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Time Travel

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New study reveals how time could run BACKWARDS in a parallel ‘multiverse’ In an alternate universe, the arrows of time could run in the opposite direction of what we know, unfolding so that our known past exists during the far-off future of a distant world.

New study reveals how time could run BACKWARDS in a parallel ‘multiverse’

A pair of scientists from the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who suggest this concept aren't the first to do so, but they've demonstrated how this phenomenon could arise based on simpler principles than previously examined. Using entropy as the basis for their model, the physicists have developed a way to show the spontaneous appearance of the arrows of time, and how they can flow in opposite directions. In the multiverse, pictured above, parallel universes could exist, with time running in opposite directions.

Australian Scientists Prove Time Travel Is Possible. Timeline Dynamics. By Tom The rules of time travel are rooted in quantum physics.

Timeline Dynamics

Understanding these rules reveals much about the behavior of hyperdimensional beings and the reason for certain metaphysical laws. Timeline dynamics is essentially about temporal feedback loops between the present and its available range of probable futures. This is just realm dynamics reinterpreted from the perspective of linear time, which affords additional insights as you will see. Although timeline dynamics sounds abstract, it has concrete applications pertaining to manifesting positive synchronicities, deflecting hyperdimensional manipulation, bending probability, and transcending matrix limitations. The Annals of Project Pegasus. Home Project Pegasus About Project Pegasus Mission Statement Team Leader Andrew D.

The Annals of Project Pegasus

My 1970s meeting with DARPA's Project Pegasus secret time travel program - Seattle exopolitics. By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd In 1971-72, while I was General Counsel and Assistant Administrator of the New York City Environmental Protection Administration (now called a "Department") under Mayor John V.

My 1970s meeting with DARPA's Project Pegasus secret time travel program - Seattle exopolitics

Lindsay, I was invited to speak to a group calling themselves the "Delaware Valley Industrial Engineering Association. " At the time, I was often in the New York city newspapers, especially the New York Post, whose then environmental reporter Steve Lawrence, reported widely on the my activities enforcing the New York City air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and solid waste laws and regulations with the half-dozen activist environmental lawyers in my office. Mars visitors Basiago and Stillings confirm Barack Obama traveled to Mars. Their astonishing revelations provide a new dimension to the controversy surrounding President Obama’s background and pose the possibility that it is an elaborate ruse to conceal Obama’s participation as a young man in the U.S. secret space program. Mars training class held for future Mars visitors According to Mr.

Basiago and Mr. Stillings, in Summer 1980 they attended a three-week factual seminar about Mars to prepare them for trips that were then later taken to Mars via teleportation. The course was taught by remote viewing pioneer Major Ed Dames, who was then serving as a scientific and technical intelligence officer for the U.S. Project Pegasus: Travelling to Mars – Teleportation and “Jump Rooms” DARPA - PROJECT PEGASUS. Web Bot: Andrew Basiago is predicted "planetary level" whistleblower for Mars life and time travel By Alfred Labremont Webre November 9, 2009 A September 15, 2009 report using Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis (ALTA) of data collected by the Web Bot predicts that “It is very likely that the ‘whistleblower’ who had been described in previous ALTA reports (see 1309) as emerging out of the period of the [coagulation] of the [government/officialdom of the USofA due to financial structure collapse] is a person by the name of [Andrew D.


Basiago].” Clif High, administrator of the Web Bot and author of the ALTA report, states that the truth campaign of American whistle blower Andrew D. Basiago will raise Mr. Basiago published a paper entitled The Discovery of Life on Mars on December 12, 2008 that contains photographic evidence and textual analysis of humanoid beings, animal species, carved statues, and built structures on Mars. Russian television reports Basiago’s discovery Andrew D. Ed. Mr. Project Pegasus - Home. Two Astonishing Cases Of Men Who Say They Traveled Through Time. - If a person told you he has visited the past or future, you would probably not believe him.

Two Astonishing Cases Of Men Who Say They Traveled Through Time

If the same person revealed to you that he is a regular time traveler, you would most likely never talk to him again. Time Travel Communication - Sending Messages Through Time Can Be Possible - Says Professor - - Is time travel possible?

Time Travel Communication - Sending Messages Through Time Can Be Possible - Says Professor -

Can we send messages back in time? Can we talk to our future selves? These are questions that have been widely debated among scientists for a very long time. Secret DARPA Time Travel Program May old Key to Understanding the Deep Politics of 9/11. Wash. attorney: 'I have physically traveled in time' VANCOUVER, Wash. - The new Bruce Willis movie "Looper" opens this weekend, in which Willis' character is sent back in time to kill himself.

Wash. attorney: 'I have physically traveled in time'

And while most scientists say time travel isn't possible, a Washington attorney claims he's done it dozens of times as part of a secret Cold War project. "I have physically traveled in time," says Andrew Basiago, an attorney in Vancouver, Wash.