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All Interactive Whiteboard Resources. 20 Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers. Interactive whiteboards are a great way for teachers to engage classrooms in learning.

20 Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers

These tools are also cost effective. The Internet has tons of free sources to help teachers learn about and use IWBs with students. Here is a list of 20 interactive whiteboard resources and activities guaranteed to stimulate learning: General Resources TeacherLED – TeacherLED is a site dedicated to making the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) easier and more productive. SMART – This SMART Board interactive whiteboard site provides several lesson plans and activities for teachers to use in the classroom. Topmarks – With some of the best free educational materials for IWBs, Topmarks is a great resource for finding IWB lesson plans and activities.

Hundreds of interactive resources ideal for whiteboards. Interactive Whiteboard Resources. Free SmartBoard Lessons & Whiteboard Activities Resources & Lesson Plans. Interactive Whiteboard Resources.

Looking for some ideas on how to use your Interactive Whiteboard?

Interactive Whiteboard Resources

Below are a variety of web sites and resources that UEN gathered just for you. This SimpleK12 article titled "12 Activities for Interactive Whiteboards You Can Use TODAY! " also provides some good ideas. K-2 Student InteractivesUEN's collection of online games for kindergarten, first and second grade students is perfect for your Interactive Whiteboard. 3-6 Student InteractivesEngage your whole classroom and promote collaboration by displaying these grades 3-6 online interactives. 7-12 Student InteractivesSee your 7th - 12th grade students get excited about learning with this collection of interactive games and tools.

PBS KIDS Interactive Whiteboard GamesHere is a collection of interactive whiteboard games from PBS. WickED Science InteractivesExplore the interactives about earth, volcanoes and earthquakes – what they look like and what they're made of. eMedia: Best for Interactive Whiteboards Climate: LatitudeShort video. Free Interactive White Board Activities « Free Stuff. Glossary online. Measurement Interactive Whiteboard Resources. Interactive WhiteBoard Treasure Chest - Interactive Whiteboard Resource Treasure Chest. Free Interactive White Board Activities « Free Stuff. Free Teaching Resources, Lesson Plans & Worksheets – Promethean Planet. 10 Excellent Ways to Use An Interactive Whiteboard in the Music Classroom.

So you’ve been given an interactive whiteboard (IWB) to use and you know you should be using as more than a simple projector or place to screen videos.

10 Excellent Ways to Use An Interactive Whiteboard in the Music Classroom

The benefits of incorporating an IWB into your teaching are many: it allows you to create a bank of learning resources that can be used many times across multiple classes, you can replace some of your physical resources with digital versions so you don’t lose them. Luckily, you don’t need to rewrite your curriculum. By learning a few IWB basics, you’ll find that many of your current class activities can be adapted for use on an IWB. Here are a few ideas to get you started: 1. Start simply with a few basic IWB techniques: you can write words and let the IWB convert them to textyou can draw music symbols (rhythmic notes, clefs, dynamics) and drag them freely around boardmake use of the blank manuscript that is usually supplied within your IWB software. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Possibilities include preparing a short score such as See Saw ahead of time. 65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources. Interactive Whiteboard Games. Maths Games for KS2: designed by a teacher for teachers. Primary History - Famous People. Primary History - Famous People - Famous Monarchs. ~ Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources. Interactive Whiteboard Resources.

Lesson plans and resources for your SMART Board - SMART Exchange. Interactive Whiteboard And Tablet Resources For Teachers. KS1 Numeracy. A visual open ended activity to help with basic calculation and number bonds.

KS1 Numeracy

Create number piles, Drag and drop the number bars to help explain a variety of concepts. A visual excersice to help with basic subtraction. Drag and drop the number bars to help with the calculation. © A KS 1 money application where teachers and pupils can drag coins into a money box and then calculate the money box total. Open ended resource for teachers to ask their pupils questions as part of a whole class starter activity on money in maths. A KS 1 money application where teachers and pupils can choose items to buy and then pay for them by dragging coins onto a hand Uses coins 1p to 20p to a maximum total of £2.00 Drag and drop the toys onto the scales.

The number cards can be used in a variety of ways in maths lessons. Try this progressive range of mental maths activities to sharpen recall of key number facts. . © Drag and drop the names of the two digit numbers on to the picture. - The Internet's #1 Education Site for K-8 Kids and Teachers. MapMaker 1-Page Maps. Periodic Table of Elements: Los Alamos National Laboratory. Bensguide.