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Narrow backyard shed. Introduction. 3D Painted Rooms - Repurpose Old T-Shirts. Sewing Published on June 18th, 2010 | by Wenona Napolitano We all have them- those t-shirts we just can’t let go of. Even if they are worn out, faded or no longer fit, we can’t seem to let go because of the fond memories they hold. It could be a concert t-shirt from your favorite band, or a college shirt that remind you of the good ol’ days, or maybe it’s one of your child’s tiny tees that they’ve grown out of. They are filled with memories so you can’t let go, but they are taking up space in a drawer or box collecting dust.

But they don’t have to. If you have some craft and sewing skills you can turn your old t-shirts into upcycled, repurposed and memorable items. Like a pillow. There are instructions all over if you need them and Savvy Seams has a nice tutorial to turn a t-shirt into a zip off pillow cover to put over a form. Maiden Jane has a fancier tutorial for creating a pillow with the t-shirt and other fabric. If you want a great quilt pattern MaidenJane has one for sale on Etsy. Tinted Mason Jars in Rainbow. I love using mason jars for decorating and a seemingly endless supply of craft projects. But rainbow tinted mason jars, just like the vintage ones you can never find anymore?

This one might be my favorite project with mason jars yet! Mason Jars Mod Podge in Gloss (buy it here) Food coloring Ramekins to mix colors Newspaper or paper bag Mix food coloring with a T or so of water into individual ramekins. You can do any color combination you like. Add a couple T of mod podge into your mason jar Add one ramekin of color into the jar and stir to incorporate it all together With a bowl underneath, carefully twist the jar around coating the whole inside with the mod podge/food coloring mixture.

Let dry upside down on the paper Do the same with the other colors. Place the jars face down on top of wax paper and a cookie sheet into an oven, set on warm. When they're ready, they'll look clear and the mixture should lose most of its streaks. Our Clean Up Crew! Welcome back another Made by Me Monday! Remember when I made THIS? It was round 3 of the Crafters Competition. Well, since summer is over I decided that my handy dandy frame needed a REdo! That's the great thing about vinyl lettering... it picks off glass fairly easily. Here's my old 60 days of summer checklist...

As sad as I was to see the summer end, I am happy that we can make another one next year with different goals to accomplish. And made a list that we have been needing around our house, a Saturday Cleaning List! I found this cute green fabric in my craft box and decided that it would be a good background for behind the glass of my new list. A little bit of hot glue does the trick! And VIOLA! I am REALLY excited for this to be dry erase, so we can use it every Saturday! And when we get tired of the background, all we have to do is pick new fabric. I love it! After all, Saturday IS a special day, it's the day we get ready for Sunday!

It's Dollar Store Week!The Pot | The Art of Doing Stuff - StumbleUpon. The time has come for the final Dollar store post. *sniff* It’s one of those occasions that’s both sad and happy. Like watching a child go off to school for the first time, or eating a whole strawberry-rhubarb pie in one sitting. Mostly though, this is an exciting moment.

The final Dollar store post is perhaps the most dramatic transformation ever to be recorded in history. Ever. So here we go …. deep breath … the final Dollar Store post. Clay pot Ta da! To prove that you could do this with ONLY things bought at a Dollar store I bought everything at Dollarama. So here we go … it’s simple enough to do but here are the instructions just in case you need ‘em: Remove the chain from your really ugly cat plaque. Slip a thin metal rod through chain ends. Put light and rod inside pot. This is what it will look like inside the upside down pot. This is what it will look like outside at night. And guess what?!! This one is done a little differently: Remove the chain from your still ugly cat plaque.

Balloon and torch lightsabres. OK, ok, let's get this out of the way before we start. I know these look very inuendoish. Let's have no more mention of that! First off, gotta give credit where credit is due. The idea for this larking around came from a post from a while back by Zakka Life, showing how they made lightsabres for her son's birthday party out of toilet roll tubes and modelling balloons.

Absolutely fab idea! The modelling balloons that I had were kinda skinny little ones, so I had to tape them into the loo roll tubes to work. So I cut each toilet roll tube in half, so the length of the tube was shorter and you got a brighter result. We've done this three times in the last week with three different groups of friends ranging in age from 2 to eight years old, and they all absolutely loved it! It's impressive to note just how much leaping around was actually going on, because the longest exposure photo in this lot was eight seconds!

Song Lyric Wall Art / D.I.Y. Project - A Beautiful Mess - StumbleUpon. A couple weeks ago, I found a paint-by-number at an unbeatable price. I can't pass these things up even though I already owned this particular design. I thought that I could maybe use it to make a fun D.I.Y., but my new rule is that all thrifts that I purchase with the intent of restyling need to get done right away. I have way too many half finished projects in my life. With that little bit of motivation I came up with a fun D.I.Y. to display some of my favorite song lyrcis in our newlywed home. Enjoy.... Here's how I did it... I displayed our piece in our bedroom, on Jeremy's side of the bed. A couple weeks ago, I found a paint-by-number at an unbeatable price. Handmade Wednesday: Cinder Block Garden Planter | Inspiring Pretty - StumbleUpon. July 20, 2011 23 comments Please, please, please forgive me for being late with this post!

Normally it’s up in the wee morning hours but the last few days have been a bit crazy for me and Movie Star. So, I hope this finds you well. I really wanted to post something I have been working on lately but as I sat down to actually work it out, I realized I didn’t have my camera. Whaaaat?! Yeah, I had left it at my sisters house about an hour and a half away from me. Anyway, the reason you are here: for a garden planter that you can make with your very own hands. Didn’t you? Just head on over to visit Potted (where this all began) and check out the story behind making this garden planter ! You knew i was going to make one. - StumbleUpon. They are all over pinterest.... (i still am not signed up for pinterest because i don't have time for one more thing but browsing is fun!) So we made one. i took a box of 64 crayons and took out the blacks and browns.i used another small box and doubled up on the good colors i liked and hot glued them to the top of our canvas. then we turned our blow dryer to hot on high. not long after you set the hair dryer by the crayons they get shiny and then the wax starts to melt!

It's practically instant gratification. and it dries really quickly too. seriously. what could be happier than this?? GREAT project. loved it today is the first FULL day with ALL my kids in ALL day school.yeah...i am smiling as i type that. it's good. it's quiet. i am rockin' it. removing wallpaper.....making code for craft weekend stuff.....doing my hair....going to lunch..... it's all good. hooray for school! Before & After: Crazy Beautiful Toy Kitchen :: Green Your Decor - StumbleUpon. 23.2K Flares23.2K Flares × LOOKING for more DIY play kitchens? Click here for a roundup with lots more projects, photos and ideas, including a DIY toy workbench for a little boy! And if you like this post, Subscribe to Green Your Decor for more DIY projects and green ideas! I like to think of myself as pretty crafty. I usually post the “after” picture first, with a before picture later.

Gorgeous! Read the details at Giggleberry Creations. Looking for more DIY projects? Lofted Space-Saving Furniture for Bedroom Interiors | Designs &Ideas on Dornob - StumbleUpon. Tumidei is more than just a furniture company – they construct modern and relatively inexpensive (no, not cheap) pieces of furniture that they also create compositions from – interior design photos that you can use to shape your own space. These lofted bedroom interiors are brilliantly varied and are great space-saving solutions for cramped bedrooms. A lot of these lofted interiors are clearly designed for children and teens in terms of sizes, colors and material quality. They incorporate elements needed for a student office, plenty of clothing, game and toy storage and stairs that older people might not be as eager to climb.

For a small space (and a small person) one could really see the appeal of fitting everything in. Wednes-diy | Free People Clothing Boutique Blog - StumbleUpon. UPDATE: This post originally ran on March 23 2011, but with summer winding down we wanted to bring it back up for some late summer inspiration! A fellow fp girl sent this to me a couple weeks back and i’ve been thinking about it ever since! I can think of a million reasons why these would be awesome… as apartment décor, as outdoor party décor, and – wouldn’t they be the best thing EVER for camping in general or at a festival?

Just let them sit in the sun all day, and they’ll last all night! I am absolutely going to make some to bring with me to bonnaroo this year. you can buy a sun jar here, but you can make your own for much cheaper! What you need: a mason jar with a clear glass lid like this one from ikea, a solar garden light like the ones pictured above, which i found here, adhesive and glass frosting spray. start by spraying the inside of the jar with the frosting spray – this will help diffuse the light and give it a warm glow. don’t spray the lid though! Last image. 30 Fun DIY Crafts To Keep You and the Family Busy During the Holidays | The Aimless Curator - StumbleUpon. DIY: Furniture Makeovers. I'm obsessed with making-over old, worn out furniture. It's amazing how almost any old piece can be totally transformed with new paint, hardware and a little imagination!

Here are three examples from Ladies Home here to read the entire article. Out-dated side table with stone top transformed into a bright and cheerful accent piece! *First they removed the hardware and stone top, sanded the table all over, and applied a coat of primer. *Then they gave it two coats of semigloss latex paint in a lively citrus hue. *For a pull, they threaded a length of cord through the existing hardware holes, knotted the cord on the inside and trimmed the ends. *They cut a length of seagrass wallpaper to fit the inset and topped it with a pane of 1/4-inch glass. Old dresser transformed into a chic sideboard with plenty of storage! *To dress up the doors, they picked out a pair of modern nickel pulls. *Click here to read the details on how they transformed the inside... Free and Easy DIY Furniture Plans to Save You Money.

Build a PLANS: A Murphy Bed YOU Can Build, and Afford to Build. The free content provicded by this website is made possible by the following current sponsors. Thank you! Build a Mom’s Lego Table. PDF version A coffee table with removeable tops to store legos and lincoln logs! Handmade from this plan >> Dimensions Dimensions: Dimensions are shown above. Materials and Tools Shopping List: 1/2 Sheet of 3/4″ MDF or Hardwood Plywood cut into strips 15 7/8″ wide x 48″ long 2 – 1×3 3 – 1×2 1 – 1×6 – 12 foot long 2″ screws 1 1/4″ screws wood glue and filler and finishing supplies Tools: measuring tape square pencil safety glasses hearing protection drill circular saw nailer sander level countersink drill bit Cut List Cut List: 2 – 1×6 @ 48″ 3 – 1×6 @ 14 3/8″ 2 – 3/4″ MDF or Plywood @ 15 7/8″ x 48″ 2 – 3/4″ MDF or Plywood @ 15 7/8″ x 24″ (top inserts) 4 – 1×2 @ 17 1/4″ 4 – 1×3 @ 17 1/4″ 2 – 1×2 @ 44 1/2″ 2 – 1×2 @ 12 7/8″ 2 – 1×2 @ 48″ 2 – 1×3 @ 18 7/8 Step 1 Build the Box Mark the sides of the box and predrill holes.

Step 2 Bottom of Box Now just screw the bottom of the box to the box as shown above. Step 3 End Legs Now just screw the end legs on. Step 4 Front and Back Legs Step 5 Bottom Shelf Step 6 Step 7 Top Supports. Build a Easiest Chalkboard Shelf from Scraps. Build a East Fork iPad Case. Build a Hailey Platform Bed. Paint Moss Graffiti - Step-by-Step Guides for Offbeat DIY Projects - Popular... - StumbleUpon. Page corner bookmarks | I Could Make That. This project comes to you at the request of Twitterer @GCcapitalM. I used to believe that a person could never have too many books, or too many bookmarks.

Then I moved into an apartment slightly larger than some people’s closets (and much smaller than many people’s garages) and all these beliefs got turned on their naïeve little heads. But what a person can always look for more of is really cool unique bookmarks. Placeholders special enough for the books that are special enough to remain in your culled-out-of-spacial-necessity collection. Page corner bookmarks are cute, practical and deeply under-represented in the world.* They’re easy to make, easy to customize, and will set you apart from all those same-same flat rectangular bookmarks. Corner bookmarks are where it’s at. If you like this tutorial, here are a couple others that might be up your alley. For the monster-loving adults in the room, try some googly-eyed paper monster wine charms.

What you’ll need: Putting it all together: Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY.