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Data Science. Ed tech - Technology | Pearltrees. Ed tech. Coin » Use One Coin for All of Your Cards. Android is better. It was just meant to be a quick experiment. I started using a Nexus 4. I was going to go right back to my iPhone after a week. I was designing more and more Android interfaces at Twitter and realized I needed to more intimately grok Android UI paradigms. A week in it started feeling normal; the larger form factor was no longer a nuisance. A month in I didn't miss anything about my iPhone. Two months in I sold my iPhone 5 and iPad Mini. It has now been three months since I made the switch. Apple Lock-in? It only took that first week to realize I wasn't really locked into the Apple ecosystem and certainly not iCloud. Photo Stream? I do, however, miss iMessage. "No other company has embedded itself this deeply into my life. " Most services I rely on daily are owned by Google.

The list of Apple products I use daily largely amounts to OS X and Apple hardware. How I fell in love It started with the larger and wider screen. Then I got used to the Google Calendar widget I placed on my home screen. How to Close the IT Talent Gap. CIO — There is an old business adage attributed to Peter Drucker that says: "You can't manage what you don't measure. " This means if you don't have real metrics in place and you aren't measuring performance, you'll never know whether you're doing better or worse. This adage is relative to many of things we do in IT and careers, because if you don't know where you are going, then you won't know the skills necessary to get you there.

Consider this piece of data from the CIO Executive Council's report, Creating Your Future-State IT Leadership Team Today. Two hundred senior IT personnel were asked how important they thought development of their own people was. These IT leaders almost universally (96 percent) rated this as either important or very important, but when asked how adept their leadership was at tackling this integral part of employee management more than 30 percent rated themselves as not proficient. Why Perform an IT Skills Analysis Continue Reading. A Total Disruption by Ondi Timoner on Prezi. Make Your Own Business App. Technology Innovation: To Whom It May Concern: Home matches and challenges I love presenting to techies – they’re my folks, and speaking with them and exchanging ideas comes as naturally to me as gathering around the kitchen table with the family and shooting the breeze. (Recent SAP Inside Track Netherlands in Eindhoven, organized by the fabulous Twan van den Broek and others, where I hosted two sessions, was such an event.)

I also love a challenge – so it’s nice to present to a crowd where it’s not necessarily a home match. Therefore, I particularly enjoy presenting technology to people who are either indifferent or even averse to technology per se. (I’ll explain in a minute why I added “per se” here.) The challenge is to captivate them by speaking to them in their language, about things that matter to them. A difficult audience The most recent instance, which prompted me to write this blog post, was just yesterday. I, on the other hand, am 100% a technologist and technology strategist. What technology means to non-techie audiences. The Google Glass feature no one is talking about — Creative Good.

(Also: en français, en español, 简体中文, 繁體中文, На русском, in het nederlands, em Português) Google Glass might change your life, but not in the way you think. There’s something else Google Glass makes possible that no one – no one – has talked about yet, and so today I’m writing this blog post to describe it. To read the raving accounts of tech journalists who Google commissioned for demos, you’d think Glass was something between a jetpack and a magic wand: something so cool, so sleek, so irresistible that it must inevitably replace that fading, pitifully out-of-date device called the smartphone. Sergey Brin himself said as much yesterday, observing that it is “emasculating” to use a smartphone, “rubbing this featureless piece of glass.”

Like every other shiny innovation these days, Google Glass will live or die solely on the experience it creates for people. Except for the awkward physical design, the experience of using Google Glass has won high praise from reviewers. I’m still not done. From Google Ventures: 4 Steps For Combining The... The “Lost” Steve Jobs Speech from 1983; Foreshadowing Wireless Networking, the iPad, and the App Store. Steve Jobs giving a speech at the 1983 IDCA – Courtesy Arthur Boden In 1983, Steve Jobs gave a speech to a relatively small audience at a somewhat obscure event called the International Design Conference in Aspen (IDCA). The theme of that year’s conference was “The Future Isn’t What It Used To Be”, which looking back seems all too fitting. Circumstances being what they are, very little is available on the Internet regarding this Steve Jobs speech. In my extensive research, I could find only one recording of this talk, which itself was just posted in June of this year.

This talk received a fair amount of attention at the end of August, after it was mentioned in a Smithsonian Magazine article written by Walter Issacson, Jobs’ biographer. However, the recording currently available is not complete. It ends after about 20 minutes, which corresponds with the end of Jobs’ prepared speech. First, I’d like to thank one of my oldest clients, John Celuch of Inland Design. The Mother of All Demos, presented by Douglas Engelbart (1968) SAP's Big Mobile Plan. SAP, the enterprise software company, has a crazy ambition. It wants to get a billion people using its software by 2015. That's about double the footprint the company has now—and a lofty goal for a company that, despite its reach into the innards of businesses, is hardly a household name. The plan largely rests in the hands of Sanjay Poonen, who heads the company's mobile division and is also responsible for its analytics, database, and technology products. Poonen talked with Business Insider this week and told us how SAP's going to do it: mobile apps, mobile apps, and more mobile apps, with a little cloud mixed in.

Just to give that billion-user goal some context: Apple has sold about a half a billion iPhones and iPads so far, although at the rate it is selling them, it should hit the billion mark by 2015, too. Still, it's one thing for the beloved gadget maker to get a billion mobile customers. So here's the plan: SAP is revamping a lot of its enterprise apps to run on mobile devices. Five Prevalent Pitfalls when Prototyping | Rapi... iRise and UX Design - A Perfect Fit. Will Apple's Tacky Software-Design Philosophy Cause A Revolt?

By now it’s almost inevitable given the company’s track record: No matter what Apple unveils tomorrow at the Yerba Buena Center (an iPad Mini? iPhone 5?) , pundits will herald the company for its innovative thinking and bold hardware design. But the elephant in the room will be Apple’s software, which many inside the company believe has evolved for the worse in the last few years. Despite consistently glowing reviews from critics and consumers alike, iOS and OS X, Apple’s operating systems which tie Macs and iPads and iPhones together, have rubbed some the wrong way in recent years with their design directions. "Visual Masturbation" What’s skeuomorphism? In software, skeuomorphism can be traced back to the visual metaphors designers created to translate on-screen applications before users were accustomed to interacting with computer software: virtual folders to store your documents, virtual Rolodexes to store contacts.

Inside Apple, tension has brewed for years over the issue. The Art of Data Visualization | Off Book | PBS. IBM unveils computing architecture based on the brain | Cutting Edge. IBM scientists unveiled an all-new computing architecture on Wednesday that's based on the human brain. In an announcement tonight, IBM Research said that its new software ecosystem was built to program silicon chips whose architecture is directly inspired by the brain's size, function, and minimal use of power.

The company hopes that its breakthrough may support a next generation of applications that could mirror what the brain can achieve in perception, cognition, and action. "We are working to create a Fortran for neurosynaptic chips," IBM principal investigator and senior manager Dharmendra Modha said in a release. "While complementing today's computers, this will bring forth a fundamentally new technological capability in terms of programming and applying emerging learning systems. " Ultimate HTML5 Cheatsheet | formation 2.0 | Sco...