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Find Your Soul and You May Just Find Your Niche. Known more widely for his role in the sitcom ‘”The Office,” actor Rainn Wilson has also become an entrepreneur with launch of his site

Find Your Soul and You May Just Find Your Niche

The site racks up around 1 million page views a month, says Wilson. In an interview with Bryan Elliot of Behind the Brand, he reveals his philosophy about online startups: SoulPancake is a social platform for people to access and share content about “life’s big questions.” And it’s become a safe haven for discussions and ideas that may be too touchy for some settings. The site has also become a brand, with a unique style combining deep and meaningful concepts with a playful presentation. How Responsive Web Design Works [Infographic] The Cost of Customer Service Wait Times (Infographic) Keeping your customers on hold for long periods of time doesn't just lead to negative user reviews.

The Cost of Customer Service Wait Times (Infographic)

It also hurts your business' bottom line. A recent study from workforce management firm ClickSoftware reveals that companies lose roughly $900 per employee every year due to lost productivity from customer service wait times. That adds up to $130 billion in annual expenses for U.S. businesses. The infographic below from ClickSoftware shows how unresolved customer service experiences hurt companies in industries from banking to health care to retail. Companies On Our Red List This Month - July - Customer Service Guru. Why does running a business always seem to be about giving customers a raw deal these days?

Companies On Our Red List This Month - July - Customer Service Guru

Or maybe that’s just the case for these five companies, who’ve been caught in the act regarding sneaky practices and misleading their customers. Whether its getting their hands dirty to make a bit of extra cash, or simply pulling the wool over customers’ eyes with their newfangled advertising, these companies have had a lot to answer for this last month. 1. Barclays This high street banking firm has been accused of fraud by New York’s attorney general, on the basis that it fabricated documents and gave completely misleading representations to con customers.