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Glitch talk. GLITCH TALK MARCH 2013 Glitch art is in many ways a decentralized, active movement that evades definition.

glitch talk

I talk about glitch art in the way that I view it, not the way it should be universally defined. →An examination of the materiality of analog and digital video →Undermining interfaces and breaking through the computational instincts of consumer devices to liberate their latent audio and visual materiality →Humanizing ordinarily mechanical and automated processes for aesthetic outputs →Interrupting, disrupting, and subverting the relationship of the user to consumer technological devices. A nifty flow chart on Image Usage Rights. Resources August 11, 2014 Creative Commons?

A nifty flow chart on Image Usage Rights

Commercial? How do Image Uasge Rights even work? As constant creators and people who continuously work to churn out pixel perfect image after image – it’s important to know the rights behind each form of content that we publish. It’s also quite important to respect the published works of other people. Curtis Newman of the blog – The Visual Communication Guy – has made a very easy to use flow chart to help you if you’re stuck! He writes: The reality is, though, as long as you become familiar with four terms–copyright, fair use, creative commons, and public domain–you’ll have a pretty good idea what you can and can’t do with images. Silk – Interactive Generative Art. Silk — Interactive generative art. Paste Character count. Guide 2014 des meilleurs logiciels et services cloud en mode SaaS. About. Traducteur de Code Morse - Baslac. Facebook Community Statistics. Quippiuq - cryptoquip and cryptogram solver.

Des outils de data visualisation. Rendre des statistiques visuellement attractives et dynamiques et ce, de manière rapide et efficace afin de les publier en ligne semble impossible? Vous trouverez ici quelques outils en ligne ainsi qu’un programme téléchargeable qui vous permettront de réaliser tout cela en un clin d’œil. A noter qu’une inscription est requise pour tous ces outils. Illustration : CanStockPhoto 1. Datawrapper Datawrapper est sans doute l’outil de data visualisation le plus intuitif et le moins complexe, très simple d’utilisation.

. → Exemple de réalisation → Site : 2. Plus complet que Datawrapper, demande par conséquent un peu plus de temps à la prise en main. Une fois terminé, il suffit de publier (bouton SHARE) et de copier le code html généré dans son document. Dropping Dropbox - what's a replacement? - Boing Boing BBS. #1 By: Mark Frauenfelder, April 10th, 2014 19:18 #2 By: Kev, April 10th, 2014 19:24 I've been happy with

Dropping Dropbox - what's a replacement? - Boing Boing BBS

Sync clients for OS X and Windoze, apps for iOS and Android, decent permissions set, and reasonable pricing schemes. Devs are responsive to feedback, and I prefer it over Dropbox. ASCIIcam. Zalgo Text Generator by Tchouky - To invoke the hive-mind representing chaos. Invoking the feeling of chaos. With out order. The Nezperdian hive-mind of chaos. Zalgo. He who Waits Behind The Wall. ZALGO!

Glitch text generator by stAllio! Text to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG) A000045. Also called Lamé's sequence.


F(n+2) = number of binary sequences of length n that have no consecutive 0's. F(n+2) = number of subsets of {1,2,... ,n} that contain no consecutive integers. F(n+1) = number of tilings of a 2 X n rectangle by 2 X 1 dominoes. F(n+1) = number of matchings in a path graph on n vertices: F(5)=5 because the matchings of the path graph on the vertices A, B, C, D are the empty set, {AB}, {BC}, {CD} and {AB, CD}. - Emeric Deutsch, Jun 18 2001. Support du web : outils et services pour les webmasters nous proposons aussides générateurs de bannières animées gifs gratuit, d'images, boutons, menus web 2.0 valides (X)html, des scripts prêts d'utilisation... pour les webmasters 100% gratuit - concepti. - Hire Freelancers & Find Freelance Jobs Online.

FlockDraw - Free Online Drawing Tool - Collaborative Group Whiteboard. Bomomo. Image glitch experiment. Boids (Flocks, Herds, and Schools: a Distributed Behavioral Model) In 1986 I made a computer model of coordinated animal motion such as bird flocks and fish schools.

Boids (Flocks, Herds, and Schools: a Distributed Behavioral Model)

It was based on three dimensional computational geometry of the sort normally used in computer animation or computer aided design. I called the generic simulated flocking creatures boids. The basic flocking model consists of three simple steering behaviors which describe how an individual boid maneuvers based on the positions and velocities its nearby flockmates: Each boid has direct access to the whole scene's geometric description, but flocking requires that it reacts only to flockmates within a certain small neighborhood around itself.

The neighborhood is characterized by a distance (measured from the center of the boid) and an angle, measured from the boid's direction of flight. ScreenPlay. The MediaWiki ScreenPlay Extension (ScreenPlay) is a text-formatting add-on which allows screenwriters and hobbyists the ability to use MediaWiki as a screenwriting tool.


Synopsis[edit | edit source] <screenplay>An example is described</screenplay><scene int day>A '''Darkened''' Room</scene> [[Bob Ross|BOB]] sits in front of a computer screen. ;bob :Hello friends, I'm so glad you could join us. We're gonna make a happy little program today. Bazar / A Collection of Markup Languages. A digest of interesting markup languages.

Bazar / A Collection of Markup Languages

Simplescript Writing a screenplay-formatted blog post should be extremely simple. Simple Script Markup (SSM) uses very simple rules to decide on various screenplay elements. EXT. PLAYGROUND This is action text. A Simple Diff-Based Copyediting Tool, by James Somers. Untitled. Penflip - collaborative writing and version control. Brainch Main Page. Wiki Is Not Wikipedia. Collaborative real-time editor. Aloha Editor - HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor. WYMeditor - web-based XHTML editor - Home. PHP Markdown: Dingus. PHP Markdown / PHP SmartyPants PHP Markdown is copyright © 2004-2005 Michel Fortin.

PHP Markdown: Dingus

Markdown and the Markdown Dingus are copyright © 2004 John Gruber, used with permission. Markdown Web Dingus. Markdown Web Dingus.