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HTML5 Semantics: you too can be a bedwetting antfucker by Bruce Lawson · Fronteers. Video Slides See slides on SlideShare Transcript Bruce Lawson: [0:05] Hi.

HTML5 Semantics: you too can be a bedwetting antfucker by Bruce Lawson · Fronteers

So I get the after-lunch spot when you're all sleepy and I am talking about dull shit like HTML5 Semantics, so feel free to drop-off. . [0:30] So the subtitle of this talk is "You, too, can be a bedwetting ant-fucker. " [0:49] It's kind of quite tricky talking about semantics because there is this belief that people who are interested in semantics are very, very anally retentive.

. [1:23] The reason is, is that semantics are to do with words, they're to do with meaning, they're to do with human concerns like that. . [2:03] I was going to call this "You, too, can be a bedwetting hairsplitter. " [2:52] So HTML5 gives us 30 new elements, so, in HTML now we have about 105 elements. . [3:48] Another good thing about HTML5 is it frees us from the tyranny of XML parsing.

Online Web Tutorials. Non-Dithering Colors by Value. Non-Dithering Colors by Hue. Reduce load time by optimizing graphics with GifBot. Michael Bluejay - Official home page. Web Design Tips and Tricks. The Web Credibility Project: Guidelines - Stanford University. Site Clinic: Content Is Key To Attracting Customers. Today we begin the first installment of a weekly site clinic column, where small businesses are invited to submit their websites for review.

Site Clinic: Content Is Key To Attracting Customers

Can't beat a little free advice, right? I'll be looking at the design, copy, usability, SEO, marketing, and any technical issues that may prevent websites from drawing loyal, active visitors and meeting goals. Each week, I'll give the top five issues the website owner/manager can address to significantly improve performance. This week I'm looking at the website for First Class Affairs, a banquet facility and caterer in Southern New Jersey.

With a very limited budget and not a lot of technical experience, the owner created this site in Yahoo Site Builder and has recently been learning all about search marketing. To get started, I asked a few questions that give necessary background for the marketing goals of the website: Target market? 1. The First Class Affairs website has a good start in providing the necessary information. Menu. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! Marketing a website isn't particularly difficult.

The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period!

It's usually just a matter of knowing what to do, how to do it and having the skills and time to get it done. With that said, marketing a website isn't particularly easy either. There are so many factors and variables in play that at any given time that the job can be quite overwhelming. Obviously I can't address the issue of whether or not you have the skills or time, but I can help you out with the "what to do" piece of the puzzle.

I've always been a lover of checklists, especially when it comes to getting things done. Below is my master website marketing checklist covering over 400 specific items over 23 topics. For the sake of brevity, I have kept each check point to its briefest form providing very little explanation. Over the next couple of weeks I'll provide some additional explanation and insights to the lists below. Download a PDF version The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist Browser issues (click heading for additional details) What to do, and what NOT to do. ©Michael Bluejay • Written 2001, Updated June 2012 I make my living from websites -- at first designing for others, and now running my own sites.

What to do, and what NOT to do

Over the years I've compiled my best tips on web design, and I'm sharing them with you here. This is important because it's all too easy to create pages that frustrate your visitors even though that's not what you intended at all. And visitors who are annoyed are likely to click off of it quickly without seeing what you have to offer.

Fortunately, the most common website mistakes are very easy to prevent or fix. (Gray letter-number codes for each tip are for the benefit of college professors, who requested an easy way to refer to each tip in their assignments.) Provide compelling content / something of value C1. Though this doesn't really relate to design, it's actually more important than design, which is why it's the very first tip. Avoid Sleazy Elements Z1. Animation and sounds are distracting. CSS Basics.