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Facebook Twitter of Philosophy (Western) 3.1 (part 1).jpg. Consciousness Might Emerge from a Data Broadcast. Quantum physicist Wolfgang Pauli expressed disdain for sloppy, nonsensical theories by denigrating them as “not even wrong,” meaning they were just empty conjectures that could be quickly dismissed.

Consciousness Might Emerge from a Data Broadcast

Unfortunately, many remarkably popular theories of consciousness are of this ilk—the idea, for instance, that our experiences can somehow be explained by the quantum theory that Pauli himself helped to formulate in the early 20th century. Are these mystery radio bursts messages from ALIENS? Scientists are trying to work out what is causing Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs)The strange signals occur for a few milliseconds and come from nowhereThe first was detected in 2007, but only a handful have been seen sinceIn April the latest discovery was made, but still the mystery persistsExplanations range from colliding neutron stars to alien signals By Jonathan O'Callaghan Published: 16:40 GMT, 16 May 2014 | Updated: 17:45 GMT, 16 May 2014.

Are these mystery radio bursts messages from ALIENS?

Ics students devise concept for Star Wars-style deflector shields. If you have often imagined yourself piloting your X-Wing fighter on an attack run on the Death Star, you'll be reassured that University of Leicester students have demonstrated that your shields could take whatever the Imperial fleet can throw at you.

ics students devise concept for Star Wars-style deflector shields

The only drawback is that you won't be able to see a thing outside of your starfighter. In anticipation of Star Wars Day on 4 May, three fourth-year Physics students at the University have proven that shields, such as those seen protecting spaceships in the Star Wars film series, would not only be scientifically feasible, they have also shown that the science behind the principle is already used here on Earth. They have published their findings in the Journal of Special Physics Topics, a peer-reviewed student journal run by the University's Department of Physics and Astronomy. Cosmology: Unearthing a 13th-century metaverse.

ONE thing that irks this Babbage is the view that if schools simply focused on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)—at the expense of frivolous “non-scientific” subjects—then a model 21st-century workforce would magically materialise.

Cosmology: Unearthing a 13th-century metaverse

Those entertaining such notions should consider the following a brief morality tale. Robert Grosseteste, an English scholar who lived from about 1175 to 1253, was an intellectual giant. A scientist, philosopher, mathematician, theologian and at one point Bishop of Lincoln, he was one of the first thinkers in northern Europe to read both Aristotle and the various Islamic commentators on the Greek philosopher’s work, all of which were newly translated into Latin. And in his treatise De Luce (“On Light”, written around 1225), Grosseteste was also the first to try to develop unified physical laws to explain the origin and form of the geocentric medieval universe of heavens and Earth. Duolingo: Home. Emotion and Music. Salimpoor, V., Benovoy, M., Larcher, K., Dagher, A., and Zatorre, R.J. (2011).

Emotion and Music

Experience Just How Big the Universe is, in One Mind-Blowing Interactive. You need a more recent version of Adobe Flash Player.

Experience Just How Big the Universe is, in One Mind-Blowing Interactive

Recently, NASA scientists combined data from the Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes to discover the most distant galaxy known to date. The galaxy, named Abell2744 Y1, was formed around 13.2 billion years ago when the universe was extremely young. As the universe is expanding, Abell2744 Y1 is currently closer to 40 billion light years away from us, an astounding distance. Image: Galaxy cluster Abell2744 obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope (Credit: NASA) Affordable tDCS devices. Why Americans Are the Weirdest People in the World. In the Summer of 1995, a young graduate student in anthropology at UCLA named Joe Henrich traveled to Peru to carry out some fieldwork among the Machiguenga, an indigenous people who live north of Machu Picchu in the Amazon basin.

Why Americans Are the Weirdest People in the World

The Machiguenga had traditionally been horticulturalists who lived in single-family, thatch-roofed houses in small hamlets composed of clusters of extended families. For sustenance, they relied on local game and produce from small-scale farming. They shared with their kin but rarely traded with outside groups. While the setting was fairly typical for an anthropologist, Henrich’s research was not. Rather than practice traditional ethnography, he decided to run a behavioral experiment that had been developed by economists. The test that Henrich introduced to the Machiguenga was called the ultimatum game. Among the Machiguenga, word quickly spread of the young, square-jawed visitor from America giving away money.

Advertisement — Continue reading below. JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging. Raspberry Pi Car Computer. Step #1: Display setup for car computer PrevNext I had an Xtron car DVD player for the Ford already fitted (DVD/radio units can be found at for a number of car manufacturers).

Raspberry Pi Car Computer

COG 166: Gargoyle. The-thought-father-nobel-prizewinning-psychologist-daniel-kahneman-on-luck-9199162. The 80-year-old Israeli-American is recognised as one of the most influential thinkers alive today.


His theories of dual-speed processing and heuristics are to cognitive psychology what Darwin’s theory of evolution was to biology. His talent for describing his findings in clear, illuminating language has earned him a popular following most rock bands would envy.