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Participation. Government. Video. Resources. Localgovernment. Nonprofits. Socialmediagame. Socialbysocialgame. Examples. Cinch. Chrisbrogan. Gsk. The Programme. The 11 most useful books on Social Networking / Media I have read. I was inspired by Deirdre Molloy's reading list for Social Media to list the books I've read to date that I have found most useful. As is the fashion, one has to have a number - well, I counted the ones that were very useful and that I'd recommend to get up and running fast - and there were 11 Firstly, Background Reading to get the evolution and big picture to where we are today: 1. The Victorian Internet - Tom Standage A good analysis of the rise and eclipse of the telegraph, and the "online" social communities it formed.

Many parallels with the Web, the 'Net and Social Media 2. Non Zero - Robert Wright Examines how and why human society is learnin g to co-operate in larger and larger numbers, from small related groups of early cavemen to supra-nation emergence today. Secondly, the theory of Social Networks: 3. 4. Thirdly, how Social Media works 5. 6. 7. 8. Fourthly, the state of the art today. 9. 10. 11. ) and its a useful starting point. The Three Business Opportunities of Social Media/Software. I’ve been attending the Gartner Symposium Event in Cannes this week and my brain has been bombarded with so much information on so many topics and I won’t be using this post to share all I learnt but instead i’ll share some snippets around social media and in particular the Business Use of Social Media/Software.

It wasn’t a surprise to me to hear so much about the benefits of social media at a technology event, but what did surprise me was that there wasn’t many people there who actually used it. There was a symposium tweet-up arranged via twitter for the Wednesday and only 6 people attended - yes i was one of them, so a lot of work to do in terms of awareness and understanding if anyone thinks this stuff will impact the business model. You can follow or catch up on the tweets from the Gartner Symposium events on twitter. Gartner highlight three separate and logical areas to guide thinking and implementation approaches to these tools and technologies within organisations. Like this: Will social media eat itself? Here at BBH Labs we’re big fans of all things social. We’ve spent time evangelising about the power of the social web and speculating about a future dominated by social businesses.

We’re inspired and excited by a future where we can take our social graph with us anywhere we go on the web-a future beautifully articulated by Undercurrent’s Mike Arauz. ”There is no longer any interaction that an individual may have with a brand, company, product, or service that disconnected from all the people they know, and the people that share their interest in that experience.” So we were more than a little taken aback by the findings of the latest Edelman Trust Barometer that shows we trust our friends and peers as a source of information considerably less than we did two years ago. It’s an extraordinary finding which calls many of our assumptions into question. So has all our excitement been founded on a false set of assumptions? It seems to me that there are a few different factors at play here: 5 Huge Trends in Social Media Right Now.

What's the first thing young women do when they wake up? Check Facebook. How do enterprise employees pass the time at work? With social media. With so many studies highlighting ever-accelerating social media usage rates, the conclusion is obvious — social media is everywhere. What follows are five of the hottest social media trends right now. Each are influencing our social, online and mobile behaviors in significant ways.

Entertainment checkin services are changing the way we watch television. 1. Smartphone owners have the world at their fingertips. What this means is that at any given moment, any smartphone owner can pull out their device, fire up a barcode scanning application, scan a code and complete activities or gain access to a wealth of immediately relevant information. The consumer's scanning behavior is so significant that location-sharing checkin services such as SCVNGR are giving away QR code decals to retailers free of charge. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Summer of Social Media Love. Social Media Surgery Plus. Social media and social conventions « Sociability.

On Friday I spoke at Sadlers Wells at the Arts Council’s Art of Digital event, Do the arts speak digital? The topic of the talk and the subsequent Guardian PDA panel discussion was “does the phenomenon and the tools of social media change expectations and relationships with audiences?” A few people asked me to blog it, so here’s (roughly) what I said. Having recently published Social by Social, I didn’t want to focus on the details of the tools and how to use them – anyone looking for information on technology tools and how to deploy them should check out the book.

Instead I focussed my thoughts on the new ‘social conventions’ being created by these tools, and the implications on our culture and power structures as a result of all these technologies. How does it affect my relationship with my audience if the audience can talk back, and talk to each other? I began with a story my friend Charlie once told me about a speaking job he did in Finland. Did You Know 4.0. Social Media Revolution. Making is Connecting - David Gauntlett.