (I tried to use flour first….don’t ask……it was ugly!). None the less we ended up with THEE easiest silly putty recipe that my kids can’t get enough of! Craft by Shelby Peppers. The eClock - Learn all about time - Interactive Clock. Digital On/Off Words On/Off Roman/Arabic To rotate the hands on the interactive e-Clock, move the cursor over the clock face, press the left mouse button down and move the mouse.

The eClock - Learn all about time - Interactive Clock

Cling Film Art - Craft Ideas for Kids. What you need to make Cling Film Art: Card Paint – Various Colours Cling Film Cling Film Art Start by squirting dollops of paint in various directions, colours and amounts onto card.

Cling Film Art - Craft Ideas for Kids

This is a great opportunity for your crafty kid to work those fine motor skills by…. Applying different amounts of pressure to the bottles to control the flow of paint.Co-ordinating the amount of paint with movement across the card. Homemade puffy paint recipe - happy hooligans - arts and crafts 4 kids. 3-Ingredient, homemade Puffy Paint an easy art technique for kids using microwave and a few basic kitchen ingredients.

homemade puffy paint recipe - happy hooligans - arts and crafts 4 kids

If you know me, you know we LOVE homemade paint recipes and easy science activities. This homemade puffy paint fits the bill perfectly! This paint is super-easy and inexpensive to make. Drama Toolkit - Drama Games. Paper Plate Crafts for Little Hands. It is amazing what you can create with a simple paper plate.

Paper Plate Crafts for Little Hands

You won’t want to miss this amazing round up of creative ways to crafty with paper plates. You kids will love learning how to create animals, masks, jewelry, games and so much more! A is for…Apple Core and Apple Tree B is for…Banjo, Beaver, Boat and Bunny. 3D Hand Trees - Exploring the 4 Seasons. Create your own forest with these Hand Trees.

3D Hand Trees - Exploring the 4 Seasons

They're simple to create & are ideal for exploring the changing seasons. To make our Hand Trees we used thick card from some recycled packaging & Minnie drew around her hands & arms to create the shape below. (Initially we tried using corrugated card from a cardboard box but found it was less sturdy when the tree was complete.) First Day of School Traditions. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects – Daniel O’Connell’s ‘chariot’ – 1844. Literacy Without Worksheets: Sunday Smorgasboard: Academic Bracelets and More! The Jungle Store: 12 Ideas To Celebrate "A Very Hungry Caterpillar" Day.

Next Wednesday, March 20, is "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" Day, celebrating the 40th anniversary of Eric Carle's classic children's book.

The Jungle Store: 12 Ideas To Celebrate "A Very Hungry Caterpillar" Day

Not only does the book have gorgeous illustrations, made by Carle from tissue paper collages, but it also encompasses so many wonderful teaching themes: reading, the life cycle, days of the week, counting, healthy eating... we could on! Whether you're a home-schooler, daycare worker, Kindergarten teacher or a parent who just wants to foster their kid's love of reading, these Very Hungry Caterpillar party ideas, activities and crafts are fun ways to celebrate one of our favorite children's book. Paper Model of a Great Stellated Dodecahedron. Examples of decorated great stellated dodecahedra: More pictures of decorated polyhedra great stellated dodecahedron (.PDF) Print the PDF file to make the paper model.

Paper Model of a Great Stellated Dodecahedron

Brain Function, Anatomy & Diagram. Much of the brain's physiological task involves receiving information from the rest of the body, interpreting that information, and then guiding the body's response to it.

Brain Function, Anatomy & Diagram

Types of input the brain interprets include odors, light, sounds, and pain. The brain also helps perform vital operations such as breathing, maintaining blood pressure, and releasing hormones (chemical signals that control certain cells and organs). The brain is divided into sections. These sections include the cerebrum, the cerebellum, the diencephalon, and the brainstem. Each of these parts is responsible for certain portions of the brain's overall job. Cottage on Blackbird Lane: 3rd Grade biography project.

A box of craft materials is an unclaimed treasure for children.

Cottage on Blackbird Lane: 3rd Grade biography project

Last night we had to finish making the biography poster for Leah's project on Helen Keller. The poster is to look as much like the person as you can create. You have to cut a hole in the poster so that your face, the face of the presenter, can be the face of the person researched. Simple and easy. Once we created the basic dress body shape we need to find things to make it look neat, not pretty. Face the Foliage. I think I’m having a litlte too much fun with #facethefoliage. I may be a bit addicted to making these silly faces out of leaves and flowers. Many thanks to Oh Joy! E is for Explore!: Capacity Relay Race.