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Communication audio

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Audio. Reconnaissance vocale dans un navigateur. Interactive presentations. I’ve just been looking at a really interesting on line tool called Voicethread. What's Voicethread? Voice thread enables users to create online presentations using their own images. It also allows the creator to add audio or written text to the images and give access to other people to leave audio or text comments on the presentation. This is a really nice way of creating presentations that can interact and create dialogue with an online audience. Here’s a couple that I’ve created. I decided that I wanted to use this tool for a class of students I teach in Second Life. I created these two presentations of examples of what I wanted them to do. Example 1 This one is a tour of Edunation II in Second Life.

How can I use it with my students? Ask then to upload some images of things with personal significance and create a kind of online show and tell.Get students to create and tell a story using pictures. I hope you find this useful and do let me know how you use it.BestNik. Lingt Classroom | Speak more. Give your students online voice based assignments. Welcome to Fotobabble - Talking Photos. Browse collection: fra. Language: fra Some proverbs, conversation sentences, idioms… Alphabetical Index. Document_d_aide_Shtooka. Audioboo. Vocaroo | Online voice recorder. Voxopop - a voice based eLearning tool.

Audacity Télécharger enregistrement et montage audio. Enregistreur de voix en ligne (et autres outils)