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Official Site - Spiritual Teachings and Tools For Personal Growth and Happiness. Eckhart Tolle - La crise actuelle, bonne ou mauvaise nouvelle ? September. The building where I used to run a meditation group was on the same street as a fire station; one could almost guarantee that sometime during the meditation a fire engine would come rushing past, sirens wailing.


Not surprisingly, people would afterwards complain: “How could I meditate with that noise?” How often have we felt something […] There are so many ways to feel dissatisfied so many different needs to meet so many goals to keep striving for so many problems to try to fix so much of the past you wish you could change so many fears from the future. No wonder you feel overwhelmed like a traveller carrying too many […] By Chris After my cancer diagnosis, what came to me is that mindfulness is about being here now; being still; becoming aware of my Being; not allowing my mind to run me ragged with past and future thoughts, but remaining here in this present moment where everything is just fine and where peace and joy […] Free Content. Peter Russell - Spirit of Now - Home Page. The Most Powerful Video on Spirituality and Happiness - Rare Eckhart Tolle Teaching - Must See. Téléchargez Le pouvoir du moment présent - Guide d'éveil spirituel.