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Toad in the hole. Close Buying sustainably sourced fish means buying fish that has been caught without endangering the levels of fish stocks and with the protection of the environment in mind. Wild fish caught in areas where stocks are plentiful are sustainably sourced, as are farmed fish that are reared on farms proven to cause no harm to surrounding seas and shores.

When buying either wild or farmed fish, ask whether it is sustainably sourced. If you're unable to obtain this information, don't be afraid to shop elsewhere – only by shopping sustainably can we be sure that the fantastic selection of fish we enjoy today will be around for future generations. For further information about sustainably sourced fish, please refer to the useful links below: Marine Stewardship Council Fish Online. Traditional Scottish Recipes - Potato Scones. Food - Recipes : Cornish pasty. Madam Rosmerta's Magical Recipes. The history behind (and recipe for) Eccles Cakes. Forget black puddings of dubious origin, or Yorkshire puddings that fail to rise – Eccles cakes are the dessert for the discerning palate. History of the Eccles Cake In 1793 James Birch’s shop on the corner of Vicarage Road in Eccles began selling small, flat, raisin-filled cakes.

They sold, quite literally, like hot cakes! Earlier, in 1769, Mrs Elizabeth Raffald, the housekeeper and owner of a confectioner’s shop in Arley Hall, Cheshire, wrote an influential cookery book, "The Experienced English Housekeeper" which became a best seller. The book contained a recipe for "sweet patties" with ingredients identifiably similar to the Eccles cakes of today. Could this have been the recipe seized upon by a cookery-mad servant girl who took a copy of the book with her when she went to live in ... Whatever the murky origins of the cakes, James Birch was certainly the first person credited with selling them on a commercial basis. However, the story becomes lost in the mists of time. Worldwide fame. Rock cakes. Rnish saffron buns | Woman's Weekly recipes recipe.