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Octagon House Inventory. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TRIANGLE CENTERS. X(585) = 1st CONGRUENT SHRUNK INSQUARES POINT Trilinears f(a,b,c) : f(b,c,a) : f(c,a,b), where f(a,b,c) = [2*area*(1/b + 1/c - 1/a) + b + c - a]/a Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = 2*area*(1/b + 1/c - 1/a) + b + c - a X(585) lies on this line: 8,192 For a discussion, see Floor van Lamoen, "Vierkanten in een driehoek: 5. Gekrompen ingeschreven vierkanten" X(586) = 2nd CONGRUENT SHRUNK INSQUARES POINT Trilinears f(a,b,c) : f(b,c,a) : f(c,a,b), where f(a,b,c) = [2*area*(1/b + 1/c - 1/a) + a - b - c]/a Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = 2*area*(1/b + 1/c - 1/a) + a - b - c X(586) lies on this line: 8,192 Trilinears f(a,b,c) : f(b,c,a) : f(c,a,b), where f(a,b,c) = bc[2(a + b + c) + (a - b - c) tan A] Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = 2(a + b + c) + (a - b - c) tan A X(587) lies on this line: 2,92 X(588) = 1st KENMOTU-VAN LAMOEN POINT X(588) lies on this line: 39,589 X(589) = 2nd KENMOTU-VAN LAMOEN POINT Centers 616- 642. | The Grocery List Collection (funny lists, weird books, downloadable PDFs & more) ☠ Dw_cosplay: Ace 's Jacket Cosplay Breakdown (MA-1 Bomber Jacket) Some time ago I had a friend who liked Doctor Who as much As I do and she loved ACE. One Halloween she bought a black jacket and asked me if she would make a good ACE. I thought I'd help her out. I bought some patches off ebay that were easiest to identify. The NASA Enterprise Approach Landing Test Shuttle Patch STS-51L Challenger Patch STS-61C Columbia Patch (Season 25)/ STS-61B Atlantis Patch (Season 26) and I was able to identify that Ace has a Gerry Anderson "Fanderson" Red+Black+White Fan Club Badge on her left side (her left-our right).

I gathered up this information and was going to give it to her, but we lost touch. Silver and Blue "Blue Peter" Badges can be see. her Left Shoulder there is a British Small Arms (Motorcycle Company) BSA Badge. I spent quite some time tracking this info down mostly with the help of And - (because you get different results sometimes.) instant applique. EverythingPanAm. - Home of the Worlds Largest Dice Collection - THE place for Dice Info & Questions. You Are Not So Smart. All About My Vagina. Officina Publicus: Workshop of the People. Tick Tock Toys - Archives & Galleries. Random Useless Info. Wrote. Yesterday's News, Today. 213 Things Skippy Can't Do - The List. Explanations of these events: a) I did myself, and either got in trouble or commended.

(I had a Major shake my hand for the piss bottle thing, for instance.) b) I witnessed another soldier do it. (Like the Sergeant we had, that basically went insane, and crucified some dead mice.) c) Was spontaneously informed I was not allowed to do. (Like start a porn studio.) d) Was the result of a clarification of the above. (“What about especially patriotic porn?”) To explain how I've stayed out of jail/alive/not beaten up too badly..... The 213 Things.... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111.

Fruit Crate Labels, Vintage Advertisements, Cigar Labels, and Canning Labels by TheLabelMan. Bartolomeo Mecánico: roadsigns, water mills, Opiliones, painted advertisements. Randy Johnson's Travel Page -- Third World Travel. Learning Languages. Welcome. City - version 6.1. Last major update: Apr 30, 2011 at about 9:24 AM Central Time* Last minor update: Dec 31, 2013 at about 7:51 AM Major announcements: Due to Google's obsession with Google+, a clone of Facebook that few want, I have become almost completely silent on YouTube since a Google+ account is required to do anything with commenting. I refuse to get a Google+ account (I'm strongly opposed to Google+ because of the way Google is pushing it out, the wrong way - heavy annoyances (remember the monthly name change requests on YouTube?)

Wrecking YouTube, and now forcing users to get something they don't want that's also quite invasive on privacy). Because of this, all comments since this started (November 5, 2013) are being ignored because I'm no longer being notified (and I'm not going to bother searching over 1000 videos for anything new). Worse yet, YouTube comments now allow links which, if followed, cause you to download a virus. Revision 13 has finally been released. Watch my gaming live! New! FRANK'S COMPULSIVE GUIDE TO POSTAL ADDRESSES. Effective Addressing for International Mail SAVE THE POST OFFICE • SAVE THE BRONX GPO • A World Without the Post Office • Petition • APWU Author: Frank da Cruz New York Last Update: Sun Nov 17 11:54:02 2013 Eastern USA time Quick Access: Go to the INDEX and click on a country name.

Nuevo para los latinoamericanos: Buscar códigos postales Listed in PC World's The 50 Most Useful Sites Ever (Feb 2003) Disclaimer: MAINTAINANCE OF THIS DOCUMENT IS WAS A PUBLIC SERVICE OF the ex-KERMIT PROJECT AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Background: This document started in the 1980s as a short tip-sheet, organized geographically, with sections for regions or specific countries.

Updates: The 14 November 2000 edition adds links to postal authorities in many countries, which are recapitulated alphabetically (in English) in the INDEX at the end. Acknowledgements: Aleida Morel (Dominican Republic), Mari Carmen Fonseca, Juan Castro, Patrick Decker, Andrew Leonard (México). Reference: Resources: Issues: Chicago ''L''.org - Your Chicago rapid transit internet resource! - Primer Museo Virtual del Transporte Argentino. De ochenta, por favor Algo se ha perdido irremediablemente en nuestras tradiciones. A la larga lista donde aparece la botella de leche de vidrio, el teléfono público negro, los fósforos de cera y los adoquines de madera, hace poco más de una década se agregó el boleto de colectivo. Y no por haber desaparecido, sino más bien por haber sido reemplazado por esos asépticos papelitos que se borran en poco tiempo y donde la búsqueda del capicúa es casi imposible. Más allá de toda consideración, la frase del título está incorporada a la cotidianeidad porteña.

Puede cambiar la cifra y el tipo de boleto, pero el resto sigue igual. Este trabajo pretende acercar al lector una pequeña historia del boleto en nuestro medio, y las características de algunos personajes vinculados al mentado papelito, desde el tranvía a caballo hasta el ómnibus actual. El boleto no ferroviario más antiguo del que tenemos noticias pertenece a La Bella Ensenadera, servicio de galera entre Ensenada y Buenos Aires. Fig. 1. Welcome to the Soda Can Library. FreeCell -- General Information and Index of Solutions. Return to the Solitaire Laboratory home page FreeCell -- General Information and Catalog of Selected Solutions Since 1998 I have maintained a site (a successor to sites run by Dave Ring and Wilson Callan) devoted to FreeCell, the most popular form of card solitaire in the computer world.

I have written an extensive FAQ on the game, and for a while maintained an irregular mailing list to update FreeCell enthusiasts on the latest developments in the game. Click on any of the pictures or text boxes below to go to the link described underneath. Frequently Asked Questions and Links FreeCell Pro, a program with a built-in solver A catalog of selected solutions (Download it free now: soon to disappear) Lists of difficult (and a few easy) deals Novice player? Copyright ©2013 by Michael Keller. Chipotle - Nutrition information, recipes, coupons, locations, and all things Chipotle Mexican Grill. Toutes les autos de Tintin. SpaceQuest.Net - The Ultimate Space Quest Fansite! Insulators : National Insulator Association Home Page. Footnotes to History- by James L. Erwin. A message to my readers: I recently passed the 50,000 hit mark.

In the last few months, FtH has been mentioned by PC Magazine, Reason, the Progressive Review, and the National Review. These benchmarks mean a lot to me: thanks for all your support. And a special message to the bloggers: KEEP LINKING. It's your grassroots effort that sends a lot of this recognition my way. Thanks so much. The box above will allow you to contribute to the Footnotes project, by freeing up some of my time and allowing me to purchase new research materials. Your interest is what keeps me interested. Your help will help me make Footnotes better. Just click on the button above to send me a bit of cash through

Thanks again! All material ©1998-2003 by James L. The limping messenger. Language Log. Tom Sloper's Mah-Jongg Column. - Bob is the Oil Guy. The Condiment Packet Gallery. Lonympics - The webpage of the Lonympics. The Sheila Variations. Weird Wild Realm Film Reviews Index.

HUNGRY GHOST BLOG. Upsideclown. Analog audio tape cassette nostalgia - Vintage Electronics Have Soul - The Pocket Calculator Show Website. Michael Bluejay - Official home page. Manjula's Kitchen | Indian Vegetarian Recipes. Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields. Planet Mellotron. Airline Timetable Images (and Baggage labels) They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? Atlas Obscura | Curious and Wondrous Travel Destinations. History of Game Boy Advance games | Plan to play all the released Game Boy Advance titles in chronological order.

T E X T F I L E S D O T C O M. Damn Interesting.