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1000w inverter homemade.wmv. CONSTRUYA SU VIDEOROCKOLA.COM > Como calcular un transformador. El transfomrador componente eléctrico que tiene la capacidad de cambiar el nivel del voltaje y de la corriente, mediante dos bobinas enrolladas alrededor de un núcleo o centro común.

CONSTRUYA SU VIDEOROCKOLA.COM > Como calcular un transformador

El núcleo está formado por una gran cantidad de chapas o láminas de una aleación de Hierro y Silicio. Ésta aleación reduce las pérdidas por histéresis magnética (capacidad de mantener una señal magnética después de ser retirado un campo magnético) y aumenta la resistividad del Hierro. Funcionamiento de un transformador El cambio de voltaje o corriente que hace un Transformador se sucede gracias a que el devanado secundario es inducido por un campo magnético producido por el devanado primario en conjunto con el núcleo.

El cambio de voltaje o corriente, que entrega el transformador es inverso, es decir que cuando el transformador aumenta el voltaje, la corriente baja; y cuando el voltaje baja, la corriente sube. Construire un transformateur électrique (DIY) Freeside Atlanta makes space for local hackers. Click to enlarge At a regular Tuesday night meeting of Freeside Atlanta, there's talk of building a RepRap machine.

Freeside Atlanta makes space for local hackers

A RepRap, treasurer Raiford Storey explains, is a prototyping device that can make its own parts. Once one's built, it can be used to create another and another and so on. Thousands of machines could be made, replicating one another like a hive of robotic insects gestating inside Freeside's Metropolitan Warehouses space. Hack N Mod - Amazingly Cool Hacks, Mods, and DIY Projects. Récupération informatique / électronique. DEMENTELEMENT D'UN PC. On va s'attaquer à ce PC.


TLC "Guides" Why hack a calculator? Why climb Mount Everest? So you're a programmer deciding where to invest your energy.

Why hack a calculator? Why climb Mount Everest?

What's a better idea: the latest Apple device, where hot new games can mean big bucks and millions of users, or a calculator introduced 10 years ago? Most go for iPhones and iPods. But another community thrives in its own way. These are the folks who spend hours trying to elevate their Texas Instruments calculators to a level far surpassing their modest roots. Among their achievements: adding new features, creating new operating systems, connecting the calculator to keyboards and other hardware, playing a video excerpt from "The Matrix," and even running Nintendo Game Boy video games.

Python Interfacing a USB Missile Launcher. I watch Woot on pretty much a daily basis and as a result I frequently end up purchasing toys that I really don't need.

Python Interfacing a USB Missile Launcher

Most recently I picked up this silly pair of USB Missile Launchers for just under 40$ shipped: I finally found some free time yesterday to open up the package and plug them in. The hardware is coupled with a simple GUI controller written in Delphi (MissileLauncher.exe) and a USB Human Interface Device (HID) interface written in C++ (USBHID.dll). Team debuts electronic-hacking how-to videos at HOPE conference. NEW YORK--Want to know how to build your own cell phone charger?

Team debuts electronic-hacking how-to videos at HOPE conference

How about putting an old-fashioned pay phone in your home to make voice over Internet calls? A team of do-it-yourself technology gurus are creating a video series that will show you how to hack everyday gadgets to get more--and novel--uses out of them. Limor Fried, who owns the Adafruit Industries electronics building business, and Phillip Torrone, senior editor at Make Magazine, are calling their series "Citizen Engineer. " Start [linuxedu] Bienvenue sur le wiki de documentation (dokuwiki) du groupe LinuxÉdu, le libre pour l'éducation dans l'académie de Toulouse.

start [linuxedu]

N'hésitez pas à contribuer, merci. Projets:ledmatrixhacking - Wiki. Introduction DealExtreme propose pour 7,9€, un afficheur à led (rouge, bleu) alimenté par une pile bouton et programmable directement par des boutons situés sur le verso de ce dernier, en plus de tout cela, il est vaguement indiqué qu'il existe une connection USB permettant peut être une programmation depuis un PC.

projets:ledmatrixhacking - Wiki

Il possède 203 leds disposées en 29 colonnes de 7 leds. Quelques semaines après la commande, je reçois cet afficheur, il fonctionne parfaitement bien, malheureusement, le connecteur USB est d'un type inconnu, un démontage s'impose alors pour en savoir plus sur ce dernier, pas de vis, il va falloir employer une manière un peu brutale pour séparer les 2 coques collées.

Une fois ouvert, plusieurs surprises, bonnes et mauvaises : Le connecteur USB ne risque pas de fonctionner, il est connecté nul part (je m'apercevrai plus tard pourquoi) Le tout est piloté par un seul et unique micro-controleur, un Atmel AVR Atmega88, aucun multiplexeur… Un port de programmation est disponible. Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets. Le bidouilleur: bricolages, trucs et astuces, bidouilles - Partie 2. Hack diy. DIY Planet : Made in Fr. Laser tripmine. CD wind turbine. The Great Create. The Sifford Sojournal. In trying to continue to get away from dependency on the world, we have looked into preserving food without canning or freezing.

The Sifford Sojournal

Food drying technique. DIY Solar Distiller. Three Solar Food Dehydrators - solar energy at work! How to Build a Solar Food Dehydrator. Main Page. Global Village Construction Set. Definition[edit] The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is a modular, DIY, low-cost, high-performance platform that enables fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts.

Global Village Construction Set

The name, GVCS, has been coined for the first time in 2008 - at a lecture at the University of Missouri, Columbia - see UM Presentation. Media[edit] Key Features[edit] GVCS Machines[edit] Open Source Ecology. Solar passif Water barrel diy solar passif diy. DIY Passive Solar Heater Innovation. Home & Garden: October 2008 : Planet Green. Backyard Graywater System. My garden loves the system, which cost less than $150 in materials, and I’ve already installed pipe and outlets for another one that will reuse the rest of our house’s graywater. Our household of 5 adults does about 6 or 7 loads of laundry per week.

At roughly 40 gallons per, that’s 260 gallons saved. And it’s energy saved as well; around 20% of the energy used in California is related to water use — pumping, treating, disposing, etc. As far as I know, the type of system I built was originally described (although perhaps not designed) by Art Ludwig of Santa Barbara, Calif. He calls this type of system a "branched drain to mini-leach field system" and describes it in detail in his book Create an Oasis with Greywater, which is available at NOTE: This project first appeared in MAKE Volume 13, page 151. An Arduino Based Quadruped Robot. Crafts DIY Crafts for Home Decor. Spool Bookcase (Tutorial) I'm pretty sure most of my spending money goes towards books and fabric. I have more books than I know what to do with and probably ten more books on the way from Barnes & Noble as I'm typing out this post.

What do I do? Get rid of some? Nonsense! DIY Atmospheric Drinking Water Generator. Atmospheric Water Generator Introduction I can't drink the water supplied from our city, and the atmospheric Water generators out there cost more than many can afford. So I made one for a little over $300. That is one sixth the price of a lowest costing unit sold online. TPE & PPE. Welcome to Nicholas and Felice's Homepage. The Mechanical Philosopher. The Awesome Button. Henry noticed a Staples Easy Button while we were perusing the wares at Goodwill last week. Father and Son Build Awesome Button.