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10+ Photos Taken At Just The Right Moment | My Web Magazine. 10+ Photos Taken At Just The Right Moment Hey Everyone, Today we are going to share few fantastic Photos taken at just the right moment. Perfectly timed photos are an absolute joy to look at. With the perfect angle or in the perfect split second, you’ve captured an image that may never happen quite that way ever again. We hope these photos will get success to bring a lot of smile on your face and make you enjoy the post. Thanks for visiting us. We hope you have enjoyed the post. Recommended Read: The Everyday Life of Reindeer People Living In Mongolia. Unsplash | Free High-Resolution Photos. Kien Do | Unsplash. 10 einfache (Posing-) Tipps für die Pärchenfotografie. Am 13. März 2015 von Paddy veröffentlicht Jaja, ich weiss. Diese 10 Tipps Nummer soll natürlich Eure Aufmerksamkeit auf den Post richten und Euch zum Klicken animieren. Aber was soll’s, wenn es doch funktioniert.

Wenn schon billige 10-Tipps-Tricks, dann aber bitte auch mit Inhalt und nicht nur als Click-Bait. Ich hoffe Ihr nehmt mir das nicht übel und werdet mit dem Inhalt belohnt. Das Thema Posing ist wohl für einige Fotografen ein nicht ganz einfaches Thema. 1. Die Liste ist eigentlich unsortiert, aber ich glaube das ist tatsächlich eine meiner Lieblinsgposen. 2. Zum Einstieg ist es oft einfacher das Pärchen von hinten zu fotografieren. 3.

Eine ganz natürliche Pose Das Paar dreht sich zu einander und schaut sich an. 4. Eine lässige Art sich zu zweit aufzustellen ist es, wenn ein Partner sich auf die Schulter des anderen lehnt. 5. Sehr gerne stelle ich einen Partner in die Unschärfe. 6. Auf Fotos mag ich persönlich lieber den Moment kurz vor dem Kuss. 7. 8. 9. 10. Some of The best Photography of the Year - Editor's Choice. 2014 is almost over, In this article, We are showcasing the most popular and beautiful photos that were popular in 2014. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words or maybe just cause a storm of emotions… However! Let us take a look at this truly jaw-dropping collection and enjoy! Shrek and Fiona’s Family imgur On Guard © Michael Knudsen It looks like a bucket of laziness birdeemag Amsterdam @ Night © demiguel The grandmother lol24 Lunch Time!

© Peter Mather Tenderness nadlanu Meanwhile, in Norway imgur Yogurt, peach and apple twimg Autumn in the village palocprovence Ready for the holiday! © Max Ellis Chieftain hitromordyh googleusercontent A puddle in the National Park Geysir in Iceland reddit Photogenical child. Elitedaily Petersburg @ NIght © Ivan Smelov For example, a cat who? Shamshyan Lions in the rain, Tanzania © Mikhael Nick Nicols Snow Day © spunwasi Complained about having to leave the house in the snow.

Glitch in the Matrix © esrin Selfie during the crash kulfoto Father, who dreamed of the two sons conectandoweb. Kreativer Vater + 2 kreative Töchter = Kreative Fotos - Kreativer Vater + 2 kreative Töchter = Kreative Fotos Familienfotos sind meist eintönig und ziemlich langweilig.

Dass es aber auch anders geht, beweist Jason Lee mit den folgenden Fotos seiner beiden Töchter. Man sieht, dass mit einer gehörigen Portion Kreativität eine Ansicht des Familienalbums zur absoluten Abenteuerreise werden kann... Dies ist wieder mal ein Artikel, hinter dem eine traurige Geschichte steht. Kreative Kinderfotos Von daher entschied er sich einen Blog einzurichten und diese kreativen Fotos hochzuladen. Eigentlich ist Jason Lee Hochzeitsfotograf. All photos © Jason Lee Also mir persönlich gefallen die Bilder unheimlich gut.

Was sagt Ihr? Gefunden haben wir diese tollen Bilder beim Bored Panda. 23_cloud_ken_prior_w_LRG.jpg (1024×576) Farbpalette: Hilfsmittel zur harmonischen Farbwahl | Rene Haas. Eine Farb­pa­lette beschreibt alle Far­ben, wel­che in einem Lay­out ver­wen­det wer­den. Im Gra­fik­de­sign, vor allem bei der Gestal­tung für Unter­neh­men, spielt das Erstel­len oder die Ein­hal­tung einer bestimm­ten Farb­pa­lette eine wich­tige Rolle. Kein ande­res Medium wirkt so emo­tio­nal und kom­mu­ni­ziert so stark wie Farbe. Dies mag zunächst ein­fach klin­gen, doch jeder der ein­mal ver­sucht hat eine abge­stimmte Farb­pa­lette mit 5 Farb­tö­nen zu erstel­len, wird sich der mit­un­ter schwie­ri­gen Auf­gabe bewusst sein. Glück­li­cher­weise gibt es hier­für einige Hilfs­mit­tel, die sich Desi­gner zunutze machen kön­nen, um eine har­mo­ni­sche Farb­pa­lette anzufertigen.

Tools für die richtige Farbpalette Adobe© Kuler Adobe©, bekannt als Her­stel­ler für Kreativ-Software, wel­che sich über die letz­ten Jahr­zehnte als Indus­trie­stan­dard ent­wi­ckeln konn­ten, bie­tet mit »Kuler™« ein haus­ei­ge­nes Werk­zeug zur Ansicht, Suche und Erstel­lung von Farb­pa­let­ten an. Face Art: Incredibly Awesome Makeup Portraits by Alexander Khokhlov. Moscow based photographer and artist Alexander Khokhlov has created a wonderful art project titled “2D or not 2D”. In this series, the artist creates makeup portraits which can easily confuse our vision.

He created these portraits in 2D and some of these photos might indeed do the trick with the help of Valeriya Kutsan’s professional makeup work, the natural lines of the models’ faces are almost indistinguishable. “I like to work with people but not only for their entity. Everybody is a field for experiments and I don’t know what would be next. My lovely life Veronica always gives me inspiration for the new ideas and projects.” – Alexander Khokhlov Comix face The Mask Water-colour Angry Beards Angry Birds Milk Chocolate Mona Lisa Oil-painted Patchwork face Poster Face Sculpture face Sketch Stained face Comments comments.

Impossible time. by Thoum. National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 - In Focus. National Geographic is currently holding its annual photo contest, with the deadline for submissions coming up on November 30. For the past nine weeks, the society has been gathering and presenting galleries of submissions, encouraging readers to vote for them as well. National Geographic was kind enough to let me choose among its entries from 2011 for display here on In Focus. Gathered below are 45 images from the three categories of People, Places, and Nature, with captions written by the individual photographers. [45 photos] Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: Many people pilgrimage to Uluru, but what is seen there often depends on where you've come from.

Eruption of the Cordon del Caulle. Beluga whales in the arctic having fun. This is a streetcar in New Orleans traveling back towards The Quarter on St. This image captures almost 6 hours of climbing parties on Rainier going for the summit under starry skies. Russia, polar region of West Siberia, Tazovsky Peninsula. Here's What SF Would Look Like Without Cars or People. By Sierra Hartman I was walking through a neighborhood years ago on a quiet afternoon when I noticed a stoplight changing at an intersection. There were no cars anywhere on either street but the lights were on a timer and just went about their business regardless. I found it strangely calming, watching the lights click back and forth every couple minutes, all by themselves, as if the last car in the city had passed through some time before.

Since then, I've taken more specific notice of those random moments when, for just a few seconds, the traffic lulls and a pigeon walks out into the street, figuring that all the cars have just disappeared. Aside from those rare occasions like Christmas morning and Super Bowl Sunday, it's almost impossible to find more than a block of empty San Francisco blacktop at any one time.

In doing this, I've spent a fair amount of time picturing the city sans humans and I've found people are split about 50-50 in their reactions to the scenes. 15 Perfectly timed Photos | Coolphotos. The past is vividly present in these pictures taken nowadays. You'll get your mind blown! | Likazing.

Old photographs always seem to have captured a particular slice of life. I don’t know if it’s because photos were more scarce and they required a lot of work and preparation… A very skilled photographer decided to revisit 28 pictures that were taken in Hungary several years ago. He went to the exact same locations and captured these places with a modern look. Then he merged the old shots with the modern ones to create some insightful images that are becoming witnesses of two different times. Most of these pictures were taken in Budapest, but some are in other parts of Hungary. Do you like these pictures? Source. Self-Portrait Series Straddles the Line Between Fantasy and Reality. Rachel Baran who no doubt is a talented photographer, likes to tag herself as having a small purse but big dreams.

Obviously she does a lot of that dreaming while wide awake, behind her camera. The young 20-year-old from Ohio says that “One of my many very fancy hobbies is taking photographs of mainly myself but I promise I’m not a total narcissist.” The young lady makes the disclaimer, as she uses herself as the subject in most of her work. The rub lies with some tweaks on Photoshop, creating absorbingly odd details that transform the images, becoming pictures that straddle fantasy and reality. Baran unashamedly uses herself in all these creations, a rather eccentric set of self-portraits. They manifest a dark emotional tone that could only be the subliminal musings of a mind that is absorbed with the murky images of bad dreams and nightmares. See her captivatingly moody images here. Portfolio 2 on Behance. Relaxation by keller. 15-render-FG.jpg (1000×750)

Dancers out and about [25 pictures] Photographer Jordan Matter created his series “Dancers Among Us” as a reminder to “relish moments large and small, recognize the beauty around you, and be alive!” Here are a bunch of the pics, but there are even more at his website and in his book. CABIN MODE — DESIREE CASONI. Family Face Mashup Photography Brings Out Strong Resemblances.

Each of Ulric Collette's portraits is composed of two relatives' faces mashed together to show how strong family resemblances are Think you don’t look like anyone in your family? French-Canadian photographer Ulric Collette might just be able to prove you wrong. Collette created mashups in which he takes photographs of two family members, edits half of each face and creates one seamless portrait. He calls it the “Genetic Portraits” series. Turns out gender differences and age gaps don't matter. Check out these amazing images: Mother/Daughter: Francine, 56 & Catherine, 23 Ulric Collette Twins: Alex & Sandrine, 20 Daughter/Mother: Marie-Pier, 18 & N’sira, 49 Sisters: Anne-Sophie, 19 & Pascale, 16 Brothers: Christopher, 30, & Ulric, 29 Daughter/Mother: Jill, 25 & Johanne, 54 Mother/Daughter: Julie, 61 and Isabelle, 32 Portrait génétique from Ulric Collette on Vimeo. Russian Mother Takes Magical Pictures of Her Two Kids With Animals On Her Farm.

These wonderful photographs by Elena Shumilova plunge the viewer into a beautiful world that revolves around two boys and their adorable dog, cat, duckling and rabbit friends. Taking advantage of natural colors, weather conditions and her enchanting surroundings, the gifted Russian artist creates cozy and heartwarming photography that will leave you amazed. Show Full Text The boys in the photographs are the photographer’s sons and the animals belong to the farm she runs. “I largely trust my intuition and inspiration when I compose photos. Rural settings, natural phenomena and the changing seasons seem to be the greatest stimuli in her works. Shumilova told us her passion for photography manifested in early 2012 when she got her first camera. We suggest you take a cup of tea, lean back comfortably in your armchair and browse this beautiful collection of Elena Shumilova’s photographs. See her gallery on: Flickr | 500px Thanks for sharing!

“Children and animals – it’s my life. Bookshelf Porn. Amazing Color Photographs of Daily Life in Paris in the 1950's. (Photos by Peter Cornélius) The Top 75 Pictures of the Year for 2013. Update: if you liked this post, you’ll adore our latest post on the 38 Most Haunting Abandoned Places on Earth HERE. Following on from our very successful blog “100 of the Best Street Art Images of 2013″ (see HERE), we’ve widened the net and thanks to the guys over at Sifter, we bring you the Top 75 Pictures of 2013. All credit goes to the individual photographers and their inspiring visions of our beautiful planet. What’s your favorite?

Photograph by strummingmusic on Reddit Photograph by HALEY LUNA Photograph by HANS HANSEN Photograph by Capt. Photograph by Adam Klukowski (ENT108) | Photograph by JENNY DEAN Photograph by LAURA WILLIAMS Photograph by SCOTT MCCRACKEN Photograph by Alexander Van Driessche Photograph by ROLF MAEDER Photograph by RADO GADOCZI Photograph by Peter Rivera Photograph by DEVEN STROSS Photograph by Randy Kokesch Photograph by NothingI5True on Reddit Photograph via Kevin Trotman (The Rocketeer on Flickr) Photograph by SPRENG BEN Photograph via