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Neuromorphic Chips Are Destined for Deep Learning—or Obscurity. 3.

Neuromorphic Chips Are Destined for Deep Learning—or Obscurity

Engineering Cognition People in the tech world talk of a technology “crossing the chasm” by making the leap from early adopters to the mass market. A case study in chasm crossing is now unfolding in neuromorphic computing. The approach mimics the way neurons are connected and communicate in the human brain, and enthusiasts say neuromorphic chips can run on much less power than traditional CPUs. The problem, though, is proving that neuromorphics can move from research labs to commercial applications.

Neuromorphic engineering. Integrated circuit technology Neuromorphic engineering, also known as neuromorphic computing,[1][2][3] is a concept developed by Carver Mead,[4] in the late 1980s, describing the use of very-large-scale integration (VLSI) systems containing electronic analog circuits to mimic neuro-biological architectures present in the nervous system.[5] In recent times, the term neuromorphic has been used to describe analog, digital, mixed-mode analog/digital VLSI, and software systems that implement models of neural systems (for perception, motor control, or multisensory integration).

Neuromorphic engineering

The implementation of neuromorphic computing on the hardware level can be realized by oxide-based memristors,[6], spintronic memories,[7] threshold switches, and transistors.[8] Examples[edit] In November 2011, a group of MIT researchers created a computer chip that mimics the analog, ion-based communication in a synapse between two neurons using 400 transistors and standard CMOS manufacturing techniques.[11][12] Memory and Recall: 10 Amazing Facts You Should Know. Human memory and recall works nothing like a computer, but that’s what makes it all the more fascinating to understand and experience. “If we remembered everything we should on most occasions be as ill off as if we remembered nothing.”

~William James It’s often said that a person is the sum of their memories. Inseparable: Ten Years Joined At The Head: BC’s Hogan Twins Share A Brain And See Out Of Each Other’s Eyes. BC's Hogan twins, featured in the documentary Inseparable, are unique in the world.

Inseparable: Ten Years Joined At The Head: BC’s Hogan Twins Share A Brain And See Out Of Each Other’s Eyes

Joined at the head, their brains are connected by a thalamic bridge which gives them neurological capabilities that researchers are only now beginning to understand. The Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces: Blockchaining Your Way into a Cloudmind. The Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces: Blockchaining Your Way into a Cloudmind Melanie Swan Philosophy and Economic Theory, New School University, New York NY.

The Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces: Blockchaining Your Way into a Cloudmind

Researchers Wire Brains Together to Make a Super-Brain. Brain-computer interfaces always sound incredibly futuristic.

Researchers Wire Brains Together to Make a Super-Brain

But this one is even wilder than most. In a pair of studies published Thursday, researchers say they’ve linked up multiple brains, of both monkeys and rats, to form an “organic computer.” By literally putting their heads together, the networked animals performed simple tasks and computations better than an animal flying solo. The experiment could point toward future brain interfaces between people, allowing learning or collaboration to pass directly from brain to brain.

Elon Musk is setting up a company that will link brains and computers. Billionaire futurist space explorer Elon Musk has a new project: a "medical research company" called Neuralink that will make brain-computer interfaces.

Elon Musk is setting up a company that will link brains and computers

Musk's projects are frequently inspired by science fiction, and this one is a direct reference to a device called a "neural lace," invented by the late British novelist Iain M. Banks for his Culture series. God in the machine: my strange journey into transhumanism. I first read Ray Kurzweil’s book, The Age of Spiritual Machines, in 2006, a few years after I dropped out of Bible school and stopped believing in God.

God in the machine: my strange journey into transhumanism

I was living alone in Chicago’s southern industrial sector and working nights as a cocktail waitress. I was not well. How your eyes trick your mind. Noam Chomsky on stupid people. In not-too-distant future, brain hackers could steal your deepest secrets. OAKLAND, Calif.

In not-too-distant future, brain hackers could steal your deepest secrets

—In the beginning, people hacked phones. In the decades to follow, hackers turned to computers, smartphones, Internet-connected security cameras, and other so-called Internet of things devices. If Someone Secretly Controlled What You Say, Would Anyone Notice?

Man Machine Interface

Is consciousness an engineering problem? – Michael Graziano. The brain is a machine: a device that processes information.

Is consciousness an engineering problem? – Michael Graziano

That’s according to the last 100 years of neuroscience. And yet, somehow, it also has a subjective experience of at least some of that information. Whether we’re talking about the thoughts and memories swirling around on the inside, or awareness of the stuff entering through the senses, somehow the brain experiences its own data. It has consciousness. Why Physicists Are Saying Consciousness Is A State Of Matter, Like a Solid, A Liquid Or A Gas — The Physics arXiv Blog. There’s a quiet revolution underway in theoretical physics.

Why Physicists Are Saying Consciousness Is A State Of Matter, Like a Solid, A Liquid Or A Gas — The Physics arXiv Blog

For as long as the discipline has existed, physicists have been reluctant to discuss consciousness, considering it a topic for quacks and charlatans. Indeed, the mere mention of the ‘c’ word could ruin careers. That’s finally beginning to change thanks to a fundamentally new way of thinking about consciousness that is spreading like wildfire through the theoretical physics community. And while the problem of consciousness is far from being solved, it is finally being formulated mathematically as a set of problems that researchers can understand, explore and discuss. How The Health Trackers Of The Future Could Turn Us Into Cyborgs [Future Of Health. As many people are adopting fitness and wellness trackers as part of their daily lives, researchers and scientists are hard at work developing smaller and more specialized sensors. These devices are designed to conform to people’s bodies as to make them nearly imperceptible to the wearer, giving us the ability to gather more sophisticated and accurate health data.

Whether it is getting a concise measure of temperature from the skin, a blood sugar reading from the eyes or even clearer picture about a person’s dental health, these small and sophisticated sensors can greatly improve the level of information doctors can collect and monitor without burdening the patient with excessive medical equipment. PSFK Labs’ latest Future of Health report has outlined a trend we’re calling Embedded Vital Monitors, which looks at how these shrinking devices are impacting healthcare. Egyptian Symbols and Definitions.

Djed It is believed that the Djed is a rendering of a human backbone. It represents stability and strength. It was originally associated with the creation god Ptah. Himself being called the "Noble Djed". The gaming headset that (literally) shocks your brain to attention. Technology & the Future. First Human Brain-To-Brain Interface Lets Scientist Control Colleague's Body. By Sharon Begley NEW YORK (Reuters) - Scientists said Tuesday they have achieved the first human-to-human mind meld, with one researcher sending a brain signal via the Internet to control the hand motion of a colleague sitting across the Seattle campus of the University of Washington. The feat is less a conceptual advance than another step in the years-long progress that researchers have made toward brain-computer interfaces, in which electrical signals generated from one brain are translated by a computer into commands that can move a mechanical arm or a computer cursor - or, in more and more studies, can affect another brain.

Transhumanism. Gods of Ancient Egypt: Atum. Atum (also known as Tem or Temu) was the first and most important Ancient Egyptian god to be worshiped in Iunu (Heliopolis, Lower Egypt), although in later times Ra rose in importance in the city, and eclipsed him to some extent.