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The Art of Data Visualization

The Art of Data Visualization

The 10 Commandments of Visual Communication Visuals are everywhere. Since the last decade, the art of visual communication has boomed by leaps and bounds and is, to the date, on a marked rise. Today, one cannot imagine the internet without all the GIFs, infographics, and memes floating it. With visual data on the rise and most of us being immensely fond of it, everyone now seems to be creating their own versions of it. It outlines the various different aspects of visual communication and sums them all up to perform as a complete guide to the art of designing. Let us know how you like it! PS: Also snoop into our prequels to this infographic, “The 10 Commandments of Typography”, “The 10 Commandments of Color Theory” and “The 10 Commandments of Logo Design”. Embed in your site:

The Collection Cartographies of Time: A Visual History of the Timeline I was recently asked to select my all-time favorite books for the lovely Ideal Bookshelf project by The Paris Review’s Thessaly la Force and artist Jane Mount. Despite the near-impossible task of shrinking my boundless bibliophilia to a modest list of dozen or so titles, I was eventually able to do it, and the selection included Cartographies of Time: A History of the Timeline (public library | IndieBound) by Daniel Rosenberg and Anthony Grafton — among both my 7 favorite books on maps and my 7 favorite books on time, this lavish collection of illustrated timelines traces the history of graphic representations of time in Europe and the United States from 1450 to the present, featuring everything from medieval manuscripts to websites to a chronological board game developed by Mark Twain. The first chapter, Time in Print, begins with a context for these images: * Cue in Visual Storytelling and graphic designer Francesco Franchi on representation vs. interpretation.

The Art of Data Visualization | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios

Publiée par PBSoffbook
sur YOUTUBE le 9 mai 2013 by epc Aug 19
