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Character design

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Character Design. Hairstyles, caps, nets, and accessories - Mid 19th century. Казахи. Лик народа. В Священном Коране нет слова “намаз”.

Казахи. Лик народа

Это слово, распространившееся среди тюркских народов, имеет персидские, а не арабские корни. Тем не менее, намаз означает ту самую обязательную молитву “салят”, о которой говорится в Коране. Буквальное значение слова “салят” – связь, под которой понимается связь между Аллахом и Его рабом. Это и есть суть исламской молитвы, независимо оттого, как ее называть – салят или намаз. Мы спокойно пользуемся обоими названиями, и даже чаще употребляем именно второй, не арабский вариант. Но суть от этого не меняется. Таким же образом, в Священном Коране нет слов “орамал”, “кимешек” или “саукеле”, которые являются неотъемлемой частью казахского традиционного уклада жизни, тесно переплетающегося с положениями Ислама.

Суть его сводится к покрытию половозрелой женщиной своего тела и головы, в присутствии посторонних мужчин, как это велено Всевышним Аллахом. О том, каким было традиционное казахское общество, нагляднее всего расскажут фотографии. 2. Living Lines Library. Tulptorials. Character Designs - An Artist's Resource. Blue Sky Disney: Pixar In Pen & Pencil & Paper.. Ahhh, the joys of charcoal, ink and tree pulp...

Blue Sky Disney: Pixar In Pen & Pencil & Paper..

Even though Pixar is known as a computer animation company, the original computer animation company actually, the truth is they start out every production just like an old fashioned hand-drawn film. Everything from characters to sets all begin as a sketch that goes from pencil to pen on paper before it ever gets animated...

All artwork is copyright The Lamp. Disney's "Tangled" Character Design Development. Once "Rapunzel", then "Rapunzel Unbraided", and now "Tangled", Disney's 50th animated Feature film, set for release November 28th, has gone through many changes throughout it's years in development.

Disney's "Tangled" Character Design Development.

One thing that hasn't changed much, though, is the artistic influence of two artists in particular. One was the French Rococo painter Jean-Honorer Fragonard, specifically one of his best known works; “The Swing” which inspired the lush fairy tale world that Rapunzel inhabits. The second is animation legend Glen Keane, who was the original driving force behind the film. Glen's masterfully solid, appealing, expressive and passionate animation and drawings are admired across the globe. He is currently being honored with a gallery exhibit in Paris and is touring with a retrospective of Disney Art in Australia.

Early concept art: Glen Keane's drawings: Final character: Flynn Rider (Students: keep these expression sheets in mind when doing your final projects!) Final Character: Mother Gothel: How To Train Your Dragon (2010) - Character Design. Facial Design. Expressionsemerge--evenincartoon.Afterestablishingthenose .,.a-" ontheface,somecartoon- 5/0,E'''''",,'''_"1l-, istsprefertoputintheeyesnext,othersthemouth.Attheupperrightthereallifeeyeispicturedfromwhichsome-thingabouteverycartooneyemustcome- if onlythecenterpupil.Agoodcartooneyedoesnotnecessarilydependonin-tricacy.Someofthebestcartoonseverdrawnareamazinglysimple.However,toalwaysinsistonthesimplestistoeverconfineoneselfto it, andingeniousexperimentationmaybesadlycurtailed.Aheadandfacemaybequiteinvolved,yettheeyemaybeoneofthefirstfewdotsatthebeginningofthelistbelow.Combinationsoftheseparts,orlinesabouttheeyes,orbrowsabove,orplacementonthehead-effectsunlimited!

Facial Design

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This is a difficult subject. The real answer is a talented character designer who understands character. No amount of abstract ingredients can make an artist into a designer if he doesn't have the gift. You can learn technical skills in art, but some talents are so rare that you just either have them or you don't. Not every great animator is a good designer. If, however you do have the rare gift of design, and you are an animator who understands character then you might be aided in having a discussion started. Design itself - in any medium requires purely an aesthetic sense of balance of pleasing shapes or forms.

An architect doesn't set out to make a building that has a distinct funny personality. 1 Functional Form - construction:An animated cartoon character benefits the animator greatly if it has an understandable, mostly logical form. This giant is not really a design. Simplicity Can Be Moved Easily 2 Aesthetic Pleasing Balance Of Shapes. Artist Interviews.