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Trello. How I Taught A Web Designer to Sell $10k+ Projects. Git Cheat Sheet. A simple Git cheat sheet for the basic commands and working with a git repo, in our case Github.

Git Cheat Sheet

To start, you can always use git help to see a basic list of commands. Git Terminology: Here’s a good glossary of definitions. Starting a Repo init/clone/remote. How to Set Up a Node.js Web Server on Amazon EC2 - Laura Diane Hamilton. If you've never done it before, it can be a bit tricky to navigate Amazon's "security groups," Linux's firewalls, and ip forwarding.

How to Set Up a Node.js Web Server on Amazon EC2 - Laura Diane Hamilton

I've created a tutorial to demonstrate, step-by-step, how to set up a skeleton Node.js app on Amazon EC2. First, create an account on and set up two-factor authentication. Next, click on EC2 - Virtual Servers in the Cloud. (EC2 stands for "Elastic Compute Cloud. ") How I Got Node.js Running On A Linux Micro Instance Using Amazon EC2. In the past, I've dabbled with Node.js (a server-side JavaScript runtime environment) on my local MacBook Pro.

How I Got Node.js Running On A Linux Micro Instance Using Amazon EC2

If you know JavaScript, it's not too hard to get something up and running on your local machine. Putting Node.js out into the wild, however, is whole other beast. Not only am I mediocre at managing web servers in general, I happen to know almost nothing about Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), Linux / Unix, Git, SSH, ports, routing, processes, and just about everything else that goes into managing a Node.js deployment.

After a couple of hours, some online tutorials, and a bit of trial and error, I finally got something working! I managed to keep a Node.js process running on a Linux Micro instance on Amazon EC2! Portfolio. Simple, Beautiful Mobile Sites In Minutes. Studio for iPhone. Responsive Design is Not About Screen Sizes Any More. In March 2012, Guy Podjarny ran a test comparing the performance of hundreds of shiny new responsive websites across four different screen resolutions.

Responsive Design is Not About Screen Sizes Any More

The results were very dissapointing. (1) Two years into the rise of Responsive Web Design, after every imaginable sort of designer and developer had jumped into the train, it took a test to almost rock the theory to its foundations. Guy proved that almost every known responsive site was overweight. We've made the internet in our image… ObeseJason Grigsby. The works of justin edmund. Pivotal Tracker - Simple, Agile Project Management Software & Team Collaboration. The 5 essential rules of SaaS email integration - DoneDone. Despite all the great user interface design we see on web applications today, one of the most important user interfaces for a SaaS product doesn’t live in the browser and may have very little “design” to it at all.

The 5 essential rules of SaaS email integration - DoneDone

It’s email. Yes, email! Nifty Modal Window Effects. A set of experimental modal window appearance effects with CSS transitions and animations.

Nifty Modal Window Effects

View demo Download source Today we want to share some ideas for modal window effects with you. There are infinite possibilities for transitioning the appearance of a dialog box and we wanted to provide some ideas of how to show dialog boxes and provide some inspiration. The idea is to have a trigger button (or any element) which will make a modal window appear on click using a simple transition (or animation). Please note: this only works as intended in browsers that support the respective CSS properties. There are some knows issue with using visibility/opacity for iOS < 6 Mobile Safari, so this probably won't work on older devices. The structure of the modal window consists of a main wrapper and a content division: Flat UI Design - A showcase of the best examples of the flat UI design aesthetic on the web. Words. Stop Doing Internet Wrong. 30 Useful Responsive Web Design Tutorials.

So we’ve reached the end of our “Responsive Web Design week”, tonight’s post will be the last of the series.

30 Useful Responsive Web Design Tutorials

We are going all out to help you hone your skills in manipulating those codes to respond at will when displayed on different devices. And to do this, we are featuring 30 Responsive Web Design Tutorials found online. This list is not meant to be an exhaustive one but it will get you started on understanding the basics of designing an adaptive website that will cater to all sorts of screen sizes. We’ll start off with introductory tutorials in ‘Breaking the Ice’, something like an RWD: 101 class you should attend to get the hang of the concept before we move on to ‘Start Building’ exercises. The trick to designing a GREAT layout.

Why are magazines and books always laid out the same?

The trick to designing a GREAT layout

Even with alternative design, there is a harmony in layout or the reader’s head will explode… or they will just stop reading and skip to the next page. Successful design in publishing, advertising, web design, illustration and anything else that ties together elements depends on drawing in the reader, and leading their eyes across the page. Some people think it’s not a big deal and that designing a page comes naturally because of cultural lessons we learn growing up and looking at design from childhood, yet few, if any, understand why it works the way it does. In most societies, we read left to right. Still sound simple? The rules. Best Chrome Extensions. On this page, you will find the best Chrome extensions for all your browsing needs.

Best Chrome Extensions

Using the right Chrome extensions can completely transform your online experience, and make your time on the Internet much more productive and interesting. We’ve made the effort to categorize the extensions and chose only those we believe to be the best ones and which will most likely be useful to you. A perfect tool for students/researchers and one of the best Chrome extensions for organization. Diigo lets you highlight, share and save web pages. Read selected content both online and offline. Xmarks syncs your data across multiple computers and browsers.