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Sandwich Mondays. The World's Healthiest Foods. 30 Bucks a Week. EatingAsia. Food Nutrition Comparisons | twofoods. Fancy Fast Food. Blog - » Question of the Day. The McLobster Sandwich and other McMenu Madness | Gunaxin. As you might have read on our website (or otherwise heard), there’s this new phenomena spreading called the McGangBang. In doing research (or whatever you call searching the Internet for info) for the McGangBang, I came across something else called the McLobster. Originally, I thought it was a joke. McDonald’s isn’t exactly high brow enough to serve Lobster, now is it? I’d consider lobster to be a seafood delicacy. But I soon came to realize that it indeed was real and began shaking in my boots at the prospect of such a McFood. To be fair, the McLobster is hardly new.

It’s been around for several years, but unless you live in Eastern Canada or New England, you might not be aware of the crustaceous cousin of the Filet-o-Fish. And in case you’re wondering, it is real lobster meat in the sandwich. Here are a couple additional McLobster photos: And if you need further proof of it’s existence, here’s a commercial… Of course, this opens the door to a whole host of regional foods. Food and Cooking. Slashfood.

Zeer. This is why you're fat. Men in Aprons | Everyday Men Cooking at Home. Foodies Across Borders. Foodgawker | feast your eyes. How to Store Parsley, Cilantro, and Other Fresh Herbs. Method 1 Snip off the bottom of the stems. 2 Make sure the leaves are completely dry. Better to hold off rinsing them until you're about to use them. 3 Fill a jar or a water glass partially with water and place the stem ends of the herbs into the water in the jar. 4 If you are storing the herbs in the refrigerator, cover loosely with a plastic bag.

. , basil is ideally stored at room temperature and not in the refrigerator, because it is susceptible to damage from cold. 5 Change the water after several days if the water starts to discolor. Fresh parsley, cilantro, basil, and other fresh herbs can last up to 2 weeks or longer when stored this way. Recommend the perfect cookbook. Slice: A List of Regional Pizza Styles. The Best 8 Beverages in the World - Gadling. Timothy Ferriss, author of the best-selling book, The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (read our interview with him here), shares his eight favorite beverages from around the world. I am a consummate consumer in the literal sense. Beverages, perhaps more than any other indulgence, have fascinated me from my first sip of Pocari Sweat in Japan. From Brazil to Zimbabwe, each locale has its superstar drink, and some are as defining of the culture as the people themselves.

Here are my top 8 beverages in the world:#8. Paulaner is one of the six main breweries in Bavaria, and their incredible kellerbier is the only beer in the world that I love. . #7. Tanzanian peaberry coffee beans, freshly brewed with a simple Krup machine, are near perfect for curing AM grogginess. . #6. Vinho verde, so named for the ripeness and not the color, is sweet and refreshing, perfect for a hot and humid early evening in Lisbon. . #5. . #4. . #2. . #1.

German Riesling or real Thai Red Bull? Man Gets Free Domino's By Saying He's A Journalist. Top Secret Recipes. FCIC - Recipes and Tips for Healthy, Thrifty Meals. Educating the Wheelers » A Lazy Person’s Guide to Eating More Meals At Home. I can already hear the protests – why would you deprive your child of their education?

If you have the money, what good could possibly come from depriving your child of the chance for a bright future? The truth is that tuition costs have risen to a ridiculous rate in the United States and paying for an overpriced education can be a recipe for disaster. What kind of concept of money will your kids have after they spend 6 years in school, rack up mid six figures in debt, and it gets magically paid off for them? How long will it take for them to appreciate the value of money? Note: I’m not saying its bad for anyone to pay for their child’s education, this is simply my personal philosophy. 1. If your child knows that they’re going to have to pay their whole loan back one day, it can force them to attend a more reasonably priced school and save their money. 2. I personally tried to teach my kids to be financially independent as soon as they were old enough to work. Is it easy? 3. 4. Top 25 food hacks.