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Map-of-the-future-ilab.jpg (Image JPEG, 1164x811 pixels) Mapping The Future. Four Concepts For The Future That Could Create A More Sustainable World. Earlier this year, Sony teamed up with the Forum of the Future to brainstorm four scenarios of what life will be like in 2025.

Four Concepts For The Future That Could Create A More Sustainable World

Among them: a treadmill of "hyperinnovation" and declining carbon emissions; a scenario of damaging climate change and reactive technologies (like solar paint); a scenario where sustainability and strong community ties are emphasized; and a world where the sharing economy has taken off on a global scale. Now Sony and a handful of partners have come up with four concepts--a platform, a product, a place, and a philosophy--that could exist within and take advantage of these visions of the future 15 years from now. Future Timeline.