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Free Teaching Resources, Lesson Plans & Worksheets – Promethean Planet

Free Teaching Resources, Lesson Plans & Worksheets – Promethean Planet
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Interactive Classroom | Interactive Whiteboard Solutions | Polyvision At Steelcase, we are focused on helping schools, colleges and universities create the most effective, rewarding and inspiring learning environments to meet the evolving needs of students and educators. Through our insight-led research and innovation in furniture, tools and technologies for learning spaces, we have a passion for understanding how learning best takes place and how smarter, active learning spaces can help. Amidst all the changes in students, technology and education, we are working with educators and designers to rethink classrooms, libraries, common areas and other in between spaces to incorporate user-friendly technology, flexible furniture and other tools to support active learning. Our professional development and training programs help to foster learning and continuing education for instructors. And, our commitment to education remains at the forefront of everything we do, now and in the future. Steelcase is a proud E&I Cooperative Purchasing partner.

65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources Interactive whiteboard resources are a great way for teachers to engage classrooms in learning. While many teachers are spending hours a day creating their own activities for their interactive whiteboards, there are tons of free sources to help teachers learn about and use IWBs with students to further their use of technology in the classroom. Here is a list of some great interactive whiteboard resources and activities guaranteed to stimulate learning: General Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers TeacherLED – TeacherLED is a site dedicated to making the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) easier and more productive. With many kids at home due to COVID-19, maintaining the same level of physical... The recent ongoing pandemic has schools reimagining how they celebrate their... With the school year coming to a close, providing closure for students is... Delivering quality education to students through eLearning can be difficult.... Interactive Whiteboard Games & Activities

The Whiteboard Blog - Supporting the use of technology in the classroom Interactive Whiteboard Resources Looking for some ideas on how to use your Interactive Whiteboard? Below are a variety of web sites and resources that UEN gathered just for you. This SimpleK12 article titled "12 Activities for Interactive Whiteboards You Can Use TODAY!" also provides some good ideas. K-2 Student InteractivesUEN's collection of online games for kindergarten, first and second grade students is perfect for your Interactive Whiteboard. 3-6 Student InteractivesEngage your whole classroom and promote collaboration by displaying these grades 3-6 online interactives. 7-12 Student InteractivesSee your 7th - 12th grade students get excited about learning with this collection of interactive games and tools. PBS KIDS Interactive Whiteboard GamesHere is a collection of interactive whiteboard games from PBS. WickED Science InteractivesExplore the interactives about earth, volcanoes and earthquakes – what they look like and what they're made of. eMedia: Best for Interactive Whiteboards Climate: LatitudeShort video WebCams

20 Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers Interactive whiteboards are a great way for teachers to engage classrooms in learning. These tools are also cost effective. The Internet has tons of free sources to help teachers learn about and use IWBs with students. General Resources TeacherLED – TeacherLED is a site dedicated to making the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) easier and more productive. SMART – This SMART Board interactive whiteboard site provides several lesson plans and activities for teachers to use in the classroom. Topmarks – With some of the best free educational materials for IWBs, Topmarks is a great resource for finding IWB lesson plans and activities. Interactive Whiteboard in the Classroom – This site for whiteboard users features tutorials, interactive websites, and software. Eduscapes – This guide to interactive whiteboards explains different activities and resources that can be used with IWBs. Games and Activities PBS – PBS provides a collection of fun, interactive SMART Board games. Enjoy!

Saber Es Práctico | ¡Aprende algo nuevo cada día! Biblioteca EducaLIM InicioAñadir EnlaceNovedadesMás visitados Buscar Matemáticas [83] Lengua española [81] Lingua galega [55] Literatura en español [17] Literatura galega [22] Conocimiento del medio [52] Coñecemento do medio [114] Arte,geografía e historia [10] Arte,xeografía e historia [7] Música [27] Educación Física [11] Física y química [9] Inglés [73] Català [50] Português [4] Francés [8] Euskara [2] Tecnología [11] Tecnoloxía [4] Los más pequeños [51] Os máis pequenos [12] Contos [24] Cuentos [16] Juegos [16] Xogos [3] Recursos multimedia [9] 1ºprimaria animales català cicle ciclo conocimiento conto coñecemento cuento educación english eso galego infantil inglés lengua letras literatura matemáticas medio música ortografía primaria secundaria vocabulario Coa tecnoloxía de: p h p LD e EducaLIM

7 ideas para enseñar a los alumnos a cuidar y mantener los ordenadores -aulaPlaneta vía @sharethis #e… Utilizan el ordenador a diario para buscar información y aprender, para hacer trabajos, escribir, jugar, ver videos o escuchar música. Pero en ocasiones descargan virus o malware, acumulan archivos y programas inservibles o sobrecargan de extensiones el navegador y el ordenador termina por ralentizarse o fallar. Recopilamos algunos consejos y recursos para que enseñes a tus alumnos a mantener su ordenador en plena forma y a solucionar los principales problemas que pueden surgirles. Descarga en PDF la infografía “7 pasos para mantener seguro tu ordenador” Con estos sencillos pasos conseguirás que tus alumnos naveguen y trabajen de forma más segura. 1. ¿Crees que tus alumnos se preocupan del mantenimiento del ordenador? Y si te han gustado estos recursos, compártelos en las redes sociales.

ThingLink Released A Wonderful Virtual Reality App for Teachers April 17, 2016 The popular interactive media platform ThingLink released today a new interesting educational virtual reality app called VR Lessons. The app is particularly geared towards young learners. It provides them with an enhanced virtual environment where they can explore and learn about the world in engaging and fascinating ways. VR Lessons is basically a ‘a collection of high quality, interactive, 360° image and video journeys on a variety of topics including science, language, and arts. The first stories take students to visit different kinds of ecosystems from the French Alps to Lapland in Norway and Finland, and further to a jungle in the archipelago of northern Australia. As students turn their heads to look around, they can spot details and unlock additional information of each habitat in a narrated virtual reality environment.’

Educatribu Página con enlaces a herramientas TicPáginas con materiales para alumnado con necesidad de adaptación curricular.Páginas con materiales para temas transversalesPáginas con materiales para varias Etapas y ÁreasPáginas con materiales para Educación InfantilBlogs sobre EducaciónPáginas con materiales para Lengua Castellana y LiteraturaPáginas con materiales para Lenguas ExtranjerasPáginas con materiales para MatemáticasPáginas con materiales para Ciencias SocialesPáginas con materiales para Ciencias NaturalesPáginas con materiales para Filosofía y ÉticaPáginas con materiales para ClásicasPáginas con materiales para Educación FísicaPáginas con materiales para MúsicaPáginas con materiales para Educación Plástica y VisualPáginas con materiales para TecnologíaPáginas con materiales para Módulos de Formación Profesional Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-Compartir-Igual 4.0 Internacional.
